Bergþórugata 20, 101, Reykjavik


Marine ecology workshop
Jun 15 @ 16:00 – 17:00

A short introduction to the concept of blue carbon and marine ecosystems’ role in climate engineering.

Rettlæti fyrir Afganska hælisleitendur/STOP Killing Afghans
Jun 16 @ 17:00 – 18:30

A protest organised by Ariana Association.

Event page:

Information from their FB event:

English below
ترجمه فارسی در ذیل داده شده است
Nú er nóg komið!

Fjöldinn allur af afgönskum hælisleitendum eru drepin/nir í Íran og enginn virðist vera að tala um það.
Eini svokallaði glæpur þeirra er að þeir eru af öðru þjóðerni.
Fyrir nokkrum dögum voru 14 afganar brenndir lifandi eftir að Íranska lögreglan hófu skothríð á bifreið þeirra.
Fyrir ekki svo löngu var 45 afgönum drekkt af landamæravörðum eftir að þeir þröngvuðu þá út í á,
Á árbakkanum voru þeir barðir og þröngvað útí og sagt að synda aftur heim án þess að hafa samúð til að hugsa hvort þau væru synd eða ekki.
Jafnvel þeir sem voru syndir lifðu ekki allir af því að þessi á var straumsterk,þeir sem hoppuðu ekki útí var hotað með barsmíðum og lífláti ef þeir gengdu ekki skipunum þeirra.
Af 57 afgönum sem voru þröngvaðir útí lifðu aðeins 12 þeirra af.
Jafnvel afganska ríkisstjórnin hefur sagt að þe
ir muni rannsaka þetta mál en ekkert hefur heyrst ennþá,hvar er réttlætið hér?
Það eru um það bil tvær og hálf milljón afganskra hælisleitenda í Íran á þessum tíma og á hverjum degi berast nýjar hryllingsögur af misrétti og mótlæti sem þau lenda í.
Afganskir hælisleitendur í Íran hafa engra kosta völ,það yfirgefur enginn landið sitt án einhverrar hræðilegrar ástæðu.
Þetta eru bara atvikin sem hafa komið fram og erfitt að segja hvers kyns hrylling þeir hafi lent í sem eru ekki skrásettir.
Þetta er ekki eingöngu slæmt ástand í Íran, Afganskir hælisleitendur hafa alltaf orðið fyrir ofbeldi, aðskilnaði, morðum og rasisma í Pakistan, þeim hefur verið meint um helstu mannréttindi í Tyrklandi, Grikklandi og fleiri löndum og hafa margir nú týnt lífi sínu.
Jafnvel þótt að ástandið sé að versna í Afganistan þá hafa þjóðir innan Evrópu eins og Noregur, Danmörk, Svíþjóð og Þýskaland og fleiri eru að senda heim hælisleitendur og setja líf þeirra í hættu.
Við hreinlega getum ekki staðið hjá lengur gagnvart svona óréttlæti og verið þögul lengur, þjóðir heimsins eiga að stoppa að koma svona fram við hælisleitendur frá Afganistan

Enough is enough! Dozens of Afghan asylum seekers have been killed in Iran this year and yet no one has spoken about it. The only crime they did was having a different nationality. And today, once again, 14 Afghans have been burnt alive after Iranian police opened fire on their car they were travelling in. Not long ago, 45 Afghans were drowned after Iranian guards forced them into river. The Afghans workers were brought to the bank of the river, beaten, shot at and forced to jump in the river to go back to Afghanistan. Of 57 workers who were forced into the river by Iranian security forces, only 12 managed to survive. The investigations on this matter has gone nowhere and no one was hold responsible for this horrific act of tyranny.
There are approximately 2.5 Million Afghan immigrants in Iran and every day they have to deal with this kind of discrimination on a daily basis. Our Afghans that live there essentially have no choice, no one leaves their country with no justification. These are just the incidents that we are made aware of, surely much worse things are happening to Afghan refugees which are not put out.
It is not only Iran, Afghan refugees in Pakistan too have always been subjected to violence, segregation, murder and racism. In addition, Afghan refugees have been withheld the very essential human rights in Turkey, Greece and other countries and many have lost their lives. Even though the situation in Afghanistan is getting worse every day, members of EU such as Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Germany and more are still deporting Afghan asylum seekers back to Afghanistan and putting more lives in danger.

