Bergþórugata 20, 101, Reykjavik


Postponed! Afghan night: lecture, food and film (fundraiser for Andrými)
Aug 22 @ 17:00 – 22:30

POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19! The Afghan community in Andrými wants to fundraise for the rent in August so they are organising a delicious Afghan dinner, a lecture on Afghan culture and history and the evening will end with the screening of an Afghan film.


17:00 Lecture on Afghan culture and history
19:00 Dinner
20:30 Movie screening

More precise info will appear soon.


Oct 2 @ 18:00 – 23:00

@Iðnó, Vonarstræti 3

IN/VERSE is an evening hosted by No Borders Iceland and Refuges in Iceland with the aim of creating a space for immigrants to express their experiences.

Various contributors of significant different backgrounds will show wide artistic expressions, always embracing the idea of connecting through the emotions that we all might share despite the disparity.
The event will open with a sharing of stories filled with poetry, texts and speeches of voices not so often heard in Icelandic society. An art exhibition will be accompanying all along this cosy evening for people to freely explore it: drawings, pictures, sculptures. There will be room for dialogue between contributors of In/verse and the audience as long as respect to their contributions is present, we want to encourage people to start conversations as if they would be part of the performance or simply to show how the sharing of it has moved them. And finally but not less importantly, the evening will be closed off by mesmerising music.

18:00 Doors Open
18:15 Speeches/Stories/Dialogue

20:00 Concerts:
Jelena Ciric

21:00 Dj Set:
DJ Freky and DJ Wolf from the Ambient Karma Rock DJ collective from Reykjavík Cultural Cypher


Á viðburðinum IN/VERSE mun fjöldi þátttakenda frá mismunandi bakgrunni sýna fjölbreytta list með það að leiðarljósi að tengjast tilfinningalega sameiginlegri upplifun margra þrátt fyrir ójöfnuð.

Viðburðurinn opnar með sögusögnum, ljóðum og ræðu þeirra radda sem ekki oft fá að heyrast í íslensku samfélagi.

Listviðburðurinn mun innihalda teikningar, myndir og skúlptúra. Boðið verður upp á samræður á milli þátttakenda og áhorfanda og verða áhorfendur hvattir til að deila upplifun sinni með þátttakendum. Áhorfendur eru hvattir til að sýna virðingu og nærgætni. Kvöldið endar svo á heillandi tónlist.

18:00 Húsið opnar

18:15 Ræður/Sögur/Samræður

20:00 Tónleikar – Jelena Ciric


21:00 Dj set – Reykjavík Cultural Cypher

Safer space training 101
Jan 9 @ 13:00 – 15:00

A short workshop meant for those who want to organise in Andrými. The workshop has two parts:

  1. Reviewing all major material safety factors (locations of first aid kits, fire extinguishers and emergency exists etc..)
  2. Reflect on what it means to be responsible and accommodating in a radical social space and what the notion of a safer space can mean for different people.

Maximum number of participants this time is 10. Please bring masks and let us know if you want to participate by writing to us on


IWW verkalýðskaffi / IWW workers’ café – peer support for workplace problems!
Mar 5 @ 16:00 – 19:00
English below
Polski ponizej
Filipino/Tagalog sa ibaba
Lietuviškai žemiau
Português embaixo
Komdu og hittu okkur á IWW verkalýðskaffi fyrir spjall, kaffi og snarl! Fáðu ráðgjöf um réttindi þín og hvernig þú getur skipulagt samstarfsfólk þitt í notalegu umhverfi. Allir* velkomnir!
*nema yfirmenn!
Barnapössun á staðnum!
Come and meet us at the IWW workers’ café for a chat, coffee and snacks! Get advice on your rights and how to organize with your fellow workers in a cozy atmosphere. Everyone* welcome!
*No bosses!
Childcare provided!
Spotkajmy się na kawę, ciasto i rozmowy w Worker’s Café organizowanej przez IWW. W bezpiecznej atmosferze dowiesz się więcej o prawach pracowników i o tym jak zorganizować swoje miejsce pracy. Spotkanie otwarte dla wszystkich*.
*oprócz szefów!
Halina at pumunta sa IWW worker’s café. Para isang paguusap, kape at meryenda . Dito ay nakakakuha ka ng payo tungkol sa iyong karapatan at kung papaano mo ito maisasaayos kasama ng iyong kapwa manggagawa sa isang maginhawang kapaligiran. Lahat ay inaanyayahang dumalo.
*Walang amo/boss
Ateik ir pabendrauk su mumis IWW darbininkų susitikime – bus pokalbių, kavos ir užkandžių! Jaukioje aplinkoje gauk patarimų apie savo teises ir kaip gali jų siekti kartu su bendradarbiais. Kviečiami visi*!
* išskyrus viršininkus!
Vem e encontra-te connosco no Café dos trabalhadores IWW para conversar, há bolos e café.
Informa-te sobre os teus direitos e como te podes organizar com os teus colegas de trabalho numa atmosfera amigável. Todos são bem vindos*.
*menos os Patrões!

