Bergþórugata 20, 101, Reykjavik


Open House / Opið hús
Jun 6 @ 16:00 – 18:00

{Íslenska fyrir neðan} Andrými Open Hours!

Do you feel like you need to get out of the house? Are you looking for a new book to read? Do you want to check out our freeshop full of clothes or are you just looking for a quiet place to work?

Come to the Open Hours!

There is a large room downstairs with tables, chairs, and armchairs; a kitchen where you can make tea or coffee; the library; freeshop; and two rooms upstairs: one with sofas and armchairs, and one with a table and chairs, ideal for working.

Looking forward to seeing you!


There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door).

The bathrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building). There is no bathroom on the ground floor.

Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral. The event takes place on the ground floor.

Andrými Opið hús!

Finnst þér að þú þurfir að fara út úr húsinu? Viltu fá nýja bók til að lesa? Viltu skoða fríbúðina okkar eða þarftu rólegan stað til að vinna?

Komdu á Opið hús!

Það er stórt herbergi á niðri hæð með borð, stóla og hægindastóla, eldhús til að fá kaffi eða te, Andspyrna bókasafn, fríbúðin, og tvö herbergi uppi: eitt kosý herbergi með sófa og hægindastóla og eitt vinnuherbergi með borð og stóla.

Hlökkum til að sjá ykkur!


Það er eitt þrep við hliðið að garðinum og svo fimm þrep sem leiða upp að aðalinngangi. Hvert þrep er 17sm hátt. Breidd dyra í húsinu er á milli 50sm (dyr að baðherberginu á efri hæð) og 80sm (aðaldyrnar). Dyrnar að fundarherberginu eru 75sm á breidd eins og flestar aðrar dyr í húsinu.

Baðherbergin eru einungis á efri hæð og í kjallara eins og er. Bæði baðherbergin eru kynlaus.

Kimchi lab – fermentation workshop / Gerjunarverkstæði / Warsztaty fermentacji / Бродильний цех
Jun 8 @ 18:00 – 21:00

Let’s enter the realm of the lactic acid bacteria, get to know the secrets of “wild fermentation” and turn Andrými into a kimchi-making laboratory!

During the workshop, we are going to discuss a number of plant-based ferments and become more familiar with the process of lactic acid fermentation. We are going to practice by preparing fresh and fragrant jars of kimchi (spicy Korean fermented cabbage), which you will be able to take further care of at home.

Fermentation is an easy and sustainable way to store edible plants for very long periods, it can help diversify the tastes and textures in your everyday meals and most importantly, eating fermented food is super-healthy, as it strengthens your immune system.

Come to Andrými to spend a fun evening broadening your skill set and hanging out with other people interested in food-related subjects.

The workshop will also touch upon the subject of multi-species entanglements and connections, as an exercise in looking at the world from a non-anthropocentric, beyond-the-human perspective, in order to notice and appreciate other-than-human subjectivities. Making kimchi is a great example of an act of co-creation, as you will learn that it’s the bacteria that are doing “the work” of fermentation and we are the facilitators creating the right conditions for this process to occur.

Kinga Kozłowska is a food enthusiast with an experience of running a series of DIY pop-up dinner events in her hometown of Warsaw, Poland, where she had been cooking vegan and vegetarian versions of traditional Korean dishes at a local bar. She had a chance to dive deeper into various techniques of fermentation while assisting at a raw vegan workshop in Zihuatanejo, Mexico. Currently she is finishing her studies in anthropology and undergoing a training in psychotherapy in Poland, but also coming over as a migrant worker to Iceland, here again this summer.

The workshop is for ~10 people. There are two dates available, you can choose to come either on the 8th or on the 22nd of June (18:00 – 21:00). Please sign up by writing me an email –

Free Supermarket
Jun 9 @ 17:30 – 19:00

In the free supermarket you can pick up all kind of food or you can also bring some food to the market.

In these hard times lets get together and make sure the most unprotected get the most basic foods and work together to achieve what the powers that be cannot and/or don’t want to.

There is also a free shop for clothes and other items.
Food donations and volunteers are always appreciated!

Accessibility: The supermarket is outside in the garden if the weather is good. There is a small step at the gate to come in. Otherwise it’s inside with some more steps in front of the house.

Bullying in the Workplace
Jun 10 @ 12:00 – 17:45

(Private event).

Workplace bullying and psychological abuse as management tools and how to organise against it.

