Bergþórugata 20, 101, Reykjavik


Drag-Lab: January Dragshow
Jan 23 @ 21:30 – 23:30

WHERE: Gaukurinn, Tryggvagata 22, 101 Reykjavík

ORGANISERS:  Drag-Súgur, Yan Nuss

🧪 Drag-Súgur presents “Drag-LAB” 💥

A FREE-ENTRY experimental dragshow where performers try out new acts for a live audience. What will they do? Come find out!
In Reykjavík’s fiercest laboratory we have created some of Drag-Súgur‘s most glamorous monsters. Just be careful of our experiments blowing up on your face! 🤯💦

Your HOST is the King of Drama himself, Yan Nuss! 👑

Show starts: 21:30 🕤
Entry fee: ZERO, it’s FREE* 💖
HAPPY-HOUR until 21 🍺🍻

Crazy night party(Test)
Jan 24 @ 04:00 – 05:00
Opin æfing í femínískri sjálfsvörn – Feminist self-defense
Jan 24 @ 19:00 – 21:00

***English below***

Föstudaginn 17. janúar 2020 kl 19:00 verður fyrsta æfing annarinnar í femínískri sálfsvörn haldin í íþróttasal Háskóla Íslands.

Salurinn er aðgengilegur hjólastólum.

Allar konur velkomnar sem og allt trans fólk (skráning í H.Í. er ekki skilyrði).

Æfingarnar eru lokaðar sís-karlmönnum.*
(*Sís-karlmaður er karl sem var úthlutað kyninu “strákur” við fæðingu, upplifir sig sem slíkan og er sáttur við það.)

Femíníska sjálfsvörnin sem verður æfð er í anda Seito Boei aðferðarinnar og felur í sér líkamlega, munnlega, sálræna og tilfinningalega sjálfsvörn.
Æfingahópurinn hittist á hverjum föstudegi.
Annan hvern föstudag hittist æfingarhópurinn í íþróttahúsinu og æfir líkamlega sjálfsvörn. Föstudagana þar á milli hittist hópurinn í öruggara rými á háskólasvæðinu og æfir munnlega, sálræna og tilfinningalega sjálfsvörn.

Femínísk sjálfsvörn sker sig frá ‘venjulegum’ námskeiðum í sjálfsvörn að því leyti að hún fylgir ákveðnum femínískum gildum og markmið hennar mótast út frá þeim. Meðal markmiða femínískrar sjálfsvarnar er að:
– Hugsa gagnrýnt um og afbyggja félagsmótun kyns og stigveldi þess
-Efla samstöðu og styðja við þolendur/varnarfólk sem vilja byrja eða halda áfram með bataferli.
– Auka þekkingu á mismunandi birtingarmyndum ofbeldis, m.a. til að auðveldara sé að koma auga á það, tala um það og berjast gegn því.
-Þróa einstaklingsbundnar og hópatengdar aðferðir sem eru skilvirkar í að koma í veg fyrir ofbeldi.

Áhugasöm eru hvött til að koma með boxhanska og púða/padda á líkamlegu æfingarnar. En það er ekki skilyrði.

Fyrir frekari upplýsingar sjá Slagtog á facebook eða sendið tölvupóst á


Friday 17th of january 2020, the first training of feminist self-defense will be held at the university sports hall at 19:00.

The sports hall is accessible for wheelchairs.

All women and trans people are welcome (you don’t have to be a student at the University).
Cisgendered men are asked to keep out.*
(*A cis gendered man is someone who identifies as a man, and was assigned male at birth).

The feminist self-defense method which will be followed is called Seito Boei. It includes physical, verbal, psychological and emotional self-defense.
The training group will be meeting every friday.
There will be physical trainings at the sportshall every second friday. The other fridays the group meets in a safer space to train verbal, psychological and emotional self-defense.

Provide each other with more options to choose from when using self-defense, by sharing a diverse range of strategies successfully used by people in real life situations.
Support victims/survivors/defenders to overcome isolation after assault and begin to heal
Expand our notions of what “successful self-defense” is and help each other appreciate all of the ways we keep ourselves safe.
Keep braking the stigma + myths around sexual and gender based assault/abuse so that we can talk about it, take action, and overcome it.

Those interested are encouraged to bring along pads and boxing gloves to the physical trainings. But it is not an obligation.

