Bergþórugata 20, 101, Reykjavik


Monthly cleaning time!!!
Mar 14 @ 16:30

At 16.30 we have a cleaning day in Andrými. Would be great to see many faces and if you can bring a car that would nice because there are some things to take to sorpa!

No Borders meeting
Mar 19 @ 18:30 – 20:00

No Borders meeting (private).

Radical Kitchen 2nd Revival!
Mar 20 @ 16:30 – 20:30
inn(íslenska fyrir neðan)
Radical Kitchen 2nd Revival!
Come get a good meal and good company
Where: Andrymi, Bergþorugata 20
Time: 19:00-21:00
Date: Wednesday (biweekly)
On wednesday evening we will have a cook out of wild foods and we will share it with everyone: vegan, vegetarian, omnitarian, keto.
Come and enjoy an atmosphere of joy and companionship, and share the love of giving and eating together.
Come with a plate to share or grab a plate of something!
Sugested minimum donations of 500kr, feel welcome to donate as you like to keep this project up. All welcome.
Come Hungry, Eat Happy, Go Full.
If you wish to donate dive food for the dinner or want to come and help with the cooking, let us know, leave a PM, or send a text to 793 1350.

Róttækt eldhús kemur aftur!
Komdu og njóttu góðrar máltíðar og góðrar samveru.
Hvar? Andrými, Bergþórugata 20, 101 Reykjavík
Tíminn: kl 19 – 21
Dagsetningin: annan hvern miðvikudag
Á miðvikudagskvöldið munum við halda matveislu og við munum deila henni með alla: vegan, vegetarisk, omni, keto… allt er til.
Komdu og njóttu samfélagslegs andloft og gleði að deila og borða saman.
Komdu með eitthvað að deila eða bara fáðu disk af mat.
Tillaga að lágmark framlag: 500 isk, endilega gefðu hvað þú vilt til að styðja næsta opið eldhús. Allir velkomnir.
Komdu svangur, borðu glaður, farðu sáttur!
Ef þú hefur áhuga á að hjálpa við að divea og hirða matframlög, eða að hjálpa við matargerð, endilega láttu okkur vita, hér  sendu skilaboð til 793 1350.
Safer Space Workshop
Mar 22 @ 18:30 – 20:00

A short workshop meant for those who want to organise in Andrými.  The workshop has two parts:

  • Reflect upon what it means to be responsible and accommodating in a radical social space and what the notion of a safer space can mean for different people.
  • Reviewing all major material safety factors (locations of first aid kits, fire extinguishers and emergency exists etc. …)

The safer space workshop goes over the responsibilities that come with opening the house and taking care of the space. A short overview of key values and guidelines will be followed by a discussion about possible scenarios and solutions as well as a walk-through of the house.

Come over if you would like to learn how to support other people in the space, react to conflicts, get to know more about the work in our solidarity teams during bigger events or better understand why we have created the space.

If you’re already using the space, either organising within/with your group or as a participant, you’re encouraged to get to know how to support other people and build a safer space for all.

Andrými is open due to you, then let’s get together and talk about our radical social centre in town. Learn how to build a community where people feel welcome and safe.

Private meetings
Mar 25 @ 18:30 – 23:00

Two separate private organising meetings.

SEEDS Camp 009 – Photography and Environment Workshop
Mar 30 @ 10:00 – 15:30

SEEDS Iceland, established in 2005, is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to fostering intercultural understanding and environmental awareness through projects in Iceland. Collaborating with local communities and international volunteers, SEEDS has organized nearly 8000 projects, focusing on environmental conservation, cultural activities, and education initiatives.

This is a private SEEDS event.

Radical Kitchen
Mar 31 @ 13:00 – 21:00
Come and enjoy an atmosphere of joy, laughs and happiness and share the love of giving and eating together.
Come with a plate to share or grab a plate of something!

We will have a cook out of wild foods and we will share it with everyone: vegan, vegetarian, omnitarian, keto.  

Non-mandatory donations of 500kr, feel welcome to donate as you like to keep this project up.
All welcome. Come with a warm heart and enjoy the joy of soul food.
Come Hungry, Eat Happy, Go Full.
We will welcome all the hands that want to help, food prep will start at 13:00!
Dinner will start around 19:00!
IF you wish to donate dive food for the dinner or want to come and help with the cooking, let us know or leave a PM, or ring max 8964661.
No Borders meeting
Apr 2 @ 18:30 – 20:00

No Borders meeting (private).

Radical Kitchen 2nd Revival!
Apr 3 @ 16:30 – 20:30
inn(íslenska fyrir neðan)
Radical Kitchen 2nd Revival!
Come get a good meal and good company
Where: Andrymi, Bergþorugata 20
Time: 19:00-21:00
Date: Wednesday (biweekly)
On wednesday evening we will have a cook out of wild foods and we will share it with everyone: vegan, vegetarian, omnitarian, keto.
Come and enjoy an atmosphere of joy and companionship, and share the love of giving and eating together.
Come with a plate to share or grab a plate of something!
Sugested minimum donations of 500kr, feel welcome to donate as you like to keep this project up. All welcome.
Come Hungry, Eat Happy, Go Full.
If you wish to donate dive food for the dinner or want to come and help with the cooking, let us know, leave a PM, or send a text to 793 1350.

Róttækt eldhús kemur aftur!
Komdu og njóttu góðrar máltíðar og góðrar samveru.
Hvar? Andrými, Bergþórugata 20, 101 Reykjavík
Tíminn: kl 19 – 21
Dagsetningin: annan hvern miðvikudag
Á miðvikudagskvöldið munum við halda matveislu og við munum deila henni með alla: vegan, vegetarisk, omni, keto… allt er til.
Komdu og njóttu samfélagslegs andloft og gleði að deila og borða saman.
Komdu með eitthvað að deila eða bara fáðu disk af mat.
Tillaga að lágmark framlag: 500 isk, endilega gefðu hvað þú vilt til að styðja næsta opið eldhús. Allir velkomnir.
Komdu svangur, borðu glaður, farðu sáttur!
Ef þú hefur áhuga á að hjálpa við að divea og hirða matframlög, eða að hjálpa við matargerð, endilega láttu okkur vita, hér  sendu skilaboð til 793 1350.
Application workshop (private event)
Apr 4 @ 18:00 – 22:00

Workshop for filling in application forms (private).