Bergþórugata 20, 101, Reykjavik


Trad Music Session // Þjóðlagasamspil
Apr 29 @ 18:00 – 22:00

This will comprise a learning session kl. 18-20, and an open session 20-22 – non-players welcome from 20 onwards. The learning session will be geared towards those who play instruments already, and want to learn more about styles of folk music and add to their repertoire.

If you know what a session is, come and bring songs and tunes (if you have them)! If not, read on.

This session is the only one currently in Iceland but it’s a really common format throughout the English and Gaelic-speaking world and in lots of parts of Europe and probably lots of other places too. The idea is that people come with unamplified music and songs and dances and then do them with other people, usually in a common style.

Because we are quite international, most commonly you’ll hear Irish music and songs, and also from Iceland, Scandinavia, Britain, North America and Europe. These days (since the 1960s), usually a session will happen in a pub, or sometimes a house. It’s not like a concert because it’s not a performance and there’s not really an audience, though there are often people that just come to listen or chat and maybe join in with some singing if they’re feeling that way inclined. It’s also not like a jam session because there are set songs and tunes which all the people participating will know, or are learning. If you want to learn some of these, there’s lots to help you at

If you don’t play or have a song to bring you’re more than welcome to come and hang out with your friends, and talking, drinking etc. is encouraged during the music – the more atmosphere the better. Sometimes everyone might be quiet to listen to a solo singer. Often you’ll be able to pick up the choruses to the songs and are welcome to join in.


There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door).

The bathrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building). There is no bathroom on the ground floor.

Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral. The event takes place on the ground floor.

The event will be seated. Icelandic and English are available languages.

Bread and roses – free bread and pastries
Apr 30 @ 17:30 – 19:00

We are distributing donated bread and pastries and maybe also dumpster dived food. Come by and hang out. Coffee, tea and good vibes all around!

There is also a free shop for clothes.
Food donations (no clothes!) welcome, volunteers always appreciated


Accessibility: The supermarket is outside in the garden if the weather is good. There is a small step at the gate to come in. Otherwise it’s inside with some more steps in front of the house.

Free Supermarket
Apr 30 @ 17:30 – 19:00

In the free supermarket you can pick up all kind of food or you can also bring some food to the market.

In these hard times lets get together and make sure the most unprotected get the most basic foods and work together to achieve what the powers that be cannot and/or don’t want to.

There is also a free shop for clothes and other items.
Food donations and volunteers are always appreciated!

Accessibility: The supermarket is outside in the garden if the weather is good. There is a small step at the gate to come in. Otherwise it’s inside with some more steps in front of the house.

Opinn skipulagsfundur Andrýmis // Andrými open organizing meeting
May 2 @ 13:00 – 16:00


Á fundinum er farið yfir vinnuhópa, fólk getur tekið að sér verkefni, rætt mikilvæg málefni og séð önnur andlit sem tengjast Andrými. Dagskrá fundarins má sjá fyrir neðan.
Þetta er fullkominn tími fyrir nýja og forvitna aðila til að koma og hitta fólk og læra meira um Andrými!

– Valinn fundarstjóri, farið stuttlega yfir fundarreglur
– Nafnakynning
– Kynning vinnuhópa: Vinnuhópar fara yfir unnin störf, útskýra það sem er enn í vinnslu og hvaða verkefni eru í uppsiglingu.
– Endurraðað í vinnuhópa: Fólk velur sér vinnuhópa sem það vill vinna með. “Bottomliner” valinn fyrir hvern hóp.
-Endurgjöf (e. feedback): Minni umræðuhópar
– Endurgjöf: Umræða í stóra hóp
– Sameiginleg ákvarðanataka varðandi mismunandi mál:
Come and get involved in Andrými, a space for radical groups, events and community projects!
We hold a monthly assembly to update each other about our work, redistribute tasks, share feedback and drink coffee together.
This is the perfect time for new and curious people to come meet people and learn more about Andrými!

-Roles, Rules of Consensus
-Name go-around
-Updates: working groups say what has been done, what is being worked on, future plans
-Redistributing tasks, finding new bottomliners
-Small groups: feedback
-Coffee break
-Report back from small groups
-Points from working group: things we need consensus on


There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door).

The bathrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building). There is no bathroom on the ground floor.

Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral. The event takes place on the ground floor.

Bike self repair @ Basement
May 3 @ 17:00 – 20:00

Bike repair session in Andrými

Andrými includes a small bike workshop in the basement with tools and used spare parts. Once a week (currently Mo, 17-20) we help you repair your bike. Since the rooms are of limited size, only two people can work there simultaneously. Therefore please sign up at
beforehand. (If date or time between this calendar and the pad differ, the pad is correct.) If you come without notification you might or might not get help and it is likely that you have to repair outside. (Might be cold!)

If you want to get in contact with us, write an e-mail to

A donation for the rent of Andrými, tools and spare parts are not required but appreciated as the finances including the rent of Andrými and some bike parts or tools are based on donations.

If you would like to help at improving the workshop or helping others, please contact us and visit Andrými as well! All of Andrými including the workshop depends on the activity of volunteers.
If you are familiar with Andrými and want to offer bike repair help, add more dates into the sign-up pad.


The tool selection of the bike workshop is not complete, therefore there are problems that we cannot solve. There are (almost) no new spare parts available. You might have to buy new parts elsewhere. The person helping you is not a professional so there is no guarantee on any tipps or help s/he is giving. On rare occasions it can also happen that the bike is broken even more afterwards. A workshop can be dangerous. You work at your own risk. Be careful and only use machines on your own that you know well.
Bring more time than you expect, repairing always takes longer than you think. We try to open the workshop as reliable as possible but since it’s based on volunteer work we not always be available.

