Bergþórugata 20, 101, Reykjavik


SPÜNK, Blóðmör, Kvelja og The Moronic á Gauknum
Jan 25 @ 21:00 – 01:00
SPÜNK, Blóðmör, Kvelja og The Moronic á Gauknum

HVAR?: Gaukurinn, Tryggvagata 22, 101 Reykjavík

Laugardaginn þann 25. janúar koma fram fjórar sturlaðar hljómsveitir á Gauknum.

Blóðmör –
Kvelja –
The Moronic –

Húsið opnar kl. 21:00 og fyrsta band byrjar kl. 22:00.


Plakat eftir Viktor Weisshappel Vilhjálmsson

Soulflow Comedy | Women & Queer Open Mic Nights
Jan 27 @ 21:00 – Jan 28 @ 18:00

WHERE: Gaukurinn, Tryggvagata 22, 101 Reykjavík

ORGANISERS: Soulflow Comedy, Gaukurinn, Kimi Tayler- comedy, Kat McDougal

SOULFLOW COMEDY is proud to present weekly open-mic stand-up nights in English EVERY Monday at Gaukurinn.

we want to encourage more people to try stand-up & practice their craft in a friendly, supportive & safe environment. everyone is welcome to attend but for now, sign-ups will only to open to Women & Queer folks of all kinds!

send us a message on Facebook to sign-up or in person on the night!

ALSOOO!!! we have an improv audience participation game in our first half & the chance to win you & your table a BOTTLE OF BUBBLY!


HAPPY HOUR from 2-9 PM
not only that, but our scrumptious signature long drink OVARYACTION will be of super special SOULFLOW offer for only 1500kr!
be there for tits&giggles & queeromedy!


Femínískur bölmóður / Feminist Swearing Night @ LOFT HOSTEL
Jan 30 @ 20:00 – 22:00

IN LOFT HOSTEL, Bankastræti 7, 101 Reykjavík.

What the #$&%*! would you like to get off your chest?

Do you ever feel like society isn’t exactly what it should be? Are you tired of certain aspects of it? Do you just feel like cursing and smashing the patriarchy?

This open-mic event offers an opportunity to sound off about patriarchy, politics, inequality and injustice. Participants are free to do this through sharing their personal stories, rhymes, general rants or any other means of expression. All languages welcome. Free entry.

The night is moderated by the feminists Silja and Viima the who will also swear at the patriarchy. They oversee an event concept refined by the Finnish feminist think tank Hattu. Iceland’s first Feminist Swearing Night took place in August 2019 and it was arranged in collaboration with Hattu. We hope to make this a tradition in Iceland as well.

Opin æfing í femínískri sjálfsvörn – Feminist self-defense
Jan 31 @ 19:00 – 21:00

***English below***

Föstudaginn 17. janúar 2020 kl 19:00 verður fyrsta æfing annarinnar í femínískri sálfsvörn haldin í íþróttasal Háskóla Íslands.

Salurinn er aðgengilegur hjólastólum.

Allar konur velkomnar sem og allt trans fólk (skráning í H.Í. er ekki skilyrði).

Æfingarnar eru lokaðar sís-karlmönnum.*
(*Sís-karlmaður er karl sem var úthlutað kyninu “strákur” við fæðingu, upplifir sig sem slíkan og er sáttur við það.)

Femíníska sjálfsvörnin sem verður æfð er í anda Seito Boei aðferðarinnar og felur í sér líkamlega, munnlega, sálræna og tilfinningalega sjálfsvörn.
Æfingahópurinn hittist á hverjum föstudegi.
Annan hvern föstudag hittist æfingarhópurinn í íþróttahúsinu og æfir líkamlega sjálfsvörn. Föstudagana þar á milli hittist hópurinn í öruggara rými á háskólasvæðinu og æfir munnlega, sálræna og tilfinningalega sjálfsvörn.

Femínísk sjálfsvörn sker sig frá ‘venjulegum’ námskeiðum í sjálfsvörn að því leyti að hún fylgir ákveðnum femínískum gildum og markmið hennar mótast út frá þeim. Meðal markmiða femínískrar sjálfsvarnar er að:
– Hugsa gagnrýnt um og afbyggja félagsmótun kyns og stigveldi þess
-Efla samstöðu og styðja við þolendur/varnarfólk sem vilja byrja eða halda áfram með bataferli.
– Auka þekkingu á mismunandi birtingarmyndum ofbeldis, m.a. til að auðveldara sé að koma auga á það, tala um það og berjast gegn því.
-Þróa einstaklingsbundnar og hópatengdar aðferðir sem eru skilvirkar í að koma í veg fyrir ofbeldi.

