Bergþórugata 20, 101, Reykjavik


Monthly Cleaning Day
Sep 14 @ 13:30 – 16:30

Let’s clean the house!

Let’s get Andrými clean and cozy! We will need your lovely help to keep the space as nice as possible, so please come by even if it’s just for a short while!

Gerum Andrými hreint og kósý !

“There’s Something in the Water”: Fundraising Movie Screening
Sep 15 @ 19:00 – 20:30

“In Canada, your postal code determines your health.”

Environmental racism has defined so-called Canada since its very beginnings. Indigenous and Black communities are at much higher risk of health problems caused by toxic industries taking over their communities and land without their consent.

This event is a fundraiser for the Mi’kmaq water protectors on Shubenacadie River and all proceeds will go to them ( Recommended donation is 2000 ISK but no one will be turned away.

There are going to be snacks, drinks, chaga tea, and a screening of Ellen Page’s movie “There’s Something in the Water.” The film premiered at TIFF in 2019 and is based on the book There’s Something In The Water: Environmental Racism in Indigenous & Black Communities by Ingrid Waldron. There will be a short introduction about some of the most notorious cases of environmental racism in Mi’kma’ki, such as the Alton Gas salt cavern project or the Pictou Landing pulp mill pollution, before the movie.

You can watch the trailer here:

Andrými is not accessible to wheelchairs. There are two gender neutral washrooms in the house, both only accessible by stairs. Wide variety of seating will be available (chairs, pillows, armchairs). If you have any accessibility or other concerns, don’t hesitate to contact me on blue1211[at] More detailed info on accessibility to be found here: 

Dinner will be vegan — please let me know if you have any allergies or dietary needs. The movie will be screened in English with English subtitles.




Bike self repair @ Basement
Oct 4 @ 17:00 – 20:00

Bike repair session in Andrými

Andrými includes a small bike workshop in the basement with tools and used spare parts. Once a week (currently Mo, 17-20) we help you repair your bike. Since the rooms are of limited size, only two people can work there simultaneously. Therefore please sign up at
beforehand. (If date or time between this calendar and the pad differ, the pad is correct.) If you come without notification you might or might not get help and it is likely that you have to repair outside. (Might be cold!)

If you want to get in contact with us, write an e-mail to

A donation for the rent of Andrými, tools and spare parts are not required but appreciated as the finances including the rent of Andrými are based on donations.

If you would like to help at improving the workshop or helping others, please contact us and visit Andrými as well! All of Andrými including the workshop depends on the activity of volunteers.
If you are familiar with Andrými and want to offer bike repair help, add more dates into the sign-up pad.


The tool selection of the bike workshop is not complete, therefore there are problems that we cannot solve. There are (almost) no new spare parts available. You might have to buy new parts elsewhere. The person helping you is not a professional so there is no guarantee on any tipps or help s/he is giving. On rare occasions it can also happen that the bike is broken even more afterwards. A workshop can be dangerous. You work at your own risk. Be careful and only use machines on your own that you know well.
Bring more time than you expect, repairing always takes longer than you think. We try to open the workshop as reliable as possible but since it’s based on volunteer work we not always be available.

Bike self repair @ Basement
Oct 5 @ 17:00 – 20:00

Bike repair session in Andrými

Andrými includes a small bike workshop in the basement with tools and used spare parts. Once a week (currently Mo, 17-20) we help you repair your bike. Since the rooms are of limited size, only two people can work there simultaneously. Therefore please sign up at
beforehand. (If date or time between this calendar and the pad differ, the pad is correct.) If you come without notification you might or might not get help and it is likely that you have to repair outside. (Might be cold!)

If you want to get in contact with us, write an e-mail to

A donation for the rent of Andrými, tools and spare parts are not required but appreciated as the finances including the rent of Andrými are based on donations.

If you would like to help at improving the workshop or helping others, please contact us and visit Andrými as well! All of Andrými including the workshop depends on the activity of volunteers.
If you are familiar with Andrými and want to offer bike repair help, add more dates into the sign-up pad.


The tool selection of the bike workshop is not complete, therefore there are problems that we cannot solve. There are (almost) no new spare parts available. You might have to buy new parts elsewhere. The person helping you is not a professional so there is no guarantee on any tipps or help s/he is giving. On rare occasions it can also happen that the bike is broken even more afterwards. A workshop can be dangerous. You work at your own risk. Be careful and only use machines on your own that you know well.
Bring more time than you expect, repairing always takes longer than you think. We try to open the workshop as reliable as possible but since it’s based on volunteer work we not always be available.

