Bergþórugata 20, 101, Reykjavik


Hér má sjá alla viðburði sem eiga sér stað í Andrými, í öllum herbergjum.
Til að skoða viðburði í ákveðnu herbergi sjá dagatölin Allt húsið, Andófsherbergi, Kósýherbergi og Skipulagsherbergi.

Mán Þri Mið Fim Fös Lau Sun
Opið Hús / Open Hours 16:00
Opið Hús / Open Hours
júl 2 @ 16:00 – 18:00
{Íslenska fyrir neðan} Andrými Open Hours! Do you feel like you need to get out of the house and meeting new people? Are you looking for a new book to read? Do you want to check out our... Read More
SEEDS Camp 035 – Photography Workshop 10:00
SEEDS Camp 035 – Photography Workshop
júl 3 @ 10:00 – 15:30
SEEDS Iceland, established in 2005, is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to fostering intercultural understanding and environmental awareness through projects in Iceland. Collaborating with local communities and international volunteers, SEEDS has organized nearly 8000 projects, focusing on environmental... Read More
Opið Hús / Open Hours 16:00
Opið Hús / Open Hours
júl 3 @ 16:00 – 18:00
{Íslenska fyrir neðan} Andrými Open Hours! Do you feel like you need to get out of the house and meet new people? Are you looking for a new book to read? Do you want to check out our... Read More
Opið Hús / Open Hours 16:00
Opið Hús / Open Hours
júl 4 @ 16:00 – 18:00
{Íslenska fyrir neðan} Andrými Open Hours! Do you feel like you need to get out of the house and meet new people? Are you looking for a new book to read? Do you want to check out our... Read More
Free Supermarket 17:30
Free Supermarket
júl 5 @ 17:30 – 19:00
Free Supermarket
In the free supermarket you can pick up all kind of food or you can also bring some food to the market. In these hard times lets get together and make sure the most unprotected get the most... Read More
Opinn skipulagsfundur Andrýmis // Andrými open organizing meeting 13:00
Opinn skipulagsfundur Andrýmis // Andrými open organizing meeting
júl 7 @ 13:00 – 16:00
ENGLISH BELOW Á fundinum er farið yfir vinnuhópa, fólk getur tekið að sér verkefni, rætt mikilvæg málefni og séð önnur andlit sem tengjast Andrými. Dagskrá fundarins má sjá fyrir neðan. Þetta er fullkominn tími fyrir nýja og forvitna... Read More
Private event of IWW 13:00
Private event of IWW
júl 7 @ 13:00 – 15:00
Private event of IWW. Contact them if you want further info.
Opið Hús / Open Hours 16:00
Opið Hús / Open Hours
júl 9 @ 16:00 – 18:00
{Íslenska fyrir neðan} Andrými Open Hours! Do you feel like you need to get out of the house and meeting new people? Are you looking for a new book to read? Do you want to check out our... Read More
No Borders meeting 18:30
No Borders meeting
júl 9 @ 18:30 – 20:00
No Borders meeting (private).
Opið Hús / Open Hours 16:00
Opið Hús / Open Hours
júl 10 @ 16:00 – 18:00
{Íslenska fyrir neðan} Andrými Open Hours! Do you feel like you need to get out of the house and meet new people? Are you looking for a new book to read? Do you want to check out our... Read More
Radical Kitchen 2nd Revival! 16:30
Radical Kitchen 2nd Revival!
júl 10 @ 16:30 – 20:30
inn(íslenska fyrir neðan) Radical Kitchen 2nd Revival! Come get a good meal and good company Where: Andrymi, Bergþorugata 20 Time: 19:00-21:00 Date: Wednesday (biweekly) On wednesday evening we will have a cook out of wild foods and we... Read More
Free Supermarket 17:30
Free Supermarket
júl 12 @ 17:30 – 19:00
Free Supermarket
In the free supermarket you can pick up all kind of food or you can also bring some food to the market. In these hard times lets get together and make sure the most unprotected get the most... Read More
Opið Hús / Open Hours 16:00
Opið Hús / Open Hours
júl 16 @ 16:00 – 18:00
{Íslenska fyrir neðan} Andrými Open Hours! Do you feel like you need to get out of the house and meeting new people? Are you looking for a new book to read? Do you want to check out our... Read More
Oscar’s Night by SEEDS 18:00
Opið Hús / Open Hours 16:00
Opið Hús / Open Hours
júl 17 @ 16:00 – 18:00
{Íslenska fyrir neðan} Andrými Open Hours! Do you feel like you need to get out of the house and meet new people? Are you looking for a new book to read? Do you want to check out our... Read More
Opið Hús / Open Hours 16:00
Opið Hús / Open Hours
júl 18 @ 16:00 – 18:00
{Íslenska fyrir neðan} Andrými Open Hours! Do you feel like you need to get out of the house and meet new people? Are you looking for a new book to read? Do you want to check out our... Read More
Free Supermarket 17:30
Free Supermarket
júl 19 @ 17:30 – 19:00
Free Supermarket
In the free supermarket you can pick up all kind of food or you can also bring some food to the market. In these hard times lets get together and make sure the most unprotected get the most... Read More
Opið Hús / Open Hours 16:00
Opið Hús / Open Hours
júl 23 @ 16:00 – 18:00
{Íslenska fyrir neðan} Andrými Open Hours! Do you feel like you need to get out of the house and meeting new people? Are you looking for a new book to read? Do you want to check out our... Read More
No Borders meeting 18:30
No Borders meeting
júl 23 @ 18:30 – 20:00
No Borders meeting (private).
Opið Hús / Open Hours 16:00
Opið Hús / Open Hours
júl 24 @ 16:00 – 18:00
{Íslenska fyrir neðan} Andrými Open Hours! Do you feel like you need to get out of the house and meet new people? Are you looking for a new book to read? Do you want to check out our... Read More
Radical Kitchen 2nd Revival! 16:30
Radical Kitchen 2nd Revival!
júl 24 @ 16:30 – 20:30
inn(íslenska fyrir neðan) Radical Kitchen 2nd Revival! Come get a good meal and good company Where: Andrymi, Bergþorugata 20 Time: 19:00-21:00 Date: Wednesday (biweekly) On wednesday evening we will have a cook out of wild foods and we... Read More
Oscar’s night by SEEDS 18:00
Oscar’s night by SEEDS
júl 25 @ 18:00 – 23:45
7713303 Elia Sánchez-Prieto
Free Supermarket 17:30
Free Supermarket
júl 26 @ 17:30 – 19:00
Free Supermarket
In the free supermarket you can pick up all kind of food or you can also bring some food to the market. In these hard times lets get together and make sure the most unprotected get the most... Read More
Radical Kitchen 13:00
Radical Kitchen
júl 28 @ 13:00 – 21:00
Come and enjoy an atmosphere of joy, laughs and happiness and share the love of giving and eating together. Come with a plate to share or grab a plate of something! We will have a cook out of... Read More
Opið Hús / Open Hours 16:00
Opið Hús / Open Hours
júl 30 @ 16:00 – 18:00
{Íslenska fyrir neðan} Andrými Open Hours! Do you feel like you need to get out of the house and meeting new people? Are you looking for a new book to read? Do you want to check out our... Read More
Opið Hús / Open Hours 16:00
Opið Hús / Open Hours
júl 31 @ 16:00 – 18:00
{Íslenska fyrir neðan} Andrými Open Hours! Do you feel like you need to get out of the house and meet new people? Are you looking for a new book to read? Do you want to check out our... Read More