Bergþórugata 20, 101, Reykjavik


Open House: COVID-edition! / Opið Hús: COVID-útgáfa!
Feb 17 @ 14:00 – 18:00

{Íslenska fyrir neðan} Andrými Open Hours: COVID-edition!

Open Hours are back!

Do you feel like you need to get out of the house? Are you looking for a new book to read? Do you want to check out our freeshop full of clothes or are you just looking for a quiet place to work?

Come to the Open Hours! Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we ask everyone to wear a mask while inside the house. Hand disinfectant will be available: please disinfect your hands when you arrive, before touching the books, etc. Only 10 people can be inside at a time and only 1 person in the Andspyrna Anarchist Library and 1 person in the Freeshop. 

There is a large room downstairs with tables, chairs, and armchairs; a kitchen where you can make tea or coffee; the library; freeshop; and two rooms upstairs: one with sofas and armchairs, and one with a table and chairs, ideal for working.

Looking forward to seeing you again!


There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door).

The bathrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building). There is no bathroom on the ground floor.

Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral. The event takes place on the ground floor.

Andrými Opið Hús: Covid-útgáfan!

Opið Hús er tilbaka!

Finnst þér að þú þurfir að fara út úr húsinu? Viltu fá nýja bók til að lesa? Viltu skoða fríbúðina okkar eða þarftu rólegan stað til að vinna?

Komdu til Opins Húss! Vegna COVID-faraldsins biðjum við öll að vera með grímu inni í húsinu og spritta sig reglulega. Aðeins 10 einstaklingar mega vera í húsinu í einu og aðeins 1 á bókasafninu og 1 í fríbuðinni.

Það er stórt herbergi á niðri hæð með borð, stóla og hægindastóla, eldhús til að fá kaffi eða te, Andspyrna bókasafn, fríbúðin, og tvö herbergi uppi: eitt kosý herbergi með sófa og hægindastóla og eitt vinnuherbergi með borð og stóla.

Hlökkum til að sjá ykkur aftur!


Það er eitt þrep við hliðið að garðinum og svo fimm þrep sem leiða upp að aðalinngangi. Hvert þrep er 17sm hátt. Breidd dyra í húsinu er á milli 50sm (dyr að baðherberginu á efri hæð) og 80sm (aðaldyrnar). Dyrnar að fundarherberginu eru 75sm á breidd eins og flestar aðrar dyr í húsinu.

Baðherbergin eru einungis á efri hæð og í kjallara eins og er. Bæði baðherbergin eru kynlaus.

Open House: COVID-edition! / Opið Hús: COVID-útgáfa!
Feb 23 @ 16:00 – 18:00

{Íslenska fyrir neðan} Andrými Open Hours: COVID-edition!

Open Hours are back!

Do you feel like you need to get out of the house? Are you looking for a new book to read? Do you want to check out our freeshop full of clothes or are you just looking for a quiet place to work?

Come to the Open Hours! Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we ask everyone to wear a mask while inside the house. Hand disinfectant will be available: please disinfect your hands when you arrive, before touching the books, etc. Only 10 people can be inside at a time and only 1 person in the Andspyrna Anarchist Library and 1 person in the Freeshop. 

There is a large room downstairs with tables, chairs, and armchairs; a kitchen where you can make tea or coffee; the library; freeshop; and two rooms upstairs: one with sofas and armchairs, and one with a table and chairs, ideal for working.

Looking forward to seeing you again!


There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door).

The bathrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building). There is no bathroom on the ground floor.

Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral. The event takes place on the ground floor.

Andrými Opið Hús: Covid-útgáfan!

Opið Hús er tilbaka!

Finnst þér að þú þurfir að fara út úr húsinu? Viltu fá nýja bók til að lesa? Viltu skoða fríbúðina okkar eða þarftu rólegan stað til að vinna?

Komdu til Opins Húss! Vegna COVID-faraldsins biðjum við öll að vera með grímu inni í húsinu og spritta sig reglulega. Aðeins 10 einstaklingar mega vera í húsinu í einu og aðeins 1 á bókasafninu og 1 í fríbuðinni.

Það er stórt herbergi á niðri hæð með borð, stóla og hægindastóla, eldhús til að fá kaffi eða te, Andspyrna bókasafn, fríbúðin, og tvö herbergi uppi: eitt kosý herbergi með sófa og hægindastóla og eitt vinnuherbergi með borð og stóla.

Hlökkum til að sjá ykkur aftur!


