Bergþórugata 20, 101, Reykjavik


closed private event
Jun 5 @ 16:00 – 00:00
Closed meeting
Jun 15 @ 19:00 – 20:30

Closed meeting of grassroot group.


Private event
Jun 19 @ 18:00 – Jun 20 @ 21:00

private event

Trans Voice Workshop
Jun 23 @ 16:30 – 18:30

We are organizing a workshop for exchange knowledge and experience in modulation of the voice for trans people.

Rauða regnhlífin skilta málun/ Red umbrella banner/sign making
Jul 24 @ 11:00 – 12:00

Private event

CANCELLED: Craftivism in public spaces / Hannyrðapönk í almenningsrými
Aug 21 @ 13:00 – 17:00

[English below]

Hannyrðapönk í almenningsrými, einnig kallað hannyrðagraff, er
jákvætt hreyfiafl fyrir nærsamfélagið. Grunnhugmynd hannyrðapönksins;
að hver og ein manneskja sem vill láta gott af sér leiða með handavinnu,
handverki og/eða hannyrðum sínum getur starfað undir formerkjum
hannyrðapönksins. Engrar grunnþekkingar er krafist.
Í þessari smiðju á Menningarnótt getur fólk lært grunnatriði útsaums og hvernig er
hægt að graffa almenningsrými bæði með nýjum og gömlum útsaumi og
þannig stuðla gegn sóun textíls með afturnýtingu.

Craftivism in public spaces, also known as yarngraffiti, is a positive way to activate and influence our community. Anyone can be a craftivist, no special skills are required. If you use your crafts as a form of activism, and for the greater good, you can call yourself a craftivist.
In this short workshop on Menningarnótt you’ll learn the basic skills of embroidery and how to use yarn and upcycled textiles as a form of graffiti in your community.


Outdoor event, therefore it’s wheelchair accessible.
Seating is limited to what’s in the garden already.
Neither childcare nor food/drinks available.
Sigrún hannyrðapönkari speaks Icelandic, English, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and little of German and French. Therefore she can interpret as she helps with the embroidery.
Visual instructions will also be available.
The event is free of charge and all embroidery materials will be provided for, and also free of charge.

Grassrope making / Grasreipisgerð
Aug 22 @ 13:00 – 19:00

Komdu að vefa! Það er án efa það skemmtilegasta & auðveldasta sem þú munt læra í allan dag.
Skapaðu hvað sem þér dettur í hug úr hinu ótrúlega aðgengilega efni sem vex allt í kring.
Möguleikarnir eru endalausir
Komdu með vini & alla fjölskylduna
Gæludýr velkomin.
Come and fun with grass! The great material so poorly utilised by everyone. Don’t just cut it down. Build up the world in your own way with this easy and simple method.
Come on over and learn a new trick.
Bring your friends and family.
Dogs welcome, and cats as well!
Chodź, splot! Jest to bez wątpienia najfajniejsza i najłatwiejsza rzecz, której nauczysz się przez cały dzień.
Twórz, co myślisz o niesamowicie dostępnych treściach, które rosną dookoła.
Możliwości są nieskończone
Przyprowadź przyjaciół i całą rodzinę
Zwierzęta mile widziane.
Ven a tejer! Es sin duda la cosa más divertida y fácil que aprenderás durante todo el día.
Cree lo que piense del contenido increíblemente accesible que crece a su alrededor.
Las posibilidades son infinitas
Trae amigos y toda la familia.
Mascotas bienvenidas.
Venez tisser! C’est sans aucun doute la chose la plus amusante et la plus simple que vous apprendrez toute la journée.
Créez ce que vous pensez du contenu incroyablement accessible qui se développe tout autour.
Les possibilités sont infinies
Amenez des amis et toute la famille
Animaux acceptés.

Sign Making Workshop for Solidarity with the people of Afghanistan / Skiltagerð fyrir samstöðufund með afgönsku þjóðinni
Aug 28 @ 11:00 – 13:00

Skiltagerð fyrir samstöðufundinn með afgönsku þjóðinni sem hefst laugardaginn 28. ágúst klukkan 14:30 á Hlemmi.

Þetta myndi gefa fólki kost á að koma saman og hafa aðstöðu fyrir skiltagerðina og sýna samstöðu með Afghanistan.

Grassrope making / Grasreipisgerð
Aug 29 @ 13:00 – 19:00

Komdu að vefa! Það er án efa það skemmtilegasta & auðveldasta sem þú munt læra í allan dag.
Skapaðu hvað sem þér dettur í hug úr hinu ótrúlega aðgengilega efni sem vex allt í kring.
Möguleikarnir eru endalausir
Komdu með vini & alla fjölskylduna
Gæludýr velkomin.
Come and fun with grass! The great material so poorly utilised by everyone. Don’t just cut it down. Build up the world in your own way with this easy and simple method.
Come on over and learn a new trick.
Bring your friends and family.
Dogs welcome, and cats as well!
Chodź, splot! Jest to bez wątpienia najfajniejsza i najłatwiejsza rzecz, której nauczysz się przez cały dzień.
Twórz, co myślisz o niesamowicie dostępnych treściach, które rosną dookoła.
Możliwości są nieskończone
Przyprowadź przyjaciół i całą rodzinę
Zwierzęta mile widziane.
Ven a tejer! Es sin duda la cosa más divertida y fácil que aprenderás durante todo el día.
Cree lo que piense del contenido increíblemente accesible que crece a su alrededor.
Las posibilidades son infinitas
Trae amigos y toda la familia.
Mascotas bienvenidas.
Venez tisser! C’est sans aucun doute la chose la plus amusante et la plus simple que vous apprendrez toute la journée.
Créez ce que vous pensez du contenu incroyablement accessible qui se développe tout autour.
Les possibilités sont infinies
Amenez des amis et toute la famille
Animaux acceptés.

Private event
Aug 30 @ 18:00 – Aug 31 @ 21:00

private event