Bergþórugata 20, 101, Reykjavik


Rojava solidarity / Samstaðafundur fyrir Rojava
Oct 17 @ 20:00

This is a meeting to discuss setting up a solidarity group for Rojava in co-operation with members of the local Kurdish community.

Accessibility: It is as accessible as Andrými is; if people have specific needs, they can get in touch.

Andrymi’s accessibility:

Bookbinding – workshop // bókagerð – vinnustofa
Oct 30 @ 20:00 – 21:30

Katrín, Salome and Victor (partýforlagið) will teach their ways of making books.
They will bring all tools and materials. The workshop is free of charge but all donations for Andrými are appreciated! There will be limited space so please register by sending an email to


There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door).
The bathrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building). There is no bathroom on the ground floor.
Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral. The event takes place upstairs.

IWW General Assembly // Allsherjarfundur Heimssamband Verkafólks (Private)
Nov 10 @ 13:00 – 15:00

General Assembly of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) Ísland.

Allsherjarfundur Heimssamband Verkafólks á Íslandi.

Bookbinding – workshop // bókagerð – vinnustofa
Dec 18 @ 16:30 – 18:30

Katrín, Salome and Victor (partýforlagið) will teach their ways of making books.
They will bring all tools and materials. The workshop is free of charge but all donations for Andrými are appreciated! There will be limited space so please register by sending an email to


There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door).
The bathrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building). There is no bathroom on the ground floor.
Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral. The event takes place upstairs.

Anarchist library work session – Unnið í bókasafni anarkista
Dec 19 @ 19:00 – 22:00

Andspyrna’s makeover – tending to the anarchist library .

The anarchist library Andspyrna keeps growing with new books getting added almost every month. These are books that are rarely accessible elsewhere in Iceland so it is important to keep them in good shape for the rascals and rebels of today and tomorrow.

We will meet to first tidy up the library, tag any new additions, and then hopefully give some tender loving care to any books that might be slightly out of shape!

Feel free to bring snacks to share or your favourite playlist. Let’s spend a cosy evening together!



Andrými is at Bergþórugata 20.
(The entrance is by Vitastígur)

The building is currently not wheelchair accessible, unfortunately, but it is our top priority to make it so. An architect is already working on drawing a ramp and making an accessible bathroom in the space.
There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door). The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building).

The washrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement.
Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral. Pronoun tags/badges will be available.

The library is located in a small room on the ground floor.

Ægir Sindri Bjarnason í Mengi @ Mengi
Jan 5 @ 20:30 – 23:00
Ægir Sindri Bjarnason í Mengi @ Mengi

Ægir Sindri er Reykvískur trymbill sem hefur leikið í miklum fjölda alls kyns hljómsveita undanfarin 15 ár eða svo. Þetta verður fyrsta skipti sem hann kemur fram einn síns liðs – og frumflutningur á nýju einyrkjaverkefni sem hefur verið í mótun um nokkurt skeið, þar sem slagverk gegnir lykilhlutverki en tekur á sig ýmsar misbrenglaðar og -bjagaðar myndir.

Húsið opnar kl. 20:30 | Miðaverð miðast við 2.000 kr en er sveigjanlegt.


Ægir Sindri is a Reykjavík-born and -based drummer who’s played in a number of different bands since his early teens. This will be his first solo performance – and the launching of a new project that’s been slowly developing for the last while, where percussion acts as a starting point but takes on various distorted and altered forms.

Doors at 20:30 | Tickets are 2000 ISK / sliding scale.

Monthly Happiness Get Together Group / Mánaðarlegur hamingjuhittingur
Jan 9 @ 18:00 – 20:00

A monthly group get together to discuss and work on increasing personal and community happiness.

Free admittance. Anyone interested welcome. Icelandic and English language accommodated.

IWW – internal training
Jan 10 @ 20:00 – 21:30

private event

Freelancer union meeting
Jan 12 @ 12:00 – 13:30
Let’s get together, have some coffee / tea and make plans for the future of the union! Fáum okkur kaffi / te og gerum áætlanir um framtíð félagsins!
Agenda for the meeting / Dagskrá fundarins:
1. Opening / Introductions
2. Nomination of meeting chair, secretary, child care and translator
3. Adopt meeting agenda
4. Update from working groups (website, contract template, pamphlet)
5. Dues and signing up members
6. Secretary / Treasurer nominations
7. Future plans
Everybody welcome! Allir velkomnir!


Hvellur: Heimildarmyndarsýning @ Bíó Paradís
Jan 13 @ 20:00 – 21:30

Verið velkomin á sýningu heimildarmyndarinnar HVELLUR í Bíó Paradís.

HVELLUR fjallar um einstakan atburð í sögunni. Að kvöldi 25. ágúst 1970 tóku bændur í Suður-Þingeyjarsýslu sig saman og sprengdu í loft upp stíflu í Laxá við Mývatn. Bændurnir höfðu mótmælt harðlega virkjanaáformum á svæðinu en sjónarmið þeirra voru virt að vettugi. Með sprengingunni tókst þeim að koma í veg fyrir eyðileggingu Laxár og Mývatns. 113 lýstu verkinu á hendur sér, 65 voru ákærðir. Samstaðan brást aldrei og aldrei kom fram hver sprengdi.

Þessi uppreisn markaði upphaf náttúruverndarbaráttu á Íslandi…. ✊

The movie HVELLUR revolves around a unique incident in Icelandic history. At night on the 25th of August in 1970, farmers in Suður-Þingeyjarsýslu came together and blew up a hydro-dam in Laxá by Mývatn in the north after an extensive protest against proposed power plant areas. The act prevented a total damage of the river Laxá and lake Mývatn, involving 113 individuals, of which 65 charged with a crime, never revealing who initially did it.

The act and rebellion marks the beginning of nature conservation in Iceland….

Myndin er sýnd með íslensku tali og enskum texta.
Icelandic audio with English subtitles.
Myndin er 60 mínútur. 60 minutes long.


Frítt inn og öll velkomin! / Free entrance and all welcome!