Bergþórugata 20, 101, Reykjavik


20 Mon 21 Tue 22 Wed 23 Thu 24 Fri 25 Sat 26 Sun
17:00 Mótmæli: Spillinguna burt! Auðlindirnar í okkar hendur! @ Austurvöllur
Mótmæli: Spillinguna burt! Auðlindirnar í okkar hendur! @ Austurvöllur
Jan 20 @ 17:00 – 18:00
SKIPULAGT AF: Lýðræði ekki auðræði, Stjórnarskrárfélagið -The Icelandic Constitution Society, Samtök kvenna um Nýja stjórnarskrá, Jæja Spillinguna burt! Auðlindirnar í okkar hendur! Við mætum þegar þing kemur aftur saman eftir hlé og látum í okkur heyra! Viljum við... Read More
19:30 We are all equal – Movie Night
We are all equal – Movie Night
Jan 20 @ 19:30 – 22:00
An independent organised event   Do you know what “antispeciesism” stands for? If your answer is no (but also if it’s yes) come and spend an evening in company with SEEDS volunteers. We are going to show a... Read More
17:30 PlaYoga Classes @ Andrymi
PlaYoga Classes @ Andrymi
Jan 21 @ 17:30 – 18:45
An independent organised event PlaYoga classes. Everyone is welcome! Movement reminds us that we are alive. Our bodies move every second we take a breath, we move when we talk, when we taste food, dance. Lets connect as... Read More
19:00 Why do we suffer?: the Buddhist perspective
Why do we suffer?: the Buddhist perspective
Jan 21 @ 19:00 – 21:00
American Buddhist monk Lama Erik Drew Jung is at Andrými AGAIN! His visit in Jan 2019 was an absolute success and we would love to see you again. So come and join us for an evening talk on... Read More
17:00 First Aid course / Skyndihjálparnámskeið
First Aid course / Skyndihjálparnámskeið
Jan 22 @ 17:00 – 18:59
We will go through everything from papercuts to resuscitation. We will have whisper translation for Icelandic and the children’s room can be used for child care or as a quiet room for those who might want to skip... Read More
12:00 LECTURE: Climate Crisis and “the Logic of Masculinist Protection”
LECTURE: Climate Crisis and “the Logic of Masculinist Protection”
Jan 23 @ 12:00 – 13:00
WHERE: Thjodminjasafn Islands 41 Suður Gata, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland (Íslenska útgáfu má finna hér að neðan.) Ole Martin Sandberg is the first lecturer of the RIKK and GRÓ-GEST Lecture Series for Spring 2020 with a lecture entitled “Climate... Read More
12:00 Tölum um ofbeldismenn
Tölum um ofbeldismenn
Jan 23 @ 12:00 – 13:00
HVAR? : Stígamót, Laugavegur 170, 105 Reykjavík SKIPULAGT AF: Stígamót Sagt verður frá niðurstöðum könnunar sem Kvennaathvarfið lét vinna á upplifun kvenkyns þolenda heimilisofbeldis og persónuleikaeinkennum ofbeldismanna. Tekin verður fyrir reynsla þátttakenda af ofbeldinu, afsakanir ofbeldismanna, rauðu ljósin,... Read More
17:30 DIY Upcycle Wax Candles @ Reykjavík Tool Library
DIY Upcycle Wax Candles @ Reykjavík Tool Library
Jan 23 @ 17:30 – 20:30
Join us for our DIY Upcycle Wax Candles and learn how to: Use wax from old candles and cheese wrappings (whaaaat) to make colourful & scented candles! Included in this workshop is all the materials, including wax, glass... Read More
18:00 Andrymi Cafeteka open house / opið hús
Andrymi Cafeteka open house / opið hús
Jan 23 @ 18:00 – 21:00
Andrými started as a community gathering around a free dinner – for all to have access to warm food and connection with people in town. The focus was to create a space where refugees and migrants could meet... Read More
19:30 Laura Secord/Brött Brekka and friends
Laura Secord/Brött Brekka and friends
Jan 23 @ 19:30 – 23:30
Laura Secord and Brött Brekka each released a new album at the end of 2019 and now it is time to celebrate and have a big concert. Take place in IÐNÓ Also playing: BSÍ and K.óla! All great... Read More
20:00 Tónlistasamspil / Folk Session
Tónlistasamspil / Folk Session
Jan 23 @ 20:00 – 23:45
This is one of the weekly sessions for folk music in Reykjavík – there will be drinks provided and all donations collected will go to funding Andrými. If you know what a session is, come and bring songs... Read More
21:30 Drag-Lab: January Dragshow
Drag-Lab: January Dragshow
Jan 23 @ 21:30 – 23:30
WHERE: Gaukurinn, Tryggvagata 22, 101 Reykjavík ORGANISERS:  Drag-Súgur, Yan Nuss 🧪 Drag-Súgur presents “Drag-LAB” 💥 A FREE-ENTRY experimental dragshow where performers try out new acts for a live audience. What will they do? Come find out! In Reykjavík’s... Read More
19:00 Opin æfing í femínískri sjálfsvörn – Feminist self-defense
Opin æfing í femínískri sjálfsvörn – Feminist self-defense
Jan 24 @ 19:00 – 21:00
***English below*** Föstudaginn 17. janúar 2020 kl 19:00 verður fyrsta æfing annarinnar í femínískri sálfsvörn haldin í íþróttasal Háskóla Íslands. Salurinn er aðgengilegur hjólastólum. //NÁNARI UPPLÝSINGAR UM AÐGENGI KOMA INN 16. JANÚAR// Allar konur velkomnar sem og allt... Read More
18:00 Stencil making night
Stencil making night
Jan 25 @ 18:00 – 20:00
Some of the groups organising in andrymi will be making t-shirt stencils for fundraising, so join us for a cozy evening of making cool new designs! We will have all material for making the stencils, but if you... Read More
21:00 SPÜNK, Blóðmör, Kvelja og The Moronic á Gauknum
SPÜNK, Blóðmör, Kvelja og The Moronic á Gauknum
Jan 25 @ 21:00 – 01:00
SPÜNK, Blóðmör, Kvelja og The Moronic á Gauknum
HVAR?: Gaukurinn, Tryggvagata 22, 101 Reykjavík Laugardaginn þann 25. janúar koma fram fjórar sturlaðar hljómsveitir á Gauknum. SPÜNK – Blóðmör – Kvelja – The Moronic – Húsið opnar kl. 21:00 og fyrsta band byrjar... Read More