12345 (Queer) Reasons Not To Trust The Police
May 5 @ 18:30
12345 (Queer) Reasons Not To Trust The Police

[may be rescheduled depending on the COVID situation]

Queers don’t let queers become cops.

But why?

For the same reason as why the “first pride was a riot,” as we’ve probably all heard, in more or less pinkwashed versions.

This talk will provide a brief (and nowhere near exhaustive!) overview of the history of anti-queer policing. From the police arresting people on “impersonation” charges to Compton’s Cafeteria and “Operation Soap” raids, as well as many other instances of structural police violence against queers, we’ve been shown time and time again that cops are not our friends and that while a queer person can (sometimes) become a police officer, the police as such can never be queer/ed.

After the talk, the atmosphere will get lighter, and the 2014 movie Pride ( will be screened. Lights snacks and a special drink, Police TearsTM, will be available.

This event is a fundraiser for an individual arrested at Reykjavik Pride 2019 after being personally targeted by the Pride Board who apparently believed they were about to carry out a direct action of some kind during the Pride. They were not. They were just walking in the pride parade, along with hundreds of others, having fun and looking for their friends. But if they had been, you’d think the Pride organizers would’ve welcomed a queer-led and -focused direct action, bringing attention to the multitude of issues concerning queer individuals?


Instead, the Pride Board made sure to point out this particular person to the police, who arrested them without a second thought. They can do that because of the notorious Section 19 of the Icelandic Police Act, according to which the public is obliged to obey police orders, no matter what (read more about the ongoing court cases against activists using this Section here:, and . The charges were dropped after a few weeks, but that does not make the experience of an arrest disappear, as arrests themselves are violent and notoriously used to bully and discourage activists. In addition to dealing with the trauma of an arrest, they’ve also had to deal with the trauma of being betrayed by their supposed queer comrades. (The 2019 Reykjavik Pride Board has still not accepted any responsibility – except for one person who has been so disillusioned by their decision that they have resigned from the Pride Parade Board – and has repeatedly supported police presence at the parade.)

The person has decided to sue the police for wrongful arrest, and so all the money raised will go to pay for the legal costs associated with this. If there is any money left, it will go to Slagtog (, a feminist self-defence collective based in Reykjavik. Feminist self-defence and community care are excellent alternatives to policing, and have been proven effective.

Looking forward to see you all! (Except cops, obviously.)


There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door).

The bathrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building). There is no bathroom on the ground floor.

Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral. The event takes place on the ground floor. The movie will be screened in English with English subtitles and the talk will take place in English – questions and comments in English and Icelandic will be welcome, as well as potentially other languages.

Due to COVID19, a very limited number of people will be able to take part in the event. Chairs will be spaced two metres apart and masks will need to be worn at all times, except when drinking and eating. PLEASE FOLLOW THE EVENT FOR COVID UPDATES CLOSER TO THE DATE.

—— Íslenska væntaleg. ——— 

Trad Music Session // Þjóðlagasamspil
May 6 @ 18:00 – 22:00

This will comprise a learning session kl. 18-20, and an open session 20-22 – non-players welcome from 20 onwards. The learning session will be geared towards those who play instruments already, and want to learn more about styles of folk music and add to their repertoire.

If you know what a session is, come and bring songs and tunes (if you have them)! If not, read on.

This session is the only one currently in Iceland but it’s a really common format throughout the English and Gaelic-speaking world and in lots of parts of Europe and probably lots of other places too. The idea is that people come with unamplified music and songs and dances and then do them with other people, usually in a common style.

Because we are quite international, most commonly you’ll hear Irish music and songs, and also from Iceland, Scandinavia, Britain, North America and Europe. These days (since the 1960s), usually a session will happen in a pub, or sometimes a house. It’s not like a concert because it’s not a performance and there’s not really an audience, though there are often people that just come to listen or chat and maybe join in with some singing if they’re feeling that way inclined. It’s also not like a jam session because there are set songs and tunes which all the people participating will know, or are learning. If you want to learn some of these, there’s lots to help you at

If you don’t play or have a song to bring you’re more than welcome to come and hang out with your friends, and talking, drinking etc. is encouraged during the music – the more atmosphere the better. Sometimes everyone might be quiet to listen to a solo singer. Often you’ll be able to pick up the choruses to the songs and are welcome to join in.


There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door).

The bathrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building). There is no bathroom on the ground floor.

Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral. The event takes place on the ground floor.

The event will be seated. Icelandic and English are available languages.

Bread and roses – free bread and pastries
May 7 @ 17:30 – 19:00

We are distributing donated bread and pastries and maybe also dumpster dived food. Come by and hang out. Coffee, tea and good vibes all around!

There is also a free shop for clothes.
Food donations (no clothes!) welcome, volunteers always appreciated


Accessibility: The supermarket is outside in the garden if the weather is good. There is a small step at the gate to come in. Otherwise it’s inside with some more steps in front of the house.

Free Supermarket
May 7 @ 17:30 – 19:00

In the free supermarket you can pick up all kind of food or you can also bring some food to the market.

In these hard times lets get together and make sure the most unprotected get the most basic foods and work together to achieve what the powers that be cannot and/or don’t want to.

There is also a free shop for clothes and other items.
Food donations and volunteers are always appreciated!

Accessibility: The supermarket is outside in the garden if the weather is good. There is a small step at the gate to come in. Otherwise it’s inside with some more steps in front of the house.

Private meeting
May 13 @ 13:00 – 14:30