Bergþórugata 20, 101, Reykjavik


Opinn jóga tími // Open yoga session
Apr 26 @ 18:00 – 19:00

Fyrst og fremst hatha jóga en ýmsum stílum hennt inn. // Hatha yoga and also some other styles.
I don’t have any prior experience in teaching yoga to people with disabilities but I will do my best to help attendees to adjust poses that they otherwise could not do or point out poses/exercises that they can do instead.

Radical Café
Apr 26 @ 18:00 – 20:00

details follow

Lithuanian culture and history quiz night // Proto mūšis apie Lietuvos kultūrą ir istoriją
Apr 27 @ 18:00 – 21:00

Lithuanian quiz night. Lietuviškas vakaras – Proto mūšis apie Lietuvos kultūrą ir istoriją.

IWW opið hús – fyrir fólk á vinnumarkaði // IWW open house – employment related drop-in support
Apr 30 @ 16:00 – 18:00

Þarft þú ráðgjöf eða upplýsingar um eitthvað sem við kemur íslenskum vinnumarkaði? Komdu þá í opið hús fyrir fólk á vinnumarkaði í Andrými á milli 16:00 og 18:00 síðasta mánudag hvers mánaðar.
Þjálfaðir meðlimir IWW verða á staðnum til að svara spurningum og gefa ókeypis ráð í trúnaði varðandi málefni á borð við:
Áreiti eða einelti á vinnustað
Lögbundin réttindi þín á vinnustað
Ráðgjöfin verður á sama tíma og opið hús í Andrými. Í rýminu er anarkískt bókasafn þar sem hægt er að skoða og fá lánaðar bækur um verkalýðshreyfingar og önnur róttæk efni. Þar er einnig hægt að setjast niður og fá sér kaffisopa í góðum félagsskap.
Do you need advice on a workplace related issue? Come join us at our workers’ drop in session between 16 – 18 on the last Monday of each month.
Trained IWW members will be on hand to answer any questions and give free, confidential advice on issues such as:
Holiday entitlement
Sick pay
Workplace harassment or bullying
Wage theft
Your legal rights at work
The drop in session will be held during regular open community hours at Andrými. The Anarchist Library is available for borrowing books on labor movements and other radical topics and there is coffee and tea and companionship available.

Opinn jóga tími // Open yoga session
May 3 @ 18:00 – 19:00

Fyrst og fremst hatha jóga en ýmsum stílum hennt inn. // Hatha yoga and also some other styles.
I don’t have any prior experience in teaching yoga to people with disabilities but I will do my best to help attendees to adjust poses that they otherwise could not do or point out poses/exercises that they can do instead.

Opinn jóga tími // Open yoga session
May 10 @ 18:00 – 19:00

Fyrst og fremst hatha jóga en ýmsum stílum hennt inn. // Hatha yoga and also some other styles.
I don’t have any prior experience in teaching yoga to people with disabilities but I will do my best to help attendees to adjust poses that they otherwise could not do or point out poses/exercises that they can do instead.

Radical Café
May 10 @ 18:00 – 20:00

details follow

Opinn jóga tími // Open yoga session
May 17 @ 18:00 – 19:00

Fyrst og fremst hatha jóga en ýmsum stílum hennt inn. // Hatha yoga and also some other styles.
I don’t have any prior experience in teaching yoga to people with disabilities but I will do my best to help attendees to adjust poses that they otherwise could not do or point out poses/exercises that they can do instead.

Opinn jóga tími // Open yoga session
May 24 @ 18:00 – 19:00

Fyrst og fremst hatha jóga en ýmsum stílum hennt inn. // Hatha yoga and also some other styles.
I don’t have any prior experience in teaching yoga to people with disabilities but I will do my best to help attendees to adjust poses that they otherwise could not do or point out poses/exercises that they can do instead.

Radical Café
May 24 @ 18:00 – 20:00

details follow