Bergþórugata 20, 101, Reykjavik


Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Big Party Post Club International 17:00
Big Party Post Club International
Jun 1 @ 17:00 – 23:00
Big Party Post Club International
post-dreifing kynnir, í samstarfi við Listahátíð í Reykjavík: Sjá nánari daga dagskrá. – B I G – P A R T Y – P O S T – C L U B – I N T E R... Read More
Enough. Gather in Solidarity. 16:30
Enough. Gather in Solidarity. @ Austurvöllur
Jun 3 @ 16:30 – 18:30
In solidarity with our Black brothers and sisters in the United States of America, we will be gathering at Austurvollur to stand in defiance against the system of White supremacy that continues to murder Black people. It is... Read More
Kynningarfundur No Borders Iceland // Intro meeting to No Borders Iceland 14:00
Kynningarfundur No Borders Iceland // Intro meeting to No Borders Iceland
Jun 9 @ 14:00 – 15:30
Opinn fundur fyrir fólk sem hefur áhuga á að kynna sér starf No Borders Iceland og langar að taka þátt. Fundurinn verður með óformlegum hætti þar sem einstaklingar sem eru virk innan hreyfingarinnar munu spjalla um hugmyndafræði, svara... Read More
Closed meeting 17:00
Closed meeting
Jun 11 @ 17:00 – 19:00
Closed meeting of the housing working group.
A-byssó café Anti-fascist evening 20:00
A-byssó café Anti-fascist evening
Jun 12 @ 20:00
A-byssó café For a community in struggle Friday 12.June from 20:00 Anti-fascist evening
Rettlæti fyrir Afganska hælisleitendur/STOP Killing Afghans 17:00
Rettlæti fyrir Afganska hælisleitendur/STOP Killing Afghans
Jun 16 @ 17:00 – 18:30
A protest organised by Ariana Association. Event page: Information from their FB event: English below ترجمه فارسی در ذیل داده شده است Nú er nóg komið! Fjöldinn allur af afgönskum hælisleitendum eru drepin/nir í Íran og enginn... Read More
Þjóðríkið í ruslið – Abolish the nation state 13:30
Þjóðríkið í ruslið – Abolish the nation state @ Andrými
Jun 17 @ 13:30
Þjóðríkið í ruslið - Abolish the nation state @ Andrými
***ENGLISH BELOW*** No Borders Iceland kallar til and-þjóðhátíðardags fögnuðar 17. júní sem samanstendur af tveimur vinnustofum, kvöldmat og tónlist. Sjá nánari upplýsingar um dagskrá og aðgengi neðst. No Borders Iceland hafnar þeim gildum sem haldið er í hávegi... Read More
12 Tónar Sumartónleikar í garðinum #3 GRÓA 17:00
12 Tónar Sumartónleikar í garðinum #3 GRÓA @ 12 Tónar
Jun 19 @ 17:00 – 18:00
Þá er að komið tónleikum #3 í Sumartónleika röð okkar. Það er hin frábæra hljómsveit GRÓA eitthvað sem enginn ætti að missa af. 12 Tónar hafa staðið fyrir tónleikum í garðinum sínum allar götur frá 2001 en í... Read More
Hlustum og fögnum 19. júní 20:00
Hlustum og fögnum 19. júní @ Loft Hostel
Jun 19 @ 20:00 – 23:00
*English below* Fögnum kvenréttindadeginum 19. júní saman! Hlustum á konur úr hópum sem hafa ekki fengið nægilegt svigrúm í kvenréttindabaráttunni hingað til og gefum þeim sviðið. Til máls taka: Anna Jia Sema Erla Serdar Sæborg Ninja Urðardóttir Drykkir... Read More
Shibari 101 – evening intro course 19:00
Shibari 101 – evening intro course @ FRAKTAL
Jun 24 @ 19:00 – 22:00
Shibari 101 - evening intro course @ FRAKTAL
Evening basic introduction course into the art of Shibari. Shibari is the japanese word for “to tie” and nowadays stands for japanese rope bondage and it´s different forms. Tying with rope can be done and experienced on many... Read More
Ashtanga yoga class, up to Navasana 17:29
Ashtanga yoga class, up to Navasana @ Fraktal Reykjavik
Jun 25 @ 17:29 – 19:00
Ashtanga Yoga classes (up to navasana) for those who prefer to clear their mind by actively moving their body. No magic skills required, beginners are welcome! No music, no unnecessary talking, no big groups, no drama! Space is... Read More
Monthly Happiness Get Together Group / Mánaðarlegur hamingjuhittingur 18:00
Monthly Happiness Get Together Group / Mánaðarlegur hamingjuhittingur
Jun 25 @ 18:00 – 20:00
A monthly group get together to discuss and work on increasing personal and community happiness. Free admittance. Anyone interested welcome. Icelandic and English language accommodated.
