In the free supermarket you can pick up all kind of food or you can also bring some food to the market.
In these hard times lets get together and make sure the most unprotected get the most basic foods and work together to achieve what the powers that be cannot and/or don’t want to.
There is also a free shop for clothes and other items.
Food donations and volunteers are always appreciated!
Accessibility: The supermarket is outside in the garden if the weather is good. There is a small step at the gate to come in. Otherwise it’s inside with some more steps in front of the house.
In the free supermarket you can pick up all kind of food or you can also bring some food to the market.
In these hard times lets get together and make sure the most unprotected get the most basic foods and work together to achieve what the powers that be cannot and/or don’t want to.
There is also a free shop for clothes and other items.
Food donations and volunteers are always appreciated!
Accessibility: The supermarket is outside in the garden if the weather is good. There is a small step at the gate to come in. Otherwise it’s inside with some more steps in front of the house.
Við erum að halda gefins bókabúð og við erum með helling af bókum sem vantar nýtt heimili. Komdu við og gríptu nokkrar bækur fyrir safnið eða slakaðu á og lestu í kósý umhverfinu okkar. Flestar bækurnar eru Íslenskar skáldsögur en það eru líka einhverjar Enskar skáldsögur. Svo munum við að sjálfsögðu vera með kaffi og te handa öllum!
We’re hosting a book giveaway event and we’ve got a huge pile of books just waiting for new homes. Swing by to snag some fresh reads for your collection or just chill out and read in our cozy space. Most of the books are Icelandic fiction, but we’ve also got some English novels up for grabs. And of course, we’ll have coffee and tea to keep you energized while you browse!
Á fundinum er farið yfir vinnuhópa, fólk getur tekið að sér verkefni, rætt mikilvæg málefni og séð önnur andlit sem tengjast Andrými. Dagskrá fundarins má sjá fyrir neðan.
Þetta er fullkominn tími fyrir nýja og forvitna aðila til að koma og hitta fólk og læra meira um Andrými!
– Valinn fundarstjóri, farið stuttlega yfir fundarreglur
– Nafnakynning
– Kynning vinnuhópa: Vinnuhópar fara yfir unnin störf, útskýra það sem er enn í vinnslu og hvaða verkefni eru í uppsiglingu.
– Endurraðað í vinnuhópa: Fólk velur sér vinnuhópa sem það vill vinna með. “Bottomliner” valinn fyrir hvern hóp.
-Endurgjöf (e. feedback): Minni umræðuhópar
– Endurgjöf: Umræða í stóra hóp
– Sameiginleg ákvarðanataka varðandi mismunandi mál:
Come and get involved in Andrými, a space for radical groups, events and community projects!
We hold a monthly assembly to update each other about our work, redistribute tasks, share feedback and drink coffee together.
This is the perfect time for new and curious people to come meet people and learn more about Andrými!
-Roles, Rules of Consensus
-Name go-around
-Updates: working groups say what has been done, what is being worked on, future plans
-Redistributing tasks, finding new bottomliners
-Small groups: feedback
-Coffee break
-Report back from small groups
-Points from working group: things we need consensus on
There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door).
The bathrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building). There is no bathroom on the ground floor.
Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral. The event takes place on the ground floor.
A short workshop meant for those who want to organise in Andrými. The workshop has two parts:
Reflect upon what it means to be responsible and accommodating in a radical social space and what the notion of a safer space can mean for different people.
Reviewing all major material safety factors (locations of first aid kits, fire extinguishers and emergency exists etc. …)
The safer space workshop goes over the responsibilities that come with opening the house and taking care of the space. A short overview of key values and guidelines will be followed by a discussion about possible scenarios and solutions as well as a walk-through of the house.
Come over if you would like to learn how to support other people in the space, react to conflicts, get to know more about the work in our solidarity teams during bigger events or better understand why we have created the space.
If you’re already using the space, either organising within/with your group or as a participant, you’re encouraged to get to know how to support other people and build a safer space for all.