We cannot witness this injustice and remain silent anymore, the world should stop this way of treating refugees from Afghanistan.

دیگر بس است. تعداد زیادی از پناهندگان افغان امسال در ایران کشته شده اند و هیچ اهمیتی داده نشده است. تنها گناهشان داشتن یک ملیت متفاوت بوده است. و حال دوباره در جنایت وحشتناک و غیر انسانی دیگری موتر حامل چهارده مهاجر افغانی توسط پلیس ایران مورد شلیک گلوله قرار گرفته و آتش گرفته است. و نه چندان قبل چهل و هفت نفر توسط مرزبانان ایران به رود انداخته شدند. کارگرها افغان به کناره ی رودخانه آورده شدند و بعد از لت و کوب آن ها را به زور به رود انداختند. دوازده نفر از این حادثه جان سالم به در بردند و بقیه ی افراد در آب غرق شدند. تحقیقات در این مورد به هیچ جایی نرسید و کسی مورد باز خواست قرار نگرفت. عدالت کجاست؟
دو و نیم میلیون مهاجر از افغانستان در ایران زندگی می کنند که هر روز و در کوچکترین ظوابط اجتماعی مورد نژادپرستی، زورگویی و تبعیض قرار می گیرند. هموطنان ما از ناچار و اجبار در ایران مهاجر شده اند و اکثریت آن ها انسان هایی خوب و درستکار هستند. این ها تنها حوادثی هستند که ما از آن ها مطلع می شویم، مطمئنا جنایات زیادی هر روزه بدون رسانه ایی شدن در ایران اتفاق می افتد.
نه فقط در ایران بلکه در پاکستان نیز پناهندگان افغان مورد خشونت، تبعیض، کشتار و نژادپرستی قرار می گیرند. به علاوه مهاجران افغان در کشور های ترکیه، یونان و کشور های دیگر از حقوق ساده و اولیه بشریت منع شده اند. با این حال و با توجه به اینه شرایط افغانستان هر روز بدتر می شود، کشور های عضو اتحادیه اروپا از جمله نروژ،سوئدن،دانمارک،آلمان و غیره هنز هم مهاجران افغان را دیپورت می کنند و زندگی های بیشتری را با اینکار به خطر می اندازند.
ما دیگر نمی توانیم این طور برخورد را تحمل کنیم و ساکت بمانیم، تمام کشور های جهان باید اینگوه رفتار را با مهاجرین متوقف کنند

12 Tónar Sumartónleikar í garðinum #3 GRÓA @ 12 Tónar
Jun 19 @ 17:00 – 18:00

Þá er að komið tónleikum #3 í Sumartónleika röð okkar.

Það er hin frábæra hljómsveit GRÓA eitthvað sem enginn ætti að missa af.

12 Tónar hafa staðið fyrir tónleikum í garðinum sínum allar götur frá 2001 en í sumar verða tónleikar alla föstudaga kl. 17.00.

Hlökkum til að sjá ykkur!

Hlustum og fögnum 19. júní @ Loft Hostel
Jun 19 @ 20:00 – 23:00

*English below*
Fögnum kvenréttindadeginum 19. júní saman! Hlustum á konur úr hópum sem hafa ekki fengið nægilegt svigrúm í kvenréttindabaráttunni hingað til og gefum þeim sviðið.

Til máls taka:
Anna Jia
Sema Erla Serdar
Sæborg Ninja Urðardóttir

Drykkir verða á barnum og plötusnældan Dj Sigrun Skafta spilar góða tóna. Gott aðgengi er inn á Loft Hostel, öll eru velkomin í fögnuðinn!
June 19th is womens’ rights day in Iceland. Let’s celebrate together by listening to women of minority groups who so far haven’t been given a proper platform within the women’s rights movement. Let’s give them the stage.

Anna Jia
Sema Erla Serdar
Sæborg Ninja Urðardóttir

There will be drinks at the bar and Dj Sigrun Skafta will bring the beat in. Loft Hostel is accessible and everyone is welcome to join the celebration!

Shibari 101 – evening intro course @ FRAKTAL
Jun 24 @ 19:00 – 22:00
Shibari 101 - evening intro course @ FRAKTAL

Evening basic introduction course into the art of Shibari.

Shibari is the japanese word for “to tie” and nowadays stands for japanese rope bondage and it´s different forms.

Tying with rope can be done and experienced on many different levels and will always depend on your own preferences and intentions as well as the partner you are tying with.

FRIDAY 24. july (19:00–22:00)

Last 101 course was sold out and there is only space for 10 couples (or 20 people) So sign up if you don’t want to miss out!


This course will consist of:

Safety with rope


Getting familiar with your rope;
how to handle it and use it on your partner

Basic knots and knowledge about tying

Basic structures and how to put them together

Last 101 course was sold out and there is only space for 10 couples (or 20 people)


Send us a message on facebook or instagram

or email:


3.000kr/single person

It is no problem to come as a single person as most of the basic techniques can be practiced on yourself. Single persons can pair up with other single persons if everybody consents to it and negotiates their boundaries.

Please respect each other and each others personal space!



Alfreð has been tying japanese and western style rope bondage for the last 6 years and is a strong part of the BDSM scene in iceland.

Katarina is the founder of Reykjavík Ropes and will be giving input and insights from the bottom´s perspective.

Ashtanga yoga class, up to Navasana @ Fraktal Reykjavik
Jun 25 @ 17:29 – 19:00

Ashtanga Yoga classes (up to navasana) for those who prefer to clear their mind by actively moving their body.
No magic skills required, beginners are welcome!

No music, no unnecessary talking, no big groups, no drama!

Space is limited, so you can message me to book your spot!

Single class: 1500 ISK
4 class pass: 5000 ISK
+354 7837141

Nothing more, nothing less, bless!

Ropejam @ FRAKTAL
Jun 26 @ 19:00 – 23:00
Ropejam @ FRAKTAL

*** ROPE JAM ***

Rope Jams are an open space for tying, learning and practicing.

No need to sign up, everybody is welcome to socialize get to know and be part of the community and have fun with tying ♥

✨Looking forward to seeing you and have fun together ✨

(please pay upon arrival)


(as borrowed from Ellipsis rope studio in Rotterdam)


1. General Rules & Etiquette

1.1 Abusive, inappropriate or offensive behavior will not be tolerated and will result in immediate expulsion from the space without refund. The organizers reserve themselves the right to ban people from the space and events if deemed neccessary for keeping a safe space for the community.

1.2 No shoes in the studio. We do not allow outside shoes inside the space for hygienic reasons.

1.3 Don´t step on other people´s ropes or handle them without asking permission first. Often a person´s set of rope is personal and valuable and we expect you to treat another’s property in a respectful way.

1.4 Don’t touch people without their consent. Some people need more personal space than others and even though hugging and tapping someone on the shoulder can be acceptable for some, it might be intrusive to others. Always check with people before touching them in any way. This goes double for people who are tied.

1.5 Please clean up after yourself. We want to keep the space clean and free of clutter. Please throw out any trash you create, store your bags/coats/shoes in the designated storage spaces and clear your space of rope after you’re done tying to allow others to make use of the available space.

1.6 No fetish wear or full nudity in the space.
We advise you to wear comfortable clothing while tying.

1.7 Keep your volume at a reasonable level, both while tying and while socializing. We have a special lounge area where you can sit and socialize. The main space is for bondage.