Það er eitt þrep við hliðið að garðinum og svo fimm þrep sem leiða upp að aðalinngangi. Hvert þrep er 17sm hátt. Breidd dyra í húsinu er á milli 50sm (dyr að baðherberginu á efri hæð) og 80sm (aðaldyrnar). Dyrnar að fundarherberginu eru 75sm á breidd eins og flestar aðrar dyr í húsinu.

Baðherbergin eru einungis á efri hæð og í kjallara eins og er. Bæði baðherbergin eru kynlaus.

Slagtog work and organising meeting
Feb 23 @ 18:00 – 20:00

Feminist self-defence collective Slagtog meets weekly to organise their work. For further detail please write to

Open House: COVID-edition! / Opið Hús: COVID-útgáfa!
Feb 24 @ 14:00 – 18:00

{Íslenska fyrir neðan} Andrými Open Hours: COVID-edition!

Open Hours are back!

Do you feel like you need to get out of the house? Are you looking for a new book to read? Do you want to check out our freeshop full of clothes or are you just looking for a quiet place to work?

Come to the Open Hours! Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we ask everyone to wear a mask while inside the house. Hand disinfectant will be available: please disinfect your hands when you arrive, before touching the books, etc. Only 10 people can be inside at a time and only 1 person in the Andspyrna Anarchist Library and 1 person in the Freeshop. 

There is a large room downstairs with tables, chairs, and armchairs; a kitchen where you can make tea or coffee; the library; freeshop; and two rooms upstairs: one with sofas and armchairs, and one with a table and chairs, ideal for working.

Looking forward to seeing you again!


There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door).

The bathrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building). There is no bathroom on the ground floor.

Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral. The event takes place on the ground floor.

Andrými Opið Hús: Covid-útgáfan!

Opið Hús er tilbaka!

Finnst þér að þú þurfir að fara út úr húsinu? Viltu fá nýja bók til að lesa? Viltu skoða fríbúðina okkar eða þarftu rólegan stað til að vinna?

Komdu til Opins Húss! Vegna COVID-faraldsins biðjum við öll að vera með grímu inni í húsinu og spritta sig reglulega. Aðeins 10 einstaklingar mega vera í húsinu í einu og aðeins 1 á bókasafninu og 1 í fríbuðinni.

Það er stórt herbergi á niðri hæð með borð, stóla og hægindastóla, eldhús til að fá kaffi eða te, Andspyrna bókasafn, fríbúðin, og tvö herbergi uppi: eitt kosý herbergi með sófa og hægindastóla og eitt vinnuherbergi með borð og stóla.

Hlökkum til að sjá ykkur aftur!


Það er eitt þrep við hliðið að garðinum og svo fimm þrep sem leiða upp að aðalinngangi. Hvert þrep er 17sm hátt. Breidd dyra í húsinu er á milli 50sm (dyr að baðherberginu á efri hæð) og 80sm (aðaldyrnar). Dyrnar að fundarherberginu eru 75sm á breidd eins og flestar aðrar dyr í húsinu.

Baðherbergin eru einungis á efri hæð og í kjallara eins og er. Bæði baðherbergin eru kynlaus.

Trad Music Session // Þjóðlagasamspil
Feb 25 @ 18:00 – 22:00

This will comprise a learning session kl. 18-20, and an open session 20-22 – non-players welcome from 20 onwards. The learning session will be geared towards those who play instruments already, and want to learn more about styles of folk music and add to their repertoire.

If you know what a session is, come and bring songs and tunes (if you have them)! If not, read on.

This session is the only one currently in Iceland but it’s a really common format throughout the English and Gaelic-speaking world and in lots of parts of Europe and probably lots of other places too. The idea is that people come with unamplified music and songs and dances and then do them with other people, usually in a common style.

Because we are quite international, most commonly you’ll hear Irish music and songs, and also from Iceland, Scandinavia, Britain, North America and Europe. These days (since the 1960s), usually a session will happen in a pub, or sometimes a house. It’s not like a concert because it’s not a performance and there’s not really an audience, though there are often people that just come to listen or chat and maybe join in with some singing if they’re feeling that way inclined. It’s also not like a jam session because there are set songs and tunes which all the people participating will know, or are learning. If you want to learn some of these, there’s lots to help you at

If you don’t play or have a song to bring you’re more than welcome to come and hang out with your friends, and talking, drinking etc. is encouraged during the music – the more atmosphere the better. Sometimes everyone might be quiet to listen to a solo singer. Often you’ll be able to pick up the choruses to the songs and are welcome to join in.


There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door).

The bathrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building). There is no bathroom on the ground floor.

Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral. The event takes place on the ground floor.

The event will be seated. Icelandic and English are available languages.

Open House: COVID-edition! / Opið Hús: COVID-útgáfa!
Mar 2 @ 16:00 – 18:00

{Íslenska fyrir neðan} Andrými Open Hours: COVID-edition!

Open Hours are back!

Do you feel like you need to get out of the house? Are you looking for a new book to read? Do you want to check out our freeshop full of clothes or are you just looking for a quiet place to work?

Come to the Open Hours! Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we ask everyone to wear a mask while inside the house. Hand disinfectant will be available: please disinfect your hands when you arrive, before touching the books, etc. Only 10 people can be inside at a time and only 1 person in the Andspyrna Anarchist Library and 1 person in the Freeshop. 

There is a large room downstairs with tables, chairs, and armchairs; a kitchen where you can make tea or coffee; the library; freeshop; and two rooms upstairs: one with sofas and armchairs, and one with a table and chairs, ideal for working.

Looking forward to seeing you again!


There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door).

The bathrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building). There is no bathroom on the ground floor.

Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral. The event takes place on the ground floor.

Andrými Opið Hús: Covid-útgáfan!

Opið Hús er tilbaka!

Finnst þér að þú þurfir að fara út úr húsinu? Viltu fá nýja bók til að lesa? Viltu skoða fríbúðina okkar eða þarftu rólegan stað til að vinna?

Komdu til Opins Húss! Vegna COVID-faraldsins biðjum við öll að vera með grímu inni í húsinu og spritta sig reglulega. Aðeins 10 einstaklingar mega vera í húsinu í einu og aðeins 1 á bókasafninu og 1 í fríbuðinni.

Það er stórt herbergi á niðri hæð með borð, stóla og hægindastóla, eldhús til að fá kaffi eða te, Andspyrna bókasafn, fríbúðin, og tvö herbergi uppi: eitt kosý herbergi með sófa og hægindastóla og eitt vinnuherbergi með borð og stóla.

Hlökkum til að sjá ykkur aftur!


Það er eitt þrep við hliðið að garðinum og svo fimm þrep sem leiða upp að aðalinngangi. Hvert þrep er 17sm hátt. Breidd dyra í húsinu er á milli 50sm (dyr að baðherberginu á efri hæð) og 80sm (aðaldyrnar). Dyrnar að fundarherberginu eru 75sm á breidd eins og flestar aðrar dyr í húsinu.

Baðherbergin eru einungis á efri hæð og í kjallara eins og er. Bæði baðherbergin eru kynlaus.

Slagtog work and organising meeting
Mar 2 @ 18:00 – 20:00

Feminist self-defence collective Slagtog meets weekly to organise their work. For further detail please write to

Open House: COVID-edition! / Opið Hús: COVID-útgáfa!
Mar 3 @ 14:00 – 18:00

{Íslenska fyrir neðan} Andrými Open Hours: COVID-edition!

Open Hours are back!

Do you feel like you need to get out of the house? Are you looking for a new book to read? Do you want to check out our freeshop full of clothes or are you just looking for a quiet place to work?

Come to the Open Hours! Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we ask everyone to wear a mask while inside the house. Hand disinfectant will be available: please disinfect your hands when you arrive, before touching the books, etc. Only 10 people can be inside at a time and only 1 person in the Andspyrna Anarchist Library and 1 person in the Freeshop. 

There is a large room downstairs with tables, chairs, and armchairs; a kitchen where you can make tea or coffee; the library; freeshop; and two rooms upstairs: one with sofas and armchairs, and one with a table and chairs, ideal for working.

Looking forward to seeing you again!


There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door).

The bathrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building). There is no bathroom on the ground floor.

Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral. The event takes place on the ground floor.

Andrými Opið Hús: Covid-útgáfan!

Opið Hús er tilbaka!

Finnst þér að þú þurfir að fara út úr húsinu? Viltu fá nýja bók til að lesa? Viltu skoða fríbúðina okkar eða þarftu rólegan stað til að vinna?

Komdu til Opins Húss! Vegna COVID-faraldsins biðjum við öll að vera með grímu inni í húsinu og spritta sig reglulega. Aðeins 10 einstaklingar mega vera í húsinu í einu og aðeins 1 á bókasafninu og 1 í fríbuðinni.