More information:’Slagtog’ on facebook or e-mail to

Stencil making night
Jan 25 @ 18:00 – 20:00

Some of the groups organising in andrymi will be making t-shirt stencils for fundraising, so join us for a cozy evening of making cool new designs! We will have all material for making the stencils, but if you want to try printing on clothes, please bring your own or take a look at andrymi’s freeshop

SPÜNK, Blóðmör, Kvelja og The Moronic á Gauknum
Jan 25 @ 21:00 – 01:00
SPÜNK, Blóðmör, Kvelja og The Moronic á Gauknum

HVAR?: Gaukurinn, Tryggvagata 22, 101 Reykjavík

Laugardaginn þann 25. janúar koma fram fjórar sturlaðar hljómsveitir á Gauknum.

Blóðmör –
Kvelja –
The Moronic –

Húsið opnar kl. 21:00 og fyrsta band byrjar kl. 22:00.


Plakat eftir Viktor Weisshappel Vilhjálmsson

Breakfast and crafts – welcoming art space
Jan 26 @ 11:00 – 13:00
Breakfast and crafts is a new cyclic meeting program destined for everyone who would be interested in spending time with people while fulfilling themselves artistically. We will be hanging out every other Sunday at 11:00 in Andrymi’s cosy room. It’s a ocasion not only to do some crafts, but also to make new friends. Every meeting we will be focusing on different genre of art. If you have a creative mind, but you prefer to express it in a company of people, join us and let’s create together!
This week: knitting, embroidery etc. everything concerning yarn, wool, embroidery floss
If you have some tools and materials (old clothes, tshirts, caps etc. are also vailable), bring them, if not – we will share.
During meetings we will not only eat breakfast and create together, it is also a chance for you to shine. If you would like to sing, read poetry or make out this time even more pleasant, you are welcome to come and use the space as a place of a free expression.
The goal is to destine products of our common work for future fundraising helping the cause of keeping Andrymi alive and healthy. (But if you would like to make something only for yourself, that’s ok too!)
The meeting will take place on Sunday from 11:00 to 13:00 (approximately)
The Andrymi house has it limits regarding accessibility. We are willing to meet any requests about improving accessibility or assisting anyone that asks.
There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door).
The bathrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building). There is no bathroom on the ground floor. The event takes place on the first floor.
Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral.
Andrými’s safer space workshop
Jan 27 @ 17:00 – 19:00

Monday, 27th of January at 18.00 we will provide a training to everyone interested in making andrými a safer space.

Come over if you would like to learn how to support other people in the space, react to conflicts, get to know more about the work in our solidarity teams during bigger events or better understand why we have created the space.

If you already use the space, either organising within/with your group, either as a participant, you are even more encourage to get to know how to support other participants in the space and provide a safer space for all. Andrými is open due to you, then let’s get together and talk about (why is) our radical social centre in town 🙂

In other words – if you like andrými as it is and want to help us make sure that the people feel welcome, taken care of and safe here and on top of that – get some useful skills – drop in


There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door).
The bathrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building). There is no bathroom on the ground floor.
Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral.
No borders meeting
Jan 27 @ 20:00 – 22:00

no borders meeting

Soulflow Comedy | Women & Queer Open Mic Nights
Jan 27 @ 21:00 – Jan 28 @ 18:00

WHERE: Gaukurinn, Tryggvagata 22, 101 Reykjavík

ORGANISERS: Soulflow Comedy, Gaukurinn, Kimi Tayler- comedy, Kat McDougal

SOULFLOW COMEDY is proud to present weekly open-mic stand-up nights in English EVERY Monday at Gaukurinn.

we want to encourage more people to try stand-up & practice their craft in a friendly, supportive & safe environment. everyone is welcome to attend but for now, sign-ups will only to open to Women & Queer folks of all kinds!

send us a message on Facebook to sign-up or in person on the night!

ALSOOO!!! we have an improv audience participation game in our first half & the chance to win you & your table a BOTTLE OF BUBBLY!


HAPPY HOUR from 2-9 PM
not only that, but our scrumptious signature long drink OVARYACTION will be of super special SOULFLOW offer for only 1500kr!
be there for tits&giggles & queeromedy!


PlaYoga Classes @ Andrymi
Jan 28 @ 17:30 – 18:45

An independent organised event

PlaYoga classes. Everyone is welcome!
Movement reminds us that we are alive. Our bodies move every second we take a breath, we move when we talk, when we taste food, dance.
Lets connect as we show gratitude, respect and love to ourselves.
Come move with me.
Νο experience needed. Yoga mats are not provided, please bring your own if possible.

I am a yoga instructor who inspires free movement during classes. All levels are welcome. We practice hatha yoga together which combines asanas with movement and meditation. Spots are limited, please email me to make sure there is enough space for everyone:

Feel free to email me for any other questions you might have.