2. Rope Labbing & Play

2.1 Please note that Rope Jams are rope bondage oriented (social) events and are NOT PLAY PARTIES.

2.2 During the Jams we allow both (and differentiate between) rope labbing and rope play sessions. Rope labbing is usually defined as “practicing” what you’ve learned and trying out new stuff. Usually, there is a lot of communication between rope partners and/or with others who are sharing their knowledge and insights. During rope play or a rope session a couple or individual is usually tying patterns and techniques they are skilled at and are usually more intimate.

2.3 Please approach people who are tying with care or perhaps save any remarks (like compliments, etc) until after their session is finished. Observing a session is always allowed, but please keep a respectful distance while doing so.

2.4 Some (traditional) rope related (consensual) play is allowed while tying. Most important to keep in mind is that to not unnecessarily disturb others. Typical play features can include: body manipulation, tying over the (unexposed) genital area, blindfolds, mouth-ropes, constrictions, predicaments or exposure (no full nudity). Please refrain from any extensive impact play, verbal humiliation (since this automatically includes others) and intentionally painful ties to cause screaming.

2.5 Neckropes are only allowed during floor-based sessions (not during suspensions) and only as “play ropes” (not tied of but held in hand) or tied off with a quick release. If you do not have experience with these techniques, don’t include them in your session!

2.6 Wax play is not allowed during our Rope Jams.

2.7 Make sure you practice safe and consensual bondage, don’t take unnecessary risk and only take risks if all participants are aware of the risk and willing to take them. Always keep a safety-shear and/or rescue hook in reach and ask for help in case of any emergency!


3. Sex positivity, sexual orientation and gender identity

3.1 We are proponents of a sex-positive culture. This does not mean that we allow sexual interaction within the venue. It does mean that we believe that the appropriate uses of sex extend beyond reproduction and have a non-judgemental approach to all, explicitly consensual, forms of sexuality. Slut-shaming, prude-shaming, and kink-shaming are highly opposed in our space and we instead strive for body acceptance, overall sexual health, and responsibility.

3.2 We do not allow any form of discrimination against anyone sexual orientation and oppose hetero-normative attitudes.

3.3 We respect people’s gender identity and gender nonconformity. “Gender identity refers to an individual’s internalized psychological experience of being male or female, whereas gender nonconformity refers to the degree to which an individual’s appearance, behavior, interests, and subjective self-concept deviate from conventional norms for masculinity/femininity.”(Lisa M. Diamond et al., Handbook of Child Psychology and Development Science, 7th edition, 2015)


4. Use of hardpoints

4.1 Use of the hardpoints and rings installed is only allowed after getting explicit consent from the host! If you wish to make use of our hardpoints, we want to be sure you have the required skill set to do so safely. Please ask any of our hosts for permission. Once granted, you are free to use the hardpoints and beams in the future unless we decide otherwise.

4.1 Don’t use the suspension rings as a jungle gym or any other unintended use! We installed the hardpoints specifically for bondage suspension purposes. Using them in any other way might be unsafe for both you and the people around you.

4.3 No neck-ropes in suspension. We do not allow neck-ropes in (partial) suspension like mentioned before (2.5).


5. Photography

5.1 You are only allowed to take pictures of your own work and your own partner (with consent). Taking pictures of (any part) of other people is NOT allowed.

5.2 Please do not use flash photography since this can be very distracting for others.

5.3 Video or audio recordings are only allowed after explicit consent by our organization.


No food or drinks in the tying area.

Drag-Súgur: Yfirtaka í Iðnó @ Iðnó
Jun 27 @ 13:00 – 23:00
Drag-Súgur: Yfirtaka í Iðnó @ Iðnó

Drag-Súgur is taking over the Festival Hub of Reykjavik Arts Festival (IÐNÓ) for the week!
Open Drag related workshops and events, filling the space with glamour, glitter, queerness and love- and the best part is that YOU get to be a part of it!