Það er stórt herbergi á niðri hæð með borð, stóla og hægindastóla, eldhús til að fá kaffi eða te, Andspyrna bókasafn, fríbúðin, og tvö herbergi uppi: eitt kosý herbergi með sófa og hægindastóla og eitt vinnuherbergi með borð og stóla.

Hlökkum til að sjá ykkur aftur!


Það er eitt þrep við hliðið að garðinum og svo fimm þrep sem leiða upp að aðalinngangi. Hvert þrep er 17sm hátt. Breidd dyra í húsinu er á milli 50sm (dyr að baðherberginu á efri hæð) og 80sm (aðaldyrnar). Dyrnar að fundarherberginu eru 75sm á breidd eins og flestar aðrar dyr í húsinu.

Baðherbergin eru einungis á efri hæð og í kjallara eins og er. Bæði baðherbergin eru kynlaus.

Trad Music Session // Þjóðlagasamspil
Mar 4 @ 18:00 – 22:00

This will comprise a learning session kl. 18-20, and an open session 20-22 – non-players welcome from 20 onwards. The learning session will be geared towards those who play instruments already, and want to learn more about styles of folk music and add to their repertoire.

If you know what a session is, come and bring songs and tunes (if you have them)! If not, read on.

This session is the only one currently in Iceland but it’s a really common format throughout the English and Gaelic-speaking world and in lots of parts of Europe and probably lots of other places too. The idea is that people come with unamplified music and songs and dances and then do them with other people, usually in a common style.

Because we are quite international, most commonly you’ll hear Irish music and songs, and also from Iceland, Scandinavia, Britain, North America and Europe. These days (since the 1960s), usually a session will happen in a pub, or sometimes a house. It’s not like a concert because it’s not a performance and there’s not really an audience, though there are often people that just come to listen or chat and maybe join in with some singing if they’re feeling that way inclined. It’s also not like a jam session because there are set songs and tunes which all the people participating will know, or are learning. If you want to learn some of these, there’s lots to help you at

If you don’t play or have a song to bring you’re more than welcome to come and hang out with your friends, and talking, drinking etc. is encouraged during the music – the more atmosphere the better. Sometimes everyone might be quiet to listen to a solo singer. Often you’ll be able to pick up the choruses to the songs and are welcome to join in.


There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door).

The bathrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building). There is no bathroom on the ground floor.

Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral. The event takes place on the ground floor.

The event will be seated. Icelandic and English are available languages.

IWW verkalýðskaffi / IWW workers’ café – peer support for workplace problems!
Mar 5 @ 16:00 – 19:00
English below
Polski ponizej
Filipino/Tagalog sa ibaba
Lietuviškai žemiau
Português embaixo
Komdu og hittu okkur á IWW verkalýðskaffi fyrir spjall, kaffi og snarl! Fáðu ráðgjöf um réttindi þín og hvernig þú getur skipulagt samstarfsfólk þitt í notalegu umhverfi. Allir* velkomnir!
*nema yfirmenn!
Barnapössun á staðnum!
Come and meet us at the IWW workers’ café for a chat, coffee and snacks! Get advice on your rights and how to organize with your fellow workers in a cozy atmosphere. Everyone* welcome!
*No bosses!
Childcare provided!
Spotkajmy się na kawę, ciasto i rozmowy w Worker’s Café organizowanej przez IWW. W bezpiecznej atmosferze dowiesz się więcej o prawach pracowników i o tym jak zorganizować swoje miejsce pracy. Spotkanie otwarte dla wszystkich*.
*oprócz szefów!
Halina at pumunta sa IWW worker’s café. Para isang paguusap, kape at meryenda . Dito ay nakakakuha ka ng payo tungkol sa iyong karapatan at kung papaano mo ito maisasaayos kasama ng iyong kapwa manggagawa sa isang maginhawang kapaligiran. Lahat ay inaanyayahang dumalo.
*Walang amo/boss
Ateik ir pabendrauk su mumis IWW darbininkų susitikime – bus pokalbių, kavos ir užkandžių! Jaukioje aplinkoje gauk patarimų apie savo teises ir kaip gali jų siekti kartu su bendradarbiais. Kviečiami visi*!
* išskyrus viršininkus!
Vem e encontra-te connosco no Café dos trabalhadores IWW para conversar, há bolos e café.
Informa-te sobre os teus direitos e como te podes organizar com os teus colegas de trabalho numa atmosfera amigável. Todos são bem vindos*.
*menos os Patrões!

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