See Less


CANCELLED: Craftivism in public spaces / Hannyrðapönk í almenningsrými
Aug 21 @ 13:00 – 17:00

[English below]

Hannyrðapönk í almenningsrými, einnig kallað hannyrðagraff, er
jákvætt hreyfiafl fyrir nærsamfélagið. Grunnhugmynd hannyrðapönksins;
að hver og ein manneskja sem vill láta gott af sér leiða með handavinnu,
handverki og/eða hannyrðum sínum getur starfað undir formerkjum
hannyrðapönksins. Engrar grunnþekkingar er krafist.
Í þessari smiðju á Menningarnótt getur fólk lært grunnatriði útsaums og hvernig er
hægt að graffa almenningsrými bæði með nýjum og gömlum útsaumi og
þannig stuðla gegn sóun textíls með afturnýtingu.

Craftivism in public spaces, also known as yarngraffiti, is a positive way to activate and influence our community. Anyone can be a craftivist, no special skills are required. If you use your crafts as a form of activism, and for the greater good, you can call yourself a craftivist.
In this short workshop on Menningarnótt you’ll learn the basic skills of embroidery and how to use yarn and upcycled textiles as a form of graffiti in your community.


Outdoor event, therefore it’s wheelchair accessible.
Seating is limited to what’s in the garden already.
Neither childcare nor food/drinks available.
Sigrún hannyrðapönkari speaks Icelandic, English, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and little of German and French. Therefore she can interpret as she helps with the embroidery.
Visual instructions will also be available.
The event is free of charge and all embroidery materials will be provided for, and also free of charge.

Grassrope making / Grasreipisgerð
Aug 22 @ 13:00 – 19:00

Komdu að vefa! Það er án efa það skemmtilegasta & auðveldasta sem þú munt læra í allan dag.
Skapaðu hvað sem þér dettur í hug úr hinu ótrúlega aðgengilega efni sem vex allt í kring.
Möguleikarnir eru endalausir
Komdu með vini & alla fjölskylduna
Gæludýr velkomin.
Come and fun with grass! The great material so poorly utilised by everyone. Don’t just cut it down. Build up the world in your own way with this easy and simple method.
Come on over and learn a new trick.
Bring your friends and family.
Dogs welcome, and cats as well!
Chodź, splot! Jest to bez wątpienia najfajniejsza i najłatwiejsza rzecz, której nauczysz się przez cały dzień.
Twórz, co myślisz o niesamowicie dostępnych treściach, które rosną dookoła.
Możliwości są nieskończone
Przyprowadź przyjaciół i całą rodzinę
Zwierzęta mile widziane.
Ven a tejer! Es sin duda la cosa más divertida y fácil que aprenderás durante todo el día.
Cree lo que piense del contenido increíblemente accesible que crece a su alrededor.
Las posibilidades son infinitas
Trae amigos y toda la familia.
Mascotas bienvenidas.
Venez tisser! C’est sans aucun doute la chose la plus amusante et la plus simple que vous apprendrez toute la journée.
Créez ce que vous pensez du contenu incroyablement accessible qui se développe tout autour.
Les possibilités sont infinies
Amenez des amis et toute la famille
Animaux acceptés.