Andrými is open due to you, then let’s get together and talk about our radical social centre in town. Learn how to build a community where people feel welcome and safe.
A short workshop meant for those who want to organise in Andrými. The workshop has two parts:
Reflect upon what it means to be responsible and accommodating in a radical social space and what the notion of a safer space can mean for different people.
Reviewing all major material safety factors (locations of first aid kits, fire extinguishers and emergency exists etc. …)
The safer space workshop goes over the responsibilities that come with opening the house and taking care of the space. A short overview of key values and guidelines will be followed by a discussion about possible scenarios and solutions as well as a walk-through of the house.
Come over if you would like to learn how to support other people in the space, react to conflicts, get to know more about the work in our solidarity teams during bigger events or better understand why we have created the space.
If you’re already using the space, either organising within/with your group or as a participant, you’re encouraged to get to know how to support other people and build a safer space for all.
Andrými is open due to you, then let’s get together and talk about our radical social centre in town. Learn how to build a community where people feel welcome and safe.
Komdu og hittu okkur á IWW verkalýðskaffi fyrir spjall, kaffi og snarl! Fáðu ráðgjöf um réttindi þín og hvernig þú getur skipulagt samstarfsfólk þitt í notalegu umhverfi. Allir* velkomnir!
*Fyrir utan yfirmenn!
Come and meet us at the IWW worker’s café for a chat, coffee and snacks! Get advice on your rights and how to organize with your fellow workers in a cozy atmosphere. Everyone* welcome!
*No bosses!
Spotkajmy się na kawę, ciasto i rozmowy w Worker’s Café organizowanej przez IWW. W bezpiecznej atmosferze dowiesz się więcej o prawach pracowników i o tym jak zorganizować swoje miejsce pracy. Spotkanie otwarte dla wszystkich*.
*oprócz szefów!
In the free supermarket you can pick up all kind of food or you can also bring some food to the market.
In these hard times lets get together and make sure the most unprotected get the most basic foods and work together to achieve what the powers that be cannot and/or don’t want to.
There is also a free shop for clothes and other items.
Food donations and volunteers are always appreciated!
Accessibility: The supermarket is outside in the garden if the weather is good. There is a small step at the gate to come in. Otherwise it’s inside with some more steps in front of the house.
In the free supermarket you can pick up all kind of food or you can also bring some food to the market. In these hard times lets get together and make sure the most unprotected get the most... Read More
Fríbúðin er opin! Allt ókeypis! Komið með dót/fatnað sem þið notið ekki lengur en viljið heldur ekki fleygja. Eða komið og finnið nýtt til að taka heim. The freeshop is open! All for free! Come and bring stuff/clothes... Read More
ENGLISH BELOW Á fundinum er farið yfir vinnuhópa, fólk getur tekið að sér verkefni, rætt mikilvæg málefni og séð önnur andlit sem tengjast Andrými. Dagskrá fundarins má sjá fyrir neðan. Þetta er fullkominn tími fyrir nýja og forvitna... Read More
Fríbúðin er opin! Allt ókeypis! Komið með dót/fatnað sem þið notið ekki lengur en viljið heldur ekki fleygja. Eða komið og finnið nýtt til að taka heim. The freeshop is open! All for free! Come and bring stuff/clothes... Read More
In the free supermarket you can pick up all kind of food or you can also bring some food to the market. In these hard times lets get together and make sure the most unprotected get the most... Read More
Fríbúðin er opin! Allt ókeypis! Komið með dót/fatnað sem þið notið ekki lengur en viljið heldur ekki fleygja. Eða komið og finnið nýtt til að taka heim. The freeshop is open! All for free! Come and bring stuff/clothes... Read More