There will be several free admission public events to look forward to, including the following;

*Wednesday, June 24th*
DRAG MARKET – from 18-20
Go grab yourself something glamorous to use for the rest of the week, you’ll need it 😉

*Thursday, June 25th*
DRAG DANCES – from 18-20
Agatha P. will teach you the true meaning of being a dancing diva! Bring yours heels or your fanciest boots and get ready to strut!

*Friday, June 26th*
DRAG ME UP! – from 14-18
Gógó Starr hosts an open ended drag makeup and hair workshop where everyone is encouraged to get into full drag, henny! Bring whatever you have and prepare yourself for an exciting transformation.

*Saturday, June 27th*
DRAG TAKEOVER! – from 13-18
Open house in Iðnó, where there will be glitz and glamour, popup performances and some surprises soon to be announced.

DRAG READING – from 15-16
How about a soothing drag book reading for the youngest generation with the amazing drag queen Starina.

DRAG SHOW! – from 21-23
A free ALL AGES drag show? See the result of the week live on stage. Get up into this gig, cuz it’ll be something else!
Come join us and let’s celebrate the artform of drag and see the local drag scene like you’ve never seen it before.. in daylight.

This is bound to go somewhere interesting real fast, and you’re invited along for the ride!

Organized by Drag-Súgur and Reykjavík Arts Festival.

Samtal kynslóðanna: Trans konur @ Samtökin '78
Jun 27 @ 16:00 – 17:00

Í beinu framhaldi af félagsfundi Samtakanna 27. júní bjóðum við upp á opna viðburðinn Samtal kynslóðanna: Trans konur. Viðburðurinn fer fram í fyrirlestrarsal Þjóðminjasafnsins kl. 16. Ekki er skylda að vera félagi til að sækja viðburðinn.

Í þetta skiptið deila Snædís Yrja Kristjánsdóttir, Kolbrún Mist Pálsdóttir, Svanhvít Ada Sif Björnsdóttir og Elísa Björg Örlygsdóttir Husby reynslu sinni af því að lifa sem trans konur og hver munurinn er á milli kynslóða. Fundarstjóri er Kamilla Einarsdóttir.

Viðburðurinn er opinn öllum áhugasömum. Vinsamlegast athugið að viðburðurinn fer fram á íslensku. Aðgengi er fyrir hjólastóla.

Hlökkum til að sjá ykkur!

After our General meeting agenda, we offer an event open to everyone called A Talk Between Generations: Trans Women. The event is at Þjóðminjasafnið and starts at 4 PM.

This time, Snædís Yrja Kristjánsdóttir, Kolbrún Mist Pálsdóttir, Svanhvít Ada Sif Björnsdóttir og Elísa Björg Örlygsdóttir Husby, share with us how living as a trans woman in Iceland is and compare the difference between generations. Kamilla Einarsdóttir leads the discussion.

The event is open to everyone. Please note that the event is in Icelandic. The space is fully wheelchair accessible.

Rave in a park #2 @ Reykjavik 101
Jun 27 @ 18:00 – 23:00

Welcome! We are a bunch of people who connected here in Reykjavik and created Notacool Collective.

We love to share energy and connect with others through the power of dance! Sometimes we find it difficult in crowded bars or clubs, so we decided to organise another party in a park! Everyone is welcome, there is no dress code nor face control, and you can be sure no one will judge your way of dancing, moving or just being.

LOCATION – RVK 101 – more info soon
TIME – SATURDAY at 18:00 –
ATTN: If the weather sucks – we may move it to Sunday or a week later
MUSIC – techno / techno-ish – more info soon

We will make sure there is some lemonade and tea available for donation to help people power through the night, so PLZ BRING CASH. All “profit” will go to a radical social space in downtown Reykjavík.

Obviously everybody is invited; just bring your best party attitude, an open-mind and your own dance style, no matter how weird you think it may be (it’s not, we love it).

We will do our best to keep the space safer – more info soon in an event post!