Smoky incense making workshop / Verkstæði fyrir reykelsi / Warsztaty robienia kadzideł
Jun 10 @ 18:00 – 20:00

There’s no need to buy incense sticks, white sage or palo santo shipped from abroad when you can learn to make your own natural incense from wild plants that are growing in your neighbourhood or from ingredients you are likely to have in your kitchen (like cinnamon powder).

During the workshop you will have a chance to:

🌋make your own herbal incense bundles from wild plants growing near the sidewalks and in parks/green areas of Reykjavik
🌋make your own incense cones from spices and essential oils
🌋 learn about the cultural aspects of incense burning and smudging, how&why is it practiced in different parts of the world
🌋practice your sense of smell
🌋enjoy 2 hours in a relaxing atmosphere and get to know some new people

All of the materials for experimentation will be provided and I will tell you more about the species of plants we are going to use and where to find them in Reykjavik. I will also bring some essential oils and spice powders for the incense cones.

The incense bundles and cones will be yours to take with you back home, where it’s going to take several days for them to dry out and be ready for burning.

I believe that sensorial engagement with nature is a form of self-care and that it can have therapeutic effects. This stands in agreement with scientific findings and with indigenous wisdom from all around the world.
I hope that the workshop is going to inspire you to pay more attention to the plants and other species you encounter, as well as creatively and respectfully incorporate those plants into your everyday life.

About the workshop host: I’m training in psychotherapy and studying anthropology. I mostly live in Warsaw, Poland, but I’ve been coming to Iceland as a migrant worker for years and this summer I’m here again. You can also check out my kimchi-making workshop this month.

The workshop is for ~10 people. There are two dates available, you can choose to come either on the 10th (17:00-19:00) or on the 19th of June (18:00-20:00). Please sign up by writing me an email –

Suggested donation is: 2500isk.

Private event / GreenWashing workshop
Jun 11 @ 10:30 – 12:30

A workshop, raising awareness about greenwashing and how to spot and avoid it

Baking with new friends
Jun 11 @ 14:00 – 19:00

Let’s come together as a community and share in the joy of baking!

Feel free to bring ingredients, share recipes, bring something you’ve made or just socialize and help others while we bake some tasty treats!

This event is open for all and a great chance to meet new people and make friends!

Open House / Opið hús
Jun 13 @ 16:00 – 18:00

{Íslenska fyrir neðan} Andrými Open Hours!

Do you feel like you need to get out of the house? Are you looking for a new book to read? Do you want to check out our freeshop full of clothes or are you just looking for a quiet place to work?

Come to the Open Hours!

There is a large room downstairs with tables, chairs, and armchairs; a kitchen where you can make tea or coffee; the library; freeshop; and two rooms upstairs: one with sofas and armchairs, and one with a table and chairs, ideal for working.

Looking forward to seeing you!


There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door).

The bathrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building). There is no bathroom on the ground floor.

Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral. The event takes place on the ground floor.

Andrými Opið hús!

Finnst þér að þú þurfir að fara út úr húsinu? Viltu fá nýja bók til að lesa? Viltu skoða fríbúðina okkar eða þarftu rólegan stað til að vinna?

Komdu á Opið hús!

Það er stórt herbergi á niðri hæð með borð, stóla og hægindastóla, eldhús til að fá kaffi eða te, Andspyrna bókasafn, fríbúðin, og tvö herbergi uppi: eitt kosý herbergi með sófa og hægindastóla og eitt vinnuherbergi með borð og stóla.

Hlökkum til að sjá ykkur!


Það er eitt þrep við hliðið að garðinum og svo fimm þrep sem leiða upp að aðalinngangi. Hvert þrep er 17sm hátt. Breidd dyra í húsinu er á milli 50sm (dyr að baðherberginu á efri hæð) og 80sm (aðaldyrnar). Dyrnar að fundarherberginu eru 75sm á breidd eins og flestar aðrar dyr í húsinu.

Baðherbergin eru einungis á efri hæð og í kjallara eins og er. Bæði baðherbergin eru kynlaus.

Free Supermarket
Jun 16 @ 17:30 – 19:00

In the free supermarket you can pick up all kind of food or you can also bring some food to the market.

In these hard times lets get together and make sure the most unprotected get the most basic foods and work together to achieve what the powers that be cannot and/or don’t want to.

There is also a free shop for clothes and other items.
Food donations and volunteers are always appreciated!

Accessibility: The supermarket is outside in the garden if the weather is good. There is a small step at the gate to come in. Otherwise it’s inside with some more steps in front of the house.

Private event / Lokaður viðburður
Jun 17 @ 14:00 – 22:00