Bike self repair @ Basement
Oct 12 @ 17:00 – 20:00

Bike repair session in Andrými

Andrými includes a small bike workshop in the basement with tools and used spare parts. Once a week (currently Mo, 17-20) we help you repair your bike. Since the rooms are of limited size, only two people can work there simultaneously. Therefore please sign up at
beforehand. (If date or time between this calendar and the pad differ, the pad is correct.) If you come without notification you might or might not get help and it is likely that you have to repair outside. (Might be cold!)

If you want to get in contact with us, write an e-mail to

A donation for the rent of Andrými, tools and spare parts are not required but appreciated as the finances including the rent of Andrými are based on donations.

If you would like to help at improving the workshop or helping others, please contact us and visit Andrými as well! All of Andrými including the workshop depends on the activity of volunteers.
If you are familiar with Andrými and want to offer bike repair help, add more dates into the sign-up pad.


The tool selection of the bike workshop is not complete, therefore there are problems that we cannot solve. There are (almost) no new spare parts available. You might have to buy new parts elsewhere. The person helping you is not a professional so there is no guarantee on any tipps or help s/he is giving. On rare occasions it can also happen that the bike is broken even more afterwards. A workshop can be dangerous. You work at your own risk. Be careful and only use machines on your own that you know well.
Bring more time than you expect, repairing always takes longer than you think. We try to open the workshop as reliable as possible but since it’s based on volunteer work we not always be available.

Bike self repair @ Basement
Oct 19 @ 17:00 – 20:00

Bike repair session in Andrými

Andrými includes a small bike workshop in the basement with tools and used spare parts. Once a week (currently Mo, 17-20) we help you repair your bike. Since the rooms are of limited size, only two people can work there simultaneously. Therefore please sign up at
beforehand. (If date or time between this calendar and the pad differ, the pad is correct.) If you come without notification you might or might not get help and it is likely that you have to repair outside. (Might be cold!)

If you want to get in contact with us, write an e-mail to

A donation for the rent of Andrými, tools and spare parts are not required but appreciated as the finances including the rent of Andrými are based on donations.

If you would like to help at improving the workshop or helping others, please contact us and visit Andrými as well! All of Andrými including the workshop depends on the activity of volunteers.
If you are familiar with Andrými and want to offer bike repair help, add more dates into the sign-up pad.


The tool selection of the bike workshop is not complete, therefore there are problems that we cannot solve. There are (almost) no new spare parts available. You might have to buy new parts elsewhere. The person helping you is not a professional so there is no guarantee on any tipps or help s/he is giving. On rare occasions it can also happen that the bike is broken even more afterwards. A workshop can be dangerous. You work at your own risk. Be careful and only use machines on your own that you know well.
Bring more time than you expect, repairing always takes longer than you think. We try to open the workshop as reliable as possible but since it’s based on volunteer work we not always be available.

Bike self repair @ Basement
Oct 26 @ 17:00 – 20:00

Bike repair session in Andrými

Andrými includes a small bike workshop in the basement with tools and used spare parts. Once a week (currently Mo, 17-20) we help you repair your bike. Since the rooms are of limited size, only two people can work there simultaneously. Therefore please sign up at
beforehand. (If date or time between this calendar and the pad differ, the pad is correct.) If you come without notification you might or might not get help and it is likely that you have to repair outside. (Might be cold!)

If you want to get in contact with us, write an e-mail to

A donation for the rent of Andrými, tools and spare parts are not required but appreciated as the finances including the rent of Andrými are based on donations.

If you would like to help at improving the workshop or helping others, please contact us and visit Andrými as well! All of Andrými including the workshop depends on the activity of volunteers.
If you are familiar with Andrými and want to offer bike repair help, add more dates into the sign-up pad.


The tool selection of the bike workshop is not complete, therefore there are problems that we cannot solve. There are (almost) no new spare parts available. You might have to buy new parts elsewhere. The person helping you is not a professional so there is no guarantee on any tipps or help s/he is giving. On rare occasions it can also happen that the bike is broken even more afterwards. A workshop can be dangerous. You work at your own risk. Be careful and only use machines on your own that you know well.
Bring more time than you expect, repairing always takes longer than you think. We try to open the workshop as reliable as possible but since it’s based on volunteer work we not always be available.

