Bergþórugata 20, 101, Reykjavik


Postponed! Afghan night: lecture, food and film (fundraiser for Andrými)
Aug 22 @ 17:00 – 22:30

POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19! The Afghan community in Andrými wants to fundraise for the rent in August so they are organising a delicious Afghan dinner, a lecture on Afghan culture and history and the evening will end with the screening of an Afghan film.


17:00 Lecture on Afghan culture and history
19:00 Dinner
20:30 Movie screening

More precise info will appear soon.


Closed meeting
Sep 2 @ 20:00 – 22:00
“There’s Something in the Water”: Fundraising Movie Screening
Sep 15 @ 19:00 – 20:30

“In Canada, your postal code determines your health.”

Environmental racism has defined so-called Canada since its very beginnings. Indigenous and Black communities are at much higher risk of health problems caused by toxic industries taking over their communities and land without their consent.

This event is a fundraiser for the Mi’kmaq water protectors on Shubenacadie River and all proceeds will go to them ( Recommended donation is 2000 ISK but no one will be turned away.

There are going to be snacks, drinks, chaga tea, and a screening of Ellen Page’s movie “There’s Something in the Water.” The film premiered at TIFF in 2019 and is based on the book There’s Something In The Water: Environmental Racism in Indigenous & Black Communities by Ingrid Waldron. There will be a short introduction about some of the most notorious cases of environmental racism in Mi’kma’ki, such as the Alton Gas salt cavern project or the Pictou Landing pulp mill pollution, before the movie.

You can watch the trailer here:

Andrými is not accessible to wheelchairs. There are two gender neutral washrooms in the house, both only accessible by stairs. Wide variety of seating will be available (chairs, pillows, armchairs). If you have any accessibility or other concerns, don’t hesitate to contact me on blue1211[at] More detailed info on accessibility to be found here: 

Dinner will be vegan — please let me know if you have any allergies or dietary needs. The movie will be screened in English with English subtitles.




Safer space training 101
Jan 9 @ 13:00 – 15:00

A short workshop meant for those who want to organise in Andrými. The workshop has two parts:

  1. Reviewing all major material safety factors (locations of first aid kits, fire extinguishers and emergency exists etc..)
  2. Reflect on what it means to be responsible and accommodating in a radical social space and what the notion of a safer space can mean for different people.

Maximum number of participants this time is 10. Please bring masks and let us know if you want to participate by writing to us on


IWW verkalýðskaffi / IWW workers’ café – peer support for workplace problems!
Mar 5 @ 16:00 – 19:00
English below
Polski ponizej
Filipino/Tagalog sa ibaba
Lietuviškai žemiau
Português embaixo
Komdu og hittu okkur á IWW verkalýðskaffi fyrir spjall, kaffi og snarl! Fáðu ráðgjöf um réttindi þín og hvernig þú getur skipulagt samstarfsfólk þitt í notalegu umhverfi. Allir* velkomnir!
*nema yfirmenn!
Barnapössun á staðnum!
Come and meet us at the IWW workers’ café for a chat, coffee and snacks! Get advice on your rights and how to organize with your fellow workers in a cozy atmosphere. Everyone* welcome!
*No bosses!
Childcare provided!
Spotkajmy się na kawę, ciasto i rozmowy w Worker’s Café organizowanej przez IWW. W bezpiecznej atmosferze dowiesz się więcej o prawach pracowników i o tym jak zorganizować swoje miejsce pracy. Spotkanie otwarte dla wszystkich*.
*oprócz szefów!
Halina at pumunta sa IWW worker’s café. Para isang paguusap, kape at meryenda . Dito ay nakakakuha ka ng payo tungkol sa iyong karapatan at kung papaano mo ito maisasaayos kasama ng iyong kapwa manggagawa sa isang maginhawang kapaligiran. Lahat ay inaanyayahang dumalo.
*Walang amo/boss
Ateik ir pabendrauk su mumis IWW darbininkų susitikime – bus pokalbių, kavos ir užkandžių! Jaukioje aplinkoje gauk patarimų apie savo teises ir kaip gali jų siekti kartu su bendradarbiais. Kviečiami visi*!
* išskyrus viršininkus!
Vem e encontra-te connosco no Café dos trabalhadores IWW para conversar, há bolos e café.
Informa-te sobre os teus direitos e como te podes organizar com os teus colegas de trabalho numa atmosfera amigável. Todos são bem vindos*.
*menos os Patrões!

See Less


Fréttastofa um stöðu mála í Vestur Sahara // News department for the situation in the Western Sahara
Apr 14 @ 18:00
Vissirðu að Saháwra fólkið er að berjast á móti Marokkó fyrir sjálfstæði?
Heyrðirðu að það er opinber stríð í gangi í Vestur Sahara?
Í þessari fréttastofu ætla ég að upplýsa alla sem vilja vita meira um stöðu mála og einnig sögu svæðis.
Did you know that the Sahawri people fight for independence from Marocco?
Did you hear that ther is officially war in the Western Sahara?
In this “news station” I want to inform everybody who wants to hear more about the situation there and history of the place.
Aðgengi / Accessibility
it is sadly quite poor at this house
but more about it here:
12345 (Queer) Reasons Not To Trust The Police
May 5 @ 18:30
12345 (Queer) Reasons Not To Trust The Police

[may be rescheduled depending on the COVID situation]

Queers don’t let queers become cops.