Fríbúðin er opin! Allt ókeypis! Komið með dót/fatnað sem þið notið ekki lengur en viljið heldur ekki fleygja. Eða komið og finnið nýtt til að taka heim. The freeshop is open! All for free! Come and bring stuff/clothes... Read More
In the free supermarket you can pick up all kind of food or you can also bring some food to the market. In these hard times lets get together and make sure the most unprotected get the most... Read More
Fríbúðin er opin! Allt ókeypis! Komið með dót/fatnað sem þið notið ekki lengur en viljið heldur ekki fleygja. Eða komið og finnið nýtt til að taka heim. The freeshop is open! All for free! Come and bring stuff/clothes... Read More
Fríbúðin er opin! Allt ókeypis! Komið með dót/fatnað sem þið notið ekki lengur en viljið heldur ekki fleygja. Eða komið og finnið nýtt til að taka heim. The freeshop is open! All for free! Come and bring stuff/clothes... Read More
In the free supermarket you can pick up all kind of food or you can also bring some food to the market. In these hard times lets get together and make sure the most unprotected get the most... Read More
Fríbúðin er opin! Allt ókeypis! Komið með dót/fatnað sem þið notið ekki lengur en viljið heldur ekki fleygja. Eða komið og finnið nýtt til að taka heim. The freeshop is open! All for free! Come and bring stuff/clothes... Read More
Fríbúðin er opin! Allt ókeypis! Komið með dót/fatnað sem þið notið ekki lengur en viljið heldur ekki fleygja. Eða komið og finnið nýtt til að taka heim. The freeshop is open! All for free! Come and bring stuff/clothes... Read More
Movie night in Andrymi every other monday. 4/11 Jimmy’s hall (Ken Loach). 18/11 to be announced 😉 Bíókvöld í Andrými annan hvert mánudag. 4/11 Jimmy’s hall (Ken Loach). 18/11 TBA. 😉
In the free supermarket you can pick up all kind of food or you can also bring some food to the market.
In these hard times lets get together and make sure the most unprotected get the most basic foods and work together to achieve what the powers that be cannot and/or don’t want to.
There is also a free shop for clothes and other items.
Food donations and volunteers are always appreciated!
Accessibility: The supermarket is outside in the garden if the weather is good. There is a small step at the gate to come in. Otherwise it’s inside with some more steps in front of the house.
Málum saman aðalherbergið svo að veggirnir skina aftur!
Planið er að endurmála veggana. Þannig að endilega komið með málningardót ef þið eruð með 🙂
Lets paint the main room to make the walls shine again!
U can bring painting utilites if you have 🙂
In the free supermarket you can pick up all kind of food or you can also bring some food to the market.
In these hard times lets get together and make sure the most unprotected get the most basic foods and work together to achieve what the powers that be cannot and/or don’t want to.
There is also a free shop for clothes and other items.
Food donations and volunteers are always appreciated!
Accessibility: The supermarket is outside in the garden if the weather is good. There is a small step at the gate to come in. Otherwise it’s inside with some more steps in front of the house.
Við erum að halda gefins bókabúð og við erum með helling af bókum sem vantar nýtt heimili. Komdu við og gríptu nokkrar bækur fyrir safnið eða slakaðu á og lestu í kósý umhverfinu okkar. Flestar bækurnar eru Íslenskar skáldsögur en það eru líka einhverjar Enskar skáldsögur. Svo munum við að sjálfsögðu vera með kaffi og te handa öllum!
We’re hosting a book giveaway event and we’ve got a huge pile of books just waiting for new homes. Swing by to snag some fresh reads for your collection or just chill out and read in our cozy space. Most of the books are Icelandic fiction, but we’ve also got some English novels up for grabs. And of course, we’ll have coffee and tea to keep you energized while you browse!
Á fundinum er farið yfir vinnuhópa, fólk getur tekið að sér verkefni, rætt mikilvæg málefni og séð önnur andlit sem tengjast Andrými. Dagskrá fundarins má sjá fyrir neðan.
Þetta er fullkominn tími fyrir nýja og forvitna aðila til að koma og hitta fólk og læra meira um Andrými!
