Bergþórugata 20, 101, Reykjavik


Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Opinn skipulagsfundur Andrýmis // Andrými open organizing meeting 13:00
Opinn skipulagsfundur Andrýmis // Andrými open organizing meeting
Feb 2 @ 13:00 – 16:00
ENGLISH BELOW Á fundinum er farið yfir vinnuhópa, fólk getur tekið að sér verkefni, rætt mikilvæg málefni og séð önnur andlit sem tengjast Andrými. Dagskrá fundarins má sjá fyrir neðan. Þetta er fullkominn tími fyrir nýja og forvitna... Read More
Ashtanga Yoga Classes 17:30
Ashtanga Yoga Classes
Feb 3 @ 17:30 – 18:45
An independent organised event Ashtanga yoga class (half primary series)Everyone is welcome! You don’t need any previous experience or special skills to join the class, but spots are limited though: if you want to be sure you will... Read More
Make your own soap / Búðu til þína eigin sápu 18:00
Make your own soap / Búðu til þína eigin sápu
Feb 5 @ 18:00 – 22:00
This is a useful workshop to learn how to make your own soap. Dario will demonstrate the soap making using the traditional cold process method as well as explain, how to reduce the environmental impact from conventional cosmetics... Read More
Tónlistasamspil / Folk Session 20:00
Tónlistasamspil / Folk Session
Feb 6 @ 20:00 – 23:45
This is one of the weekly sessions for folk music in Reykjavík – there will be drinks provided and all donations collected will go to funding Andrými. If you know what a session is, come and bring songs... Read More
Ashtanga Yoga Classes 17:30
Ashtanga Yoga Classes
Feb 10 @ 17:30 – 18:45
An independent organised event Ashtanga yoga class (half primary series)Everyone is welcome! You don’t need any previous experience or special skills to join the class, but spots are limited though: if you want to be sure you will... Read More
PlaYoga Classes 17:30
PlaYoga Classes @ Andrymi
Feb 11 @ 17:30 – 18:45
An independent organised event PlaYoga classes. Everyone is welcome! Movement reminds us that we are alive. Our bodies move every second we take a breath, we move when we talk, when we taste food, dance. Lets connect as... Read More
HRÆKJANDI #1 – Poetry Night 20:00
HRÆKJANDI #1 – Poetry Night
Feb 11 @ 20:00 – 22:30
Eldhús fólksins í Andrými // Andrými’s people’s kitchen 17:00
Eldhús fólksins í Andrými // Andrými’s people’s kitchen
Feb 12 @ 17:00 – 21:00
Nú er hægt að koma við alla miðvikudaga frá kl. 17 og aðstoða við að elda eða frá kl. 19 til að aðstoða við að borða og vera hluti af samfélaginu okkar! Allir eru velkomnir – við vinnum... Read More
Andrymi Cafeteka open house / opið hús 18:00
Andrymi Cafeteka open house / opið hús
Feb 13 @ 18:00 – 21:00
Andrými started as a community gathering around a free dinner – for all to have access to warm food and connection with people in town. The focus was to create a space where refugees and migrants could meet... Read More
Tónlistasamspil / Folk Session 20:00
Tónlistasamspil / Folk Session
Feb 13 @ 20:00 – 23:45
This is one of the weekly sessions for folk music in Reykjavík – there will be drinks provided and all donations collected will go to funding Andrými. If you know what a session is, come and bring songs... Read More
Bike repair workshop / Reiðhjól verkstæði 13:00
Bike repair workshop / Reiðhjól verkstæði
Feb 15 @ 13:00 – 18:00
During this event bring your bike to fix it! You can also put your energy into repairing one of several bikes donated to Andrými (in the garden shed), or simply just bring your skills for the benefit of... Read More
PlaYoga Classes 17:30
PlaYoga Classes @ Andrymi
Feb 18 @ 17:30 – 18:45
An independent organised event PlaYoga classes. Everyone is welcome! Movement reminds us that we are alive. Our bodies move every second we take a breath, we move when we talk, when we taste food, dance. Lets connect as... Read More
BDSM Iceland Craft night 20:00
BDSM Iceland Craft night
Feb 18 @ 20:00 – 21:30
An open evening for folk from the bdsm community (or those interested) to get together hang out and work on crafting ideas. Access to the House There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps... Read More
Tónlistasamspil / Folk Session 20:00
Tónlistasamspil / Folk Session
Feb 20 @ 20:00 – 23:45
This is one of the weekly sessions for folk music in Reykjavík – there will be drinks provided and all donations collected will go to funding Andrými. If you know what a session is, come and bring songs... Read More
PlaYoga Classes 17:30
PlaYoga Classes @ Andrymi
Feb 25 @ 17:30 – 18:45
An independent organised event PlaYoga classes. Everyone is welcome! Movement reminds us that we are alive. Our bodies move every second we take a breath, we move when we talk, when we taste food, dance. Lets connect as... Read More
Eldhús fólksins í Andrými // Andrými’s people’s kitchen 17:00
Eldhús fólksins í Andrými // Andrými’s people’s kitchen
Feb 26 @ 17:00 – 21:00
Nú er hægt að koma við alla miðvikudaga frá kl. 17 og aðstoða við að elda eða frá kl. 19 til að aðstoða við að borða og vera hluti af samfélaginu okkar! Allir eru velkomnir – við vinnum... Read More
Andrymi Cafeteka open house / opið hús 18:00
Andrymi Cafeteka open house / opið hús
Feb 27 @ 18:00 – 21:00
Andrými started as a community gathering around a free dinner – for all to have access to warm food and connection with people in town. The focus was to create a space where refugees and migrants could meet... Read More
Tónlistasamspil / Folk Session 20:00
Tónlistasamspil / Folk Session
Feb 27 @ 20:00 – 23:45
This is one of the weekly sessions for folk music in Reykjavík – there will be drinks provided and all donations collected will go to funding Andrými. If you know what a session is, come and bring songs... Read More
Anarchist Movement in Poland (Wroclaw) 19:00
Anarchist Movement in Poland (Wroclaw)
Feb 29 @ 19:00 – 21:30
Anarchists from Wroclaw will talk about what anarchism is. We will find out how many anarchist groups in Wroclaw (one of the largest cities in Poland) and what they do. The meeting will be held in English. We... Read More