Bergþórugata 20, 101, Reykjavik


Free Supermarket
Nov 3 @ 17:30 – 19:00

In the free supermarket you can pick up all kind of food or you can also bring some food to the market.

In these hard times lets get together and make sure the most unprotected get the most basic foods and work together to achieve what the powers that be cannot and/or don’t want to.

There is also a free shop for clothes and other items.
Food donations and volunteers are always appreciated!

Accessibility: The supermarket is outside in the garden if the weather is good. There is a small step at the gate to come in. Otherwise it’s inside with some more steps in front of the house.

Free Supermarket
Nov 10 @ 17:30 – 19:00

In the free supermarket you can pick up all kind of food or you can also bring some food to the market.

In these hard times lets get together and make sure the most unprotected get the most basic foods and work together to achieve what the powers that be cannot and/or don’t want to.

There is also a free shop for clothes and other items.
Food donations and volunteers are always appreciated!

Accessibility: The supermarket is outside in the garden if the weather is good. There is a small step at the gate to come in. Otherwise it’s inside with some more steps in front of the house.

Free Supermarket
Nov 17 @ 17:30 – 19:00

In the free supermarket you can pick up all kind of food or you can also bring some food to the market.

In these hard times lets get together and make sure the most unprotected get the most basic foods and work together to achieve what the powers that be cannot and/or don’t want to.

There is also a free shop for clothes and other items.
Food donations and volunteers are always appreciated!

Accessibility: The supermarket is outside in the garden if the weather is good. There is a small step at the gate to come in. Otherwise it’s inside with some more steps in front of the house.

مركز مساعدة ودعم الفلسطينيين وأسرهم في أيسلندا // Opið hús fyrir Palestínufólk // Open house for Palestinians
Nov 24 @ 13:00 – 15:00

Due to the ongoing occupation, war and genocide Israel is waging against in Palestinians, we want to put up an open house for those in need for support and togetherness, in solidarity with the freedom struggle of Palestine.

The open house takes place in Andrými, Fridays from 13:00-15:00.

Someone that speaks Icelandic, English and/or Arabic will be present at all times. Childcare and safer space offered. All information will be in all three languages.

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!

For further information contact:

Free Supermarket
Nov 24 @ 17:30 – 19:00

In the free supermarket you can pick up all kind of food or you can also bring some food to the market.

In these hard times lets get together and make sure the most unprotected get the most basic foods and work together to achieve what the powers that be cannot and/or don’t want to.

There is also a free shop for clothes and other items.
Food donations and volunteers are always appreciated!

Accessibility: The supermarket is outside in the garden if the weather is good. There is a small step at the gate to come in. Otherwise it’s inside with some more steps in front of the house.

Free Supermarket
Dec 1 @ 17:30 – 19:00

In the free supermarket you can pick up all kind of food or you can also bring some food to the market.

In these hard times lets get together and make sure the most unprotected get the most basic foods and work together to achieve what the powers that be cannot and/or don’t want to.

There is also a free shop for clothes and other items.
Food donations and volunteers are always appreciated!

Accessibility: The supermarket is outside in the garden if the weather is good. There is a small step at the gate to come in. Otherwise it’s inside with some more steps in front of the house.

Palestinian solidarity center and dinner
Dec 4 @ 19:00 – 21:00

Open house and dinner in the Palestinian solidarity center at Andrými.

Free Supermarket
Dec 8 @ 17:30 – 19:00

In the free supermarket you can pick up all kind of food or you can also bring some food to the market.

In these hard times lets get together and make sure the most unprotected get the most basic foods and work together to achieve what the powers that be cannot and/or don’t want to.

There is also a free shop for clothes and other items.
Food donations and volunteers are always appreciated!

Accessibility: The supermarket is outside in the garden if the weather is good. There is a small step at the gate to come in. Otherwise it’s inside with some more steps in front of the house.

Free Supermarket
Dec 15 @ 17:30 – 19:00

In the free supermarket you can pick up all kind of food or you can also bring some food to the market.

In these hard times lets get together and make sure the most unprotected get the most basic foods and work together to achieve what the powers that be cannot and/or don’t want to.

There is also a free shop for clothes and other items.
Food donations and volunteers are always appreciated!

Accessibility: The supermarket is outside in the garden if the weather is good. There is a small step at the gate to come in. Otherwise it’s inside with some more steps in front of the house.

Desembermarkaður vol II // Decembermarket vol II
Dec 21 @ 16:00 – 21:30
Desembermarkaður vol II // Decembermarket vol II


Desembermarkaður vol. II

Kæru sökunautar,

Það var svo hrikalega notalegt í Andrými á laugardaginn að okkur langar að halda annan desembermarkað fimmtudagskvöldið 21. desember. Í þetta sinn verður meiri kvöldstemning, en húsið opnar kl 16:00 og verður opið til 21:00.

Á markaðnum verður allskonar í boði, t.d. listaverk, handverk, gjafabréf, góðgæti, notuð föt og fleira sem gæti komið að gagni yfir eina stærstu hátíð neysluhyggjunnar: jólin.

Einnig hefur heyrst að það verði mögulega desemberglögg, heitt súkkulaði (vegan) og tónlistaratriði á dagskrá.

Allt sem safnast fer í að tryggja að Andrými verði áfram staður þar sem pólitískir grasrótarhópar og jaðarsettir samfélagshópar í Reykjavík geta skipulagt sig og fundið griðarstað.

Við hlökkum til að sjá ykkur,
Hlýjar samstöðukveðjur,
Fjáröflunarteymi Andrýmis


December market vol II !!!

Dear accomplices,

We had such a nice day last saturday during the december market that we want to host another one on December 21st. This time around we are going to have an evening opening, the house opens at 16:00 until 21:00.

Expect a bustling atmosphere filled with delightful crafts, delectable treats, and other things perfect for the biggest and most terrible consumer-pest of the year: Christmas.

Word has it that there will be some mulled wine, hot chocolate and live music.

Your attendance and support will directly contribute to covering our rent and running costs, ensuring that Andrými remains a radical social center for grassroot organizing and marginalized communities in Reykjavík.

Warm regards,
Fundraising team of Andrými