– Valinn fundarstjóri, farið stuttlega yfir fundarreglur
– Nafnakynning
– Kynning vinnuhópa: Vinnuhópar fara yfir unnin störf, útskýra það sem er enn í vinnslu og hvaða verkefni eru í uppsiglingu.
– Endurraðað í vinnuhópa: Fólk velur sér vinnuhópa sem það vill vinna með. “Bottomliner” valinn fyrir hvern hóp.
-Endurgjöf (e. feedback): Minni umræðuhópar
– Endurgjöf: Umræða í stóra hóp
– Sameiginleg ákvarðanataka varðandi mismunandi mál:
Come and get involved in Andrými, a space for radical groups, events and community projects!
We hold a monthly assembly to update each other about our work, redistribute tasks, share feedback and drink coffee together.
This is the perfect time for new and curious people to come meet people and learn more about Andrými!
-Roles, Rules of Consensus
-Name go-around
-Updates: working groups say what has been done, what is being worked on, future plans
-Redistributing tasks, finding new bottomliners
-Small groups: feedback
-Coffee break
-Report back from small groups
-Points from working group: things we need consensus on
There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door).
The bathrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building). There is no bathroom on the ground floor.
Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral. The event takes place on the ground floor.
A short workshop meant for those who want to organise in Andrými. The workshop has two parts:
The safer space workshop goes over the responsibilities that come with opening the house and taking care of the space. A short overview of key values and guidelines will be followed by a discussion about possible scenarios and solutions as well as a walk-through of the house.
Come over if you would like to learn how to support other people in the space, react to conflicts, get to know more about the work in our solidarity teams during bigger events or better understand why we have created the space.
If you’re already using the space, either organising within/with your group or as a participant, you’re encouraged to get to know how to support other people and build a safer space for all.
Andrými is open due to you, then let’s get together and talk about our radical social centre in town. Learn how to build a community where people feel welcome and safe.
A short workshop meant for those who want to organise in Andrými. The workshop has two parts:
The safer space workshop goes over the responsibilities that come with opening the house and taking care of the space. A short overview of key values and guidelines will be followed by a discussion about possible scenarios and solutions as well as a walk-through of the house.
Come over if you would like to learn how to support other people in the space, react to conflicts, get to know more about the work in our solidarity teams during bigger events or better understand why we have created the space.
If you’re already using the space, either organising within/with your group or as a participant, you’re encouraged to get to know how to support other people and build a safer space for all.
Andrými is open due to you, then let’s get together and talk about our radical social centre in town. Learn how to build a community where people feel welcome and safe.
private event
English below
Polski ponizej
Komdu og hittu okkur á IWW verkalýðskaffi fyrir spjall, kaffi og snarl! Fáðu ráðgjöf um réttindi þín og hvernig þú getur skipulagt samstarfsfólk þitt í notalegu umhverfi. Allir* velkomnir!
*Fyrir utan yfirmenn!
Come and meet us at the IWW worker’s café for a chat, coffee and snacks! Get advice on your rights and how to organize with your fellow workers in a cozy atmosphere. Everyone* welcome!
*No bosses!
Spotkajmy się na kawę, ciasto i rozmowy w Worker’s Café organizowanej przez IWW. W bezpiecznej atmosferze dowiesz się więcej o prawach pracowników i o tym jak zorganizować swoje miejsce pracy. Spotkanie otwarte dla wszystkich*.
*oprócz szefów!
Event in English, Icelandic and Polish.
In the free supermarket you can pick up all kind of food or you can also bring some food to the market.
In these hard times lets get together and make sure the most unprotected get the most basic foods and work together to achieve what the powers that be cannot and/or don’t want to.
There is also a free shop for clothes and other items.
Food donations and volunteers are always appreciated!
Accessibility: The supermarket is outside in the garden if the weather is good. There is a small step at the gate to come in. Otherwise it’s inside with some more steps in front of the house.