Áhugasöm eru hvött til að koma með boxhanska og púða/padda á líkamlegu æfingarnar. En það er ekki skilyrði.

Fyrir frekari upplýsingar sjá Slagtog á facebook eða sendið tölvupóst á


Friday 17th of january 2020, the first training of feminist self-defense will be held at the university sports hall at 19:00.

The sports hall is accessible for wheelchairs.

All women and trans people are welcome (you don’t have to be a student at the University).
Cisgendered men are asked to keep out.*
(*A cis gendered man is someone who identifies as a man, and was assigned male at birth).

The feminist self-defense method which will be followed is called Seito Boei. It includes physical, verbal, psychological and emotional self-defense.
The training group will be meeting every friday.
There will be physical trainings at the sportshall every second friday. The other fridays the group meets in a safer space to train verbal, psychological and emotional self-defense.

Provide each other with more options to choose from when using self-defense, by sharing a diverse range of strategies successfully used by people in real life situations.
Support victims/survivors/defenders to overcome isolation after assault and begin to heal
Expand our notions of what “successful self-defense” is and help each other appreciate all of the ways we keep ourselves safe.
Keep braking the stigma + myths around sexual and gender based assault/abuse so that we can talk about it, take action, and overcome it.

Those interested are encouraged to bring along pads and boxing gloves to the physical trainings. But it is not an obligation.

More information:’Slagtog’ on facebook or e-mail to

Fjáröflunartónleikar fyrir Andrými!
Feb 1 @ 18:00 – 22:30

Laugardaginn þann 1. febrúar verða fjáröflunartónleikar fyrir Andrými!
Fram koma:

Verð: 1000kr?
Engum vísað frá vegna fjárskorts!

Fundraiser concert for Andrými to pay the rent!



Suggested price 1000 kr, always sliding scale, everybody welcome even without $$$

Monthly Repair Café No.13 At RVK TL @ Reykjavík Tool Library
Feb 2 @ 13:00 – 16:00

Dear all!

This will be our FIRST Repair Café of the year!

We will have some coffee, tea and snacks available at the location as well as our monthly badass REPAIR CAFÉ!

This time around we will have volunteers offering to repair:


-Bikes (bring those winter tires, let us help you change them!)

*Specific Repair times to be announced soon!
** If you would like to volunteer, please contact us on FB.

You got that toaster that doesn’t seem to toast no more? BRING IT! You got that dress that now has a hole under the arm? BRING IT! Your bike keeps making a weird noise and you don’t know where it is coming from? BRING IT!

This is all FREE.

This event is ran and supported by volunteers.

If you are a member of the RVK Tool Library and bring something to be repaired, please also bring a snack for our shared snack table.

If you are not a member yet, you can join as a new member (or buy someone a awesome Tool Library Membership gift card or you can make a donation.***

***All donations will be used to take the volunteers for Ice Cream OR a beer, depending on how much we gather.

We can not guarantee everything will be repaired for sure, but the awesome volunteers involved in this project will surely try their best 😉

This event will happen monthly at the RVK TL.

Hope to see you there!

Finding Funding: Grants, what are they good for? Vol. 3 @ Reykjavík Tool Library
Feb 2 @ 18:30 – 21:30

This event is a open discussion about grants in the Reykjavik area. We will talk about the different grants available, what to apply for and what to avoid when applying.

When you come to attend please have a project idea in mind so we can try and give the best advice.

This event is pay what you like, all money will go to help the Tool Library develop the Sharing Depot & the DIY Centre.

To make this more organised, we would like to ask you to confirm your attendance via message to the Tool Library.

There will be a Q&A with a special guest Ásdís Guðmundsdóttir

“Ásdís Guðmundsdóttir is born and raised in Iceland. She has a BA in Sociology and Mass media, MsC in Business Administration and an MBA in International Business Management from EAE Business School in Barcelona.
She is a senior advisor, project manager and trainer, working for the Directorate of Labour in Reykjavík, Iceland.

Her passion is helping and assisting women entrepreneurs in reaching their goals and making their businesses thrive.

Ásdís manages several projects at the Directorate aimed specifically at entrepreneurs.

Grants for Women Entrepreneurs – The grants are start up grants for individuals or companies owned by women and are awarded once a year. They can be used for marketing, product development or making business plans. Entrepreneurs are offered to participate in Mentoring circles where they can work on their goals and aspirations, planning to make their businesses go forward.

She is the project manager for Frumkvæði an initiative for unemployed people who want to work on their business plans. While on benefits, they receive training to develop their businesses and have access to assistance and business coaches.

International projects

In the last 6 years Ásdís has written several project bids and managed two European projects in the Erasmus+ funding program, both aimed at women entrepreneurs focusing on hