At the moment our future is in danger due to financial problems. The last months have been financially heavy for andrými due to misunderstanding with the city of Reykjavík which led to us having to pay almost double rent for some months.

If we do not manage to get more steady monthly income, we will have to close the space down in two months.

At the beginning of 2018, Andrými moved into an old house on Bergþórugata 20 that used to be a kindergarten. The house is currently not wheelchair accessible, unfortunately, and our previous efforts to make it so has not come to fruition yet. The house is almost 100 years old and the way it was initially built necessitates a lot of expensive restorative work: toilets are only downstairs and upstairs which means that we will need to install an exterior elevator, given the fact that the interior space doesn’t have the capacity for one. This work means considerable financial and professional effort. We are looking further to collaborate with the city for help in this direction, but money remains the biggest barrier.

If you want to help us to reach our aim of making Andrými accessible again, please contact us at

To donate:
kt. 421216-0100
account 0133-26-012275

Accessibility is a really important aspect for us and we are so deeply sorry that this process is taking already so long time.