Ropejam 19:00
Ropejam @ FRAKTAL
Jun 26 @ 19:00 – 23:00
Ropejam @ FRAKTAL
*** ROPE JAM *** Rope Jams are an open space for tying, learning and practicing. No need to sign up, everybody is welcome to socialize get to know and be part of the community and have fun with... Read More
A-byssó café 20:00
A-byssó café
Jun 26 @ 20:00
A-byssó café For a community in struggle Friday 26.June  from 20:00  –  Bank robbery, some anarchists and the choice to revolt. more info soon    
Drag-Súgur: Yfirtaka í Iðnó 13:00
Drag-Súgur: Yfirtaka í Iðnó @ Iðnó
Jun 27 @ 13:00 – 23:00
Drag-Súgur: Yfirtaka í Iðnó @ Iðnó
Drag-Súgur is taking over the Festival Hub of Reykjavik Arts Festival (IÐNÓ) for the week! Open Drag related workshops and events, filling the space with glamour, glitter, queerness and love- and the best part is that YOU get... Read More
Samtal kynslóðanna: Trans konur 16:00
Samtal kynslóðanna: Trans konur @ Samtökin '78
Jun 27 @ 16:00 – 17:00
Í beinu framhaldi af félagsfundi Samtakanna 27. júní bjóðum við upp á opna viðburðinn Samtal kynslóðanna: Trans konur. Viðburðurinn fer fram í fyrirlestrarsal Þjóðminjasafnsins kl. 16. Ekki er skylda að vera félagi til að sækja viðburðinn. Í þetta... Read More
post-sessions assembly meeting (closed event) 17:00
Rave in a park #2 18:00
Rave in a park #2 @ Reykjavik 101
Jun 27 @ 18:00 – 23:00
Welcome! We are a bunch of people who connected here in Reykjavik and created Notacool Collective. We love to share energy and connect with others through the power of dance! Sometimes we find it difficult in crowded bars... Read More
Rave in a park #2 18:00
Rave in a park #2
Jun 27 @ 18:00 – 23:00
Welcome! We are a bunch of people who connected here in Reykjavik and created Notacool Collective. We love to share energy and connect with others through the power of dance! Sometimes we find it difficult in crowded bars... Read More
Útgáfuhóf Afmælisrits Samtakanna ’78 19:00
Útgáfuhóf Afmælisrits Samtakanna ’78 @ Loft Hostel
Jun 27 @ 19:00 – 23:00
Útgáfuhóf Afmælisrits Samtakanna '78 @ Loft Hostel
**ENGLISH BELOW** Verið velkomin í útgáfuteiti Afmælisrits Samtakanna ’78, 27. júní kl. 19 á Loft Hostel. Sönn drottning mætir aldrei snemma á svæðið og svo er raunin um Afmælisrit Samtakanna ´78. Afmælisár eru kjörin tækifæri til að líta... Read More
Protest Against The Violations of Workers Rights 12:00
Protest Against The Violations of Workers Rights @ Bræðraborgarstígur, 101 Reykjavík
Jun 28 @ 12:00 – 14:00
Everyone is different. As the society members I believe that while we all share common values on life, culture, emmigration, purpose of employment, we have different perspective on its meaning, but yet we all have the same rights.... Read More
Creative Sundays – Intercultural Meetings for Kids 13:00
Creative Sundays – Intercultural Meetings for Kids @ FRAKTAL Reykjavík
Jun 28 @ 13:00 – 16:00
We would like to invite kids and their parents to intercultural creative meetings that will be held at FRAKTAL Reykjavik (Hringbraut 119). At this meetings we will check the needs of the local community to decide the frequency... Read More
Summer Disco soup 18:00
Summer Disco soup @ Kaffistofa Samhjálpar
Jun 28 @ 18:00 – 21:00
Where? Kaffistofa Samhjálpar, Guðrúnartún 4, 101 Reykjavík Description of event: HEY HEY, No plan on sunday evening … Then come and join us to our first disco soup of the summer !! The plan, enjoy some FREE… DELICIOUS... Read More
Sumarsamvera // Summer gatherings 11:00
Sumarsamvera // Summer gatherings @ Hjálpræðisherinn í Reykjavík
Jun 29 @ 11:00 – 15:00
***ENGLISH BELOW*** Pepp Ísland og Sumarborgin 2020 bjóða upp á Sumarsamveru í Mjóddinni og hefst verkefnið mánudaginn 29. júní 2020 og stendur yfir til 21. ágúst eða í samtals 8 vikur. Verkefnið snýst um að rjúfa félagslega einangrun... Read More
Sumarsamvera // Summer gatherings 11:00
Sumarsamvera // Summer gatherings @ Hjálpræðisherinn í Reykjavík
Jun 30 @ 11:00 – 15:00
***ENGLISH BELOW*** Pepp Ísland og Sumarborgin 2020 bjóða upp á Sumarsamveru í Mjóddinni og hefst verkefnið mánudaginn 29. júní 2020 og stendur yfir til 21. ágúst eða í samtals 8 vikur. Verkefnið snýst um að rjúfa félagslega einangrun... Read More