Grassrope making / Grasreipisgerð
Aug 29 @ 13:00 – 19:00

Komdu að vefa! Það er án efa það skemmtilegasta & auðveldasta sem þú munt læra í allan dag.
Skapaðu hvað sem þér dettur í hug úr hinu ótrúlega aðgengilega efni sem vex allt í kring.
Möguleikarnir eru endalausir
Komdu með vini & alla fjölskylduna
Gæludýr velkomin.
Come and fun with grass! The great material so poorly utilised by everyone. Don’t just cut it down. Build up the world in your own way with this easy and simple method.
Come on over and learn a new trick.
Bring your friends and family.
Dogs welcome, and cats as well!
Chodź, splot! Jest to bez wątpienia najfajniejsza i najłatwiejsza rzecz, której nauczysz się przez cały dzień.
Twórz, co myślisz o niesamowicie dostępnych treściach, które rosną dookoła.
Możliwości są nieskończone
Przyprowadź przyjaciół i całą rodzinę
Zwierzęta mile widziane.
Ven a tejer! Es sin duda la cosa más divertida y fácil que aprenderás durante todo el día.
Cree lo que piense del contenido increíblemente accesible que crece a su alrededor.
Las posibilidades son infinitas
Trae amigos y toda la familia.
Mascotas bienvenidas.
Venez tisser! C’est sans aucun doute la chose la plus amusante et la plus simple que vous apprendrez toute la journée.
Créez ce que vous pensez du contenu incroyablement accessible qui se développe tout autour.
Les possibilités sont infinies
Amenez des amis et toute la famille
Animaux acceptés.

IWW verkalýðskaffi / IWW workers’ café – peer support for workplace problems!
Oct 24 @ 16:00 – 19:00
English below
Polski ponizej
Filipino/Tagalog sa ibaba
Lietuviškai žemiau
Português embaixo
Komdu og hittu okkur á IWW verkalýðskaffi fyrir spjall, kaffi og snarl! Fáðu ráðgjöf um réttindi þín og hvernig þú getur skipulagt samstarfsfólk þitt í notalegu umhverfi. Allir* velkomnir!
*nema yfirmenn!
Barnapössun á staðnum!
Come and meet us at the IWW workers’ café for a chat, coffee and snacks! Get advice on your rights and how to organize with your fellow workers in a cozy atmosphere. Everyone* welcome!
*No bosses!
Childcare provided!
Spotkajmy się na kawę, ciasto i rozmowy w Worker’s Café organizowanej przez IWW. W bezpiecznej atmosferze dowiesz się więcej o prawach pracowników i o tym jak zorganizować swoje miejsce pracy. Spotkanie otwarte dla wszystkich*.
*oprócz szefów!
Halina at pumunta sa IWW worker’s café. Para isang paguusap, kape at meryenda . Dito ay nakakakuha ka ng payo tungkol sa iyong karapatan at kung papaano mo ito maisasaayos kasama ng iyong kapwa manggagawa sa isang maginhawang kapaligiran. Lahat ay inaanyayahang dumalo.
*Walang amo/boss
Ateik ir pabendrauk su mumis IWW darbininkų susitikime – bus pokalbių, kavos ir užkandžių! Jaukioje aplinkoje gauk patarimų apie savo teises ir kaip gali jų siekti kartu su bendradarbiais. Kviečiami visi*!
* išskyrus viršininkus!
Vem e encontra-te connosco no Café dos trabalhadores IWW para conversar, há bolos e café.
Informa-te sobre os teus direitos e como te podes organizar com os teus colegas de trabalho numa atmosfera amigável. Todos são bem vindos*.
*menos os Patrões!

See Less


Coffee without Borders
Mar 17 @ 15:30 – 17:00
Coffee without Borders


No Borders Iceland býður í kaffi í Andrými þriðja fimmtudag hvers mánaðar frá 15:30-17:00. Kaffistundin er ætluð öllum þeim sem elska frelsi og hata landamæri. Þú ert velkomin/n/ð óháð því hvort þú eigir vegabréf og óháð því hvað stendur á því ef þú átt svol´eiðis.

Markmiðið með kaffiboðinu er fyrst og fremst að 1) deila upplýsingum um þær lagalegu og efnislegu áskoranir sem fólk í verndarkerfinu þarf að eiga við og 2) að halda áfram að brjóta niður ósýnalegu landamærin sem halda uppi aðgreiningu fólks í samfélaginu.

Við vonum að rými líkt og það sem við ætlum að bjóða upp á muni efla skilning og samstöðu með öllu fólki sem er neytt til að hætta lífi sínu og útlimum í ferðum yfir landamæri og/eða þarf að ganga í gegnum mannskemmandi hælisleitendakerfi til þess að geta lifað öruggara lífi. Síðast en ekki síst viljum við bjóða upp á rými þar sem hægt er að slappa af, spjalla saman og jafnvel horfa á myndir eða hlusta á fyrirlestra um réttindi farandfólks og baráttuna gegn virki Evrópu og landamærum hennar.

Að sjálfsögðu er ekkert þol fyrir rasisma, útlendingaandúð, hómófóbíu, transfóbíu, kvenfyrirlitingu, aldursfordóma, fötlunarfordóma eða hvers kyns annarskonar fordómum.

Sjáumst í Andrými!


No Borders Iceland hosts an open, free-of-charge café in Andrými the third Thursday of every month from 15:30-17:00. The café is meant for all those who love freedom and hate borders. You are welcome regardless of what it says on your passport or whether you have one at all.

Two main purposes of the café are 1) to share information about current legal and material situations for people seeking asylum in Iceland and 2) to continue breaking down the invisible borders that keep us apart from each other.

We hope moments like the café can strengthen understanding and solidarity with people who are forced to cross borders through dangerous ways and/or go through hostile asylum procedures in order to live a safer life. We also simply want to offer a space to hang out in nice company and maybe from time to time offer program of talks, movies etc. concerning migrants’ rights and the fight against Fortress Europe and its borders.

Needless to say we do not tolerate racism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, ageism, ableism or any other kind of oppression.

See you in Andrými!

No borders Iceland (Sin fronteras Islandia) te invita a un encuentro abierto y gratuito con café en Andrými el tercer jueves de cada mes desde las 15:30 hasta las 17:00. Este evento tiene cabida por todes aquelles que aman la libertad y odian las fronteras. Eres bienvenide sin importar que está escrito en tu pasaporte o si tienes uno si quiera.
Los dos propósitos principales del café sin fronteras son 1) compartir información acerca de la situación legal y material actuales para las personas que buscan asilo en Islandia, y 2) seguir rompiendo las fronteras invisibles que nos separan les unes de les otres.
Tenemos la esperanza de que momentos como este café puedan dar mayor fuerza al entendimiento y la solidaridad para con las personas que se ven forzadas a cruzar las fronteras en circunstancias peligrosas y/o se ven envueltas en procedimientos hostiles en busca de asilo en otros países para así tener una vida más segura. También queremos simplemente ofrecer un espacio en el que poder pasar el rato juntes con buena compañía y quizás de vez en cuando ofrecer también charlas programadas, ver películas, etc. Que estén relacionadas con los derechos de las personas que migran y la lucha contra las fronteras europeas.
No hace falta decir que hay cero tolerancia al racismo, la xenofobia, la homofobia, la transfobia, el sexismo, la discriminación por edad, la discriminación contra las personas con discapacidad y cualquier otro tipo de opresión.
¡Nos vemos en Andrými!
El edificio no es accesible para silla de ruedas.
La entrada del jardín sí es accesible para silla de ruedas. Para entrar a la casa hay 5 escalones hasta la entrada principal, cada uno es 17cm. Los anchos de las puertas varían de entre 50 cm (en la puerta del servicio de la segunda planta) y 80 cm (la planta de entrada).
Los servicios se encuentran en la segunda planta y en el sótano. La puerta de acceso a la habitación de reuniones es de un ancho de 75 cm (al igual que casi todas las otras puertas del edificio). No hay servicio en la primera planta.
Ambos servicios en el edificio son de género neutro, hay etiquetas en las que puedes escribir tu nombre y chapas de pronombres en la entrada de la casa.
La habitación para niñes de la segunda planta puede ser usada para cuidados infantiles o como un espacio más calmado para aquelles que necesiten tomar un tiempo fuera de eventos para minimizar la entrada de información externa tal como sonido, luz, gente, etc.
Safer Space Workshop
Mar 30 @ 17:00 – 18:00
Come over if you would like to learn how to support other people in the space, react to conflicts, get to know more about the work in our solidarity teams during bigger events or better understand why we have created the space. If you already use the space, either organising within/with your group, either as a participant, you are even more encourage to get to know how to support other participants in the space and provide a safer space for all. Andrými is open due to you, then let’s get together and talk about (why is) our radical social centre in town.
In other words – if you like Andrými as it is and want to help us make sure that the people feel welcome, taken care of and safe here and on top of that – get some useful skills – drop in!