Monthly Cleaning Day
Oct 28 @ 16:00 – 18:00

Let’s clean the house!

Let’s get Andrými clean and cozy! We will need your lovely help to keep the space as nice as possible, so please come by even if it’s just for a short while!

Gerum Andrými hreint og kósý !

Bike self repair @ Basement
Nov 2 @ 17:00 – 20:00

Bike repair session in Andrými

Andrými includes a small bike workshop in the basement with tools and used spare parts. Once a week (currently Mo, 17-20) we help you repair your bike. Since the rooms are of limited size, only two people can work there simultaneously. Therefore please sign up at
beforehand. (If date or time between this calendar and the pad differ, the pad is correct.) If you come without notification you might or might not get help and it is likely that you have to repair outside. (Might be cold!)

If you want to get in contact with us, write an e-mail to

A donation for the rent of Andrými, tools and spare parts are not required but appreciated as the finances including the rent of Andrými are based on donations.

If you would like to help at improving the workshop or helping others, please contact us and visit Andrými as well! All of Andrými including the workshop depends on the activity of volunteers.
If you are familiar with Andrými and want to offer bike repair help, add more dates into the sign-up pad.


The tool selection of the bike workshop is not complete, therefore there are problems that we cannot solve. There are (almost) no new spare parts available. You might have to buy new parts elsewhere. The person helping you is not a professional so there is no guarantee on any tipps or help s/he is giving. On rare occasions it can also happen that the bike is broken even more afterwards. A workshop can be dangerous. You work at your own risk. Be careful and only use machines on your own that you know well.
Bring more time than you expect, repairing always takes longer than you think. We try to open the workshop as reliable as possible but since it’s based on volunteer work we not always be available.

Open House: COVID-edition! / Opið Hús: COVID-útgáfa!
Nov 3 @ 16:00 – 18:00

{Íslenska fyrir neðan} Andrými Open Hours: COVID-edition!

Open Hours are back!

Do you feel like you need to get out of the house? Are you looking for a new book to read? Do you want to check out our freeshop full of clothes or are you just looking for a quiet place to work?

Come to the Open Hours! Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we ask everyone to wear a mask while inside the house. Hand disinfectant will be available: please disinfect your hands when you arrive, before touching the books, etc. Only 10 people can be inside at a time and only 1 person in the Andspyrna Anarchist Library and 1 person in the Freeshop. 

There is a large room downstairs with tables, chairs, and armchairs; a kitchen where you can make tea or coffee; the library; freeshop; and two rooms upstairs: one with sofas and armchairs, and one with a table and chairs, ideal for working.

Looking forward to seeing you again!


There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door).

The bathrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building). There is no bathroom on the ground floor.

Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral. The event takes place on the ground floor.

Andrými Opið Hús: Covid-útgáfan!

Opið Hús er tilbaka!

Finnst þér að þú þurfir að fara út úr húsinu? Viltu fá nýja bók til að lesa? Viltu skoða fríbúðina okkar eða þarftu rólegan stað til að vinna?

Komdu til Opins Húss! Vegna COVID-faraldsins biðjum við öll að vera með grímu inni í húsinu og spritta sig reglulega. Aðeins 10 einstaklingar mega vera í húsinu í einu og aðeins 1 á bókasafninu og 1 í fríbuðinni.

Það er stórt herbergi á niðri hæð með borð, stóla og hægindastóla, eldhús til að fá kaffi eða te, Andspyrna bókasafn, fríbúðin, og tvö herbergi uppi: eitt kosý herbergi með sófa og hægindastóla og eitt vinnuherbergi með borð og stóla.

Hlökkum til að sjá ykkur aftur!


Það er eitt þrep við hliðið að garðinum og svo fimm þrep sem leiða upp að aðalinngangi. Hvert þrep er 17sm hátt. Breidd dyra í húsinu er á milli 50sm (dyr að baðherberginu á efri hæð) og 80sm (aðaldyrnar). Dyrnar að fundarherberginu eru 75sm á breidd eins og flestar aðrar dyr í húsinu.

Baðherbergin eru einungis á efri hæð og í kjallara eins og er. Bæði baðherbergin eru kynlaus.