But why?

For the same reason as why the “first pride was a riot,” as we’ve probably all heard, in more or less pinkwashed versions.

This talk will provide a brief (and nowhere near exhaustive!) overview of the history of anti-queer policing. From the police arresting people on “impersonation” charges to Compton’s Cafeteria and “Operation Soap” raids, as well as many other instances of structural police violence against queers, we’ve been shown time and time again that cops are not our friends and that while a queer person can (sometimes) become a police officer, the police as such can never be queer/ed.

After the talk, the atmosphere will get lighter, and the 2014 movie Pride ( will be screened. Lights snacks and a special drink, Police TearsTM, will be available.

This event is a fundraiser for an individual arrested at Reykjavik Pride 2019 after being personally targeted by the Pride Board who apparently believed they were about to carry out a direct action of some kind during the Pride. They were not. They were just walking in the pride parade, along with hundreds of others, having fun and looking for their friends. But if they had been, you’d think the Pride organizers would’ve welcomed a queer-led and -focused direct action, bringing attention to the multitude of issues concerning queer individuals?


Instead, the Pride Board made sure to point out this particular person to the police, who arrested them without a second thought. They can do that because of the notorious Section 19 of the Icelandic Police Act, according to which the public is obliged to obey police orders, no matter what (read more about the ongoing court cases against activists using this Section here:, and . The charges were dropped after a few weeks, but that does not make the experience of an arrest disappear, as arrests themselves are violent and notoriously used to bully and discourage activists. In addition to dealing with the trauma of an arrest, they’ve also had to deal with the trauma of being betrayed by their supposed queer comrades. (The 2019 Reykjavik Pride Board has still not accepted any responsibility – except for one person who has been so disillusioned by their decision that they have resigned from the Pride Parade Board – and has repeatedly supported police presence at the parade.)

The person has decided to sue the police for wrongful arrest, and so all the money raised will go to pay for the legal costs associated with this. If there is any money left, it will go to Slagtog (, a feminist self-defence collective based in Reykjavik. Feminist self-defence and community care are excellent alternatives to policing, and have been proven effective.

Looking forward to see you all! (Except cops, obviously.)


There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door).

The bathrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building). There is no bathroom on the ground floor.

Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral. The event takes place on the ground floor. The movie will be screened in English with English subtitles and the talk will take place in English – questions and comments in English and Icelandic will be welcome, as well as potentially other languages.

Due to COVID19, a very limited number of people will be able to take part in the event. Chairs will be spaced two metres apart and masks will need to be worn at all times, except when drinking and eating. PLEASE FOLLOW THE EVENT FOR COVID UPDATES CLOSER TO THE DATE.

—— Íslenska væntaleg. ——— 

Introduction to Extinction Rebellion
Aug 7 @ 16:00 – 18:00

Extinction Rebellion is an international movement that uses non-violent civil disobedience in an attempt to halt mass extinction and minimise the risk of social collapse.

The event is in English.

Grassrope making / Grasreipisgerð
Aug 22 @ 13:00 – 19:00

Komdu að vefa! Það er án efa það skemmtilegasta & auðveldasta sem þú munt læra í allan dag.
Skapaðu hvað sem þér dettur í hug úr hinu ótrúlega aðgengilega efni sem vex allt í kring.
Möguleikarnir eru endalausir
Komdu með vini & alla fjölskylduna
Gæludýr velkomin.
Come and fun with grass! The great material so poorly utilised by everyone. Don’t just cut it down. Build up the world in your own way with this easy and simple method.
Come on over and learn a new trick.
Bring your friends and family.
Dogs welcome, and cats as well!
Chodź, splot! Jest to bez wątpienia najfajniejsza i najłatwiejsza rzecz, której nauczysz się przez cały dzień.
Twórz, co myślisz o niesamowicie dostępnych treściach, które rosną dookoła.
Możliwości są nieskończone
Przyprowadź przyjaciół i całą rodzinę
Zwierzęta mile widziane.
Ven a tejer! Es sin duda la cosa más divertida y fácil que aprenderás durante todo el día.
Cree lo que piense del contenido increíblemente accesible que crece a su alrededor.
Las posibilidades son infinitas
Trae amigos y toda la familia.
Mascotas bienvenidas.
Venez tisser! C’est sans aucun doute la chose la plus amusante et la plus simple que vous apprendrez toute la journée.
Créez ce que vous pensez du contenu incroyablement accessible qui se développe tout autour.
Les possibilités sont infinies
Amenez des amis et toute la famille
Animaux acceptés.

Introduction to Extinction Rebellion
Aug 22 @ 16:00 – 18:00

Extinction Rebellion is an international movement that uses non-violent civil disobedience in an attempt to halt mass extinction and minimise the risk of social collapse.

The event is in English.