Refugees and asylum seekers often find themselves in a liminal space, existing in a gap between the past and the future. In this in-between phase, individuals are neither fully part of their old culture nor fully integrated into a new one.
In Expressive Arts (EXA) therapy, we invite participants to enter this liminal space through art-making, ritual, and play. This process encourages exploration of the essence of one’s being, an encounter with beauty in the unknown, and the discovery of inner resources and potential. Art provides a means to give shape to fragmented stories, acting as a container for emotions that are difficult to express verbally. It is a way to communicate hope, and the process is resource-oriented, held with care and compassion within a thoughtfully crafted frame.
This bi-weekly gathering serves as a temporary home for the displaced and oppressed—a “testimony through art.” The goal is to foster a sense of belonging and connection, preventing withdrawal and helping participants move through physical and mental stagnation. Through creativity and imagination, we aim to cultivate a sense of hope in the midst of uncertainty.
Note on Group:
These sessions will be facilitated by Yi Jen Chang, expressive arts therapist-in-training. For safety and to maintain a consistent dynamic, this will be a closed group with a maximum of 6 participants. This group is currently full. If you’re interested in joining future sessions when space becomes available, please contact Yi Jen at We will notify you as soon as a new group is formed. This group will be conducted in English, but all languages are welcome! Non-verbal communication and expression are always encouraged in this space.
What is expressive arts therapy?
Expressive arts therapy is a therapeutic approach that places the creative process at the center of the human experience. Rather than focusing on advanced skills, it emphasizes the innate creativity of individuals and the heightened sensitivity that enables them to bring new things into being. This integrative approach uses a variety of creative expressions—such as poetry, music, visual arts, theater, clay, movement, and nature-based methods—to help individuals navigate personal challenges/ inquiries and explore their own resources. No previous art experience is required—just your presence.
ENGLISH BELOW Á fundinum er farið yfir vinnuhópa, fólk getur tekið að sér verkefni, rætt mikilvæg málefni og séð önnur andlit sem tengjast Andrými. Dagskrá fundarins má sjá fyrir neðan. Þetta er fullkominn tími fyrir nýja og forvitna... Read More
Refugees and asylum seekers often find themselves in a liminal space, existing in a gap between the past and the future. In this in-between phase, individuals are neither fully part of their old culture nor fully integrated into... Read More
Fríbúðin er opin! Allt ókeypis! Komið með dót/fatnað sem þið notið ekki lengur en viljið heldur ekki fleygja. Eða komið og finnið nýtt til að taka heim. The freeshop is open! All for free! Come and bring stuff/clothes... Read More
Fríbúðin er opin! Allt ókeypis! Komið með dót/fatnað sem þið notið ekki lengur en viljið heldur ekki fleygja. Eða komið og finnið nýtt til að taka heim. The freeshop is open! All for free! Come and bring stuff/clothes... Read More
Problems at work? Come by for (free) advice! ¿Problemas en su laburo? ¡Consejos gratis! Problèmes au travail? Conseils gratuits! Проблеми на роботі? Отримайте безкоштовну пораду!
Refugees and asylum seekers often find themselves in a liminal space, existing in a gap between the past and the future. In this in-between phase, individuals are neither fully part of their old culture nor fully integrated into... Read More
Our 11th Krafting get together. Reminder this is a very low-key casual event to hang out and work on projects together / discuss ides. Informality is the goal! We are a group of kinksters who gather to work... Read More
Fríbúðin er opin! Allt ókeypis! Komið með dót/fatnað sem þið notið ekki lengur en viljið heldur ekki fleygja. Eða komið og finnið nýtt til að taka heim. The freeshop is open! All for free! Come and bring stuff/clothes... Read More
Í lestrarhringnum ætlum við að lesa spennandi og innblástursríkann texta um hvernig hægt er að skapa réttlátara samfélag. Fyrsti textinn verður: A Practical Utopian’s Guide to the Coming Collapse eftir David Graeber. Hægt að nálgast hann hér: Svo... Read More
Fríbúðin er opin! Allt ókeypis! Komið með dót/fatnað sem þið notið ekki lengur en viljið heldur ekki fleygja. Eða komið og finnið nýtt til að taka heim. The freeshop is open! All for free! Come and bring stuff/clothes... Read More
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Posted: 15th January 2025 by Rán Birgisdóttir
Expressive Arts Therapy for Asylum Seekers & Refugees (private sessions)
Refugees and asylum seekers often find themselves in a liminal space, existing in a gap between the past and the future. In this in-between phase, individuals are neither fully part of their old culture nor fully integrated into a new one.
In Expressive Arts (EXA) therapy, we invite participants to enter this liminal space through art-making, ritual, and play. This process encourages exploration of the essence of one’s being, an encounter with beauty in the unknown, and the discovery of inner resources and potential. Art provides a means to give shape to fragmented stories, acting as a container for emotions that are difficult to express verbally. It is a way to communicate hope, and the process is resource-oriented, held with care and compassion within a thoughtfully crafted frame.
This bi-weekly gathering serves as a temporary home for the displaced and oppressed—a “testimony through art.” The goal is to foster a sense of belonging and connection, preventing withdrawal and helping participants move through physical and mental stagnation. Through creativity and imagination, we aim to cultivate a sense of hope in the midst of uncertainty.
Note on Group:
These sessions will be facilitated by Yi Jen Chang, expressive arts therapist-in-training. For safety and to maintain a consistent dynamic, this will be a closed group with a maximum of 6 participants. This group is currently full. If you’re interested in joining future sessions when space becomes available, please contact Yi Jen at We will notify you as soon as a new group is formed. This group will be conducted in English, but all languages are welcome! Non-verbal communication and expression are always encouraged in this space.
What is expressive arts therapy?
Expressive arts therapy is a therapeutic approach that places the creative process at the center of the human experience. Rather than focusing on advanced skills, it emphasizes the innate creativity of individuals and the heightened sensitivity that enables them to bring new things into being. This integrative approach uses a variety of creative expressions—such as poetry, music, visual arts, theater, clay, movement, and nature-based methods—to help individuals navigate personal challenges/ inquiries and explore their own resources. No previous art experience is required—just your presence.