what is andrými? andrými is a radical social space in reykjavík. by radical, we mean it is a place for change and action at the roots. it is a place of resistance and for fighting oppression. it is a place for people to come together to create culture, educate and inform each other and organise in their collective struggles. it is collectively organised, it is non-commercial and it is non-profit.
radical: change or action relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something.
what happens in andrými? andrými is a place for radical groups, projects and community events to organise in. in andrými, people come together to share, to listen, to discuss, plan protests, play music, tell stories, cook together, watch films, read, make friends, dance and laugh. people drop in for the open hours to chill and check out books from Andspyrna, the icelandic anarchist library.
andrými is not connected to any political party and does not host events related to political parties.
you can see information about past and upcoming events, here and facebook page.
ENGLISH BELOW Á fundinum er farið yfir vinnuhópa, fólk getur tekið að sér verkefni, rætt mikilvæg málefni og séð önnur andlit sem tengjast Andrými. Dagskrá fundarins má sjá fyrir neðan. Þetta er fullkominn tími fyrir nýja og forvitna... Read More
Refugees and asylum seekers often find themselves in a liminal space, existing in a gap between the past and the future. In this in-between phase, individuals are neither fully part of their old culture nor fully integrated into... Read More
Fríbúðin er opin! Allt ókeypis! Komið með dót/fatnað sem þið notið ekki lengur en viljið heldur ekki fleygja. Eða komið og finnið nýtt til að taka heim. The freeshop is open! All for free! Come and bring stuff/clothes... Read More
Fríbúðin er opin! Allt ókeypis! Komið með dót/fatnað sem þið notið ekki lengur en viljið heldur ekki fleygja. Eða komið og finnið nýtt til að taka heim. The freeshop is open! All for free! Come and bring stuff/clothes... Read More
Problems at work? Come by for (free) advice! ¿Problemas en su laburo? ¡Consejos gratis! Problèmes au travail? Conseils gratuits! Проблеми на роботі? Отримайте безкоштовну пораду!
Refugees and asylum seekers often find themselves in a liminal space, existing in a gap between the past and the future. In this in-between phase, individuals are neither fully part of their old culture nor fully integrated into... Read More
Our 11th Krafting get together. Reminder this is a very low-key casual event to hang out and work on projects together / discuss ides. Informality is the goal! We are a group of kinksters who gather to work... Read More
Fríbúðin er opin! Allt ókeypis! Komið með dót/fatnað sem þið notið ekki lengur en viljið heldur ekki fleygja. Eða komið og finnið nýtt til að taka heim. The freeshop is open! All for free! Come and bring stuff/clothes... Read More
Í lestrarhringnum ætlum við að lesa spennandi og innblástursríkann texta um hvernig hægt er að skapa réttlátara samfélag. Fyrsti textinn verður: A Practical Utopian’s Guide to the Coming Collapse eftir David Graeber. Hægt að nálgast hann hér: Svo... Read More
Fríbúðin er opin! Allt ókeypis! Komið með dót/fatnað sem þið notið ekki lengur en viljið heldur ekki fleygja. Eða komið og finnið nýtt til að taka heim. The freeshop is open! All for free! Come and bring stuff/clothes... Read More
what is andrými?
and-: breathe, spirit, opposition
-rými: space
what is andrými?
andrými is a radical social space in reykjavík. by radical, we mean it is a place for change and action at the roots. it is a place of resistance and for fighting oppression. it is a place for people to come together to create culture, educate and inform each other and organise in their collective struggles. it is collectively organised, it is non-commercial and it is non-profit.
radical: change or action relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something.
what happens in andrými?
andrými is a place for radical groups, projects and community events to organise in. in andrými, people come together to share, to listen, to discuss, plan protests, play music, tell stories, cook together, watch films, read, make friends, dance and laugh. people drop in for the open hours to chill and check out books from Andspyrna, the icelandic anarchist library.
andrými is not connected to any political party and does not host events related to political parties.
you can see information about past and upcoming events, here and facebook page.