Bergþórugata 20, 101, Reykjavik


Eating Disorder Presentation and Discussion
Jul 3 @ 18:00 – 20:00

Eating Disorder Presentation and Discussion / Framsetning og Umræða um Átröskun / Presentación y Discusión sobre el Trastorno Alimentario

The presentation (in English) will explain the underlying cause of eating disorders, and will also discuss the diet industry and recovery. The main themes are science and oppressive forces. The presentation does not include personal stories or graphic images (there is a trigger warning for one slide with non-graphic, Instagram-type images).

The discussion will not be a personal story-share/support group, but you can find the host afterwards if you’d like to talk more about support.

This is open to people with and without eating disorders.

This event is not the place to invalidate people with eating disorders or argue with anti-diet information.



There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door).

The bathrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building). There is no bathroom on the ground floor.

Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral. The event takes place on the ground floor.

Opinn skipulagsfundur Andrýmis // Andrými open organizing meeting
Jul 5 @ 13:00 – 16:00


Á fundinum er farið yfir vinnuhópa, fólk getur tekið að sér verkefni, rætt mikilvæg málefni og séð önnur andlit sem tengjast Andrými. Dagskrá fundarins má sjá fyrir neðan.
Þetta er fullkominn tími fyrir nýja og forvitna aðila til að koma og hitta fólk og læra meira um Andrými!

– Valinn fundarstjóri, farið stuttlega yfir fundarreglur
– Nafnakynning
– Kynning vinnuhópa: Vinnuhópar fara yfir unnin störf, útskýra það sem er enn í vinnslu og hvaða verkefni eru í uppsiglingu.
– Endurraðað í vinnuhópa: Fólk velur sér vinnuhópa sem það vill vinna með. “Bottomliner” valinn fyrir hvern hóp.
-Endurgjöf (e. feedback): Minni umræðuhópar
– Endurgjöf: Umræða í stóra hóp
– Sameiginleg ákvarðanataka varðandi mismunandi mál:
Come and get involved in Andrými, a space for radical groups, events and community projects!
We hold a monthly assembly to update each other about our work, redistribute tasks, share feedback and drink coffee together.
This is the perfect time for new and curious people to come meet people and learn more about Andrými!

-Roles, Rules of Consensus
-Name go-around
-Updates: working groups say what has been done, what is being worked on, future plans
-Redistributing tasks, finding new bottomliners
-Small groups: feedback
-Coffee break
-Report back from small groups
-Points from working group: things we need consensus on


There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door).

The bathrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building). There is no bathroom on the ground floor.

Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral. The event takes place on the ground floor.

Free Supermarket
Jul 8 @ 18:00 – 19:30

In the free supermarket you can pick up all kind of food or you can also bring some food into the market.

In this hard times of virus crisis lets get together and make sure the most unprotected get the most basic foods and work together to achieve what the powers that be cannot and/or don’t want to.

There is also a free shop for clothes and volunteers to help you apply for financial assistance / housing benefits / unemployment etc.
Food donations (no clothes!) welcome, volunteers always appreciated

Accessibility: The supermarket is outside in the garden. There is a small step at the gate to come in.

A-byssó café
Jul 10 @ 20:00

Abyssó café – for a community in struggle

Friday 10 July
Café opens at 20:00
Discussion starts at 21:00

This time A-byssó presents Sisters in arms – Militant feminism in Germany.  

Discussion and screening of the film Die Rote Zora tracing the herstory of the Rote Zora, a revolutionary feminist liberation movement in Germany active from 1975 until around 1995.  By means of militant resistance, the group wanted to do away with all repression, be it directed at women or of a general nature. It did not see the use of force against women as exceptional but as a universal principle of domination. It thus linked the struggle against patriarchy and sexist violence with the struggle against social power relations and society in the Republic of Germany. It was not interested in obtaining power but in limiting authority to ultimately bring about a society without domination.

The group committed a series of bombing and arson attacks against our enemies, including individuals and organizations thought to be involved with sexism, the exploitation of women, genetic engineering, the enforcement of patriarchal society, nuclear power and the anti-abortion movement.

The film Die Rote Zora presents interviews with a few women of Rote Zora where they talk about their experiences, actions and ideas.

Discussions will be in English. The film is in German with English subtitles.


Icelandic class
Jul 14 @ 15:00
  1. A few icelandic people/youths meeting up and teaching non-icelandic friends some basic icelandic (everyone welcome though). We will be doing them a few times a week but at different time or day each time, follow the website calendar for updates!


There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door).
The bathrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building). There is no bathroom on the ground floor.
Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral. The event takes place upstairs.

Free Supermarket
Jul 22 @ 18:00 – 19:30

In the free supermarket you can pick up all kind of food or you can also bring some food into the market.

In this hard times of virus crisis lets get together and make sure the most unprotected get the most basic foods and work together to achieve what the powers that be cannot and/or don’t want to.

There is also a free shop for clothes and volunteers to help you apply for financial assistance / housing benefits / unemployment etc.
Food donations (no clothes!) welcome, volunteers always appreciated

Accessibility: The supermarket is outside in the garden. There is a small step at the gate to come in.

A-byssó café
Jul 23 @ 20:00

A-byssó café    – For a community in struggle

A-byssó café presents:  Rizitiko by Venus Volcanism  listening party

Venus Volcanism is the musician and electronic artist Rena Rasouli.  Her first solo mini-album “Rizitiko’ was released this spring.  She uses traditional folk songs of her native island Crete as a basis for this work.  The album will be played through for the first time in Iceland and a music video for one of the songs will be screened.   All money collected this evening will go to support imprisoned female anarchist fighters in Greece.

‘Rizitiko’ evolved from Rasouli’s thesis titled “the music performances based in traditional dialect focuses on the healing ability of sound”. The songs were created and sung by folk troubadours. Expanding on these oeuvres, Rasouli seized on the idea that the melodic use of voice is the oldest form of therapy in human culture. This primary and ritualistic material was intertwined with electronic and natural ambient soundscapes. The resulting compositions express the omnipresent sensations and emotions that play a key role in the healing process whilst communicating an intense connection to the collective unconscious.  Traditionally sung by men there are numerous reasons to believe that many of the songs were initially created by women. To sing them in a female voice projects a different approach to the traditional rendition – one closer to that of a lullaby. 

Café opens at 20:00
Video and album playing at 21:00

Eldhús fólksins í Andrými // Andrými’s people’s kitchen
Jul 29 @ 17:00 – 21:00

Nú er hægt að koma við alla miðvikudaga frá kl. 17 og aðstoða við að elda eða frá kl. 19 til að aðstoða við að borða og vera hluti af samfélaginu okkar! Allir eru velkomnir – við vinnum eftir stefnu um öruggari rými sem við fylgjum til þess að öllum líði sem best og sem öruggast í rýminu.
Andrými er rekið á frjálsum framlögum og við óskum því eftir að þeir sem geta, borgi 500 kr. (eða meira) fyrir máltíðina.
[Aðgengi: Viðburðurinn verður haldinn í Andrými, sem staðsett er í Bergþórugata 20, 101, Reykjavik. Byggingin er aðgengileg en þrengsta breidd dyra er 80 sm. Nánari upplýsingar um aðgengi má finna á Aðgengi]
From now on you can drop in every Wednesday from 17.00 (to help with cooking) or from 19.00 (to help with eating) and be part of our community. Everyone is welcome – we have a safer space policy in place which we follow to make everyone feel as comfortable and safe as possible.
Andrými and the people’s kitchen entirely non-profit and only from donations and so we kindly ask those that can afford it to contribute 500 ISK or more for the plentiful meal.
[Accessibility: The event is held in Andrými located in, Bergþórugata 20, 101, Reykjavik. The house is accessible but the narrowest door is 80 cm. Detailed information about the accessibility can be found here: Acessability]

Jul 30 @ 18:30 – 19:00


Opinn skipulagsfundur Andrýmis // Andrými open organizing meeting
Aug 2 @ 13:00 – 16:00


Á fundinum er farið yfir vinnuhópa, fólk getur tekið að sér verkefni, rætt mikilvæg málefni og séð önnur andlit sem tengjast Andrými. Dagskrá fundarins má sjá fyrir neðan.
Þetta er fullkominn tími fyrir nýja og forvitna aðila til að koma og hitta fólk og læra meira um Andrými!

– Valinn fundarstjóri, farið stuttlega yfir fundarreglur
– Nafnakynning
– Kynning vinnuhópa: Vinnuhópar fara yfir unnin störf, útskýra það sem er enn í vinnslu og hvaða verkefni eru í uppsiglingu.
– Endurraðað í vinnuhópa: Fólk velur sér vinnuhópa sem það vill vinna með. “Bottomliner” valinn fyrir hvern hóp.
-Endurgjöf (e. feedback): Minni umræðuhópar
– Endurgjöf: Umræða í stóra hóp
– Sameiginleg ákvarðanataka varðandi mismunandi mál:
Come and get involved in Andrými, a space for radical groups, events and community projects!
We hold a monthly assembly to update each other about our work, redistribute tasks, share feedback and drink coffee together.
This is the perfect time for new and curious people to come meet people and learn more about Andrými!

-Roles, Rules of Consensus
-Name go-around
-Updates: working groups say what has been done, what is being worked on, future plans
-Redistributing tasks, finding new bottomliners
-Small groups: feedback
-Coffee break
-Report back from small groups
-Points from working group: things we need consensus on


There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door).

The bathrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building). There is no bathroom on the ground floor.

Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral. The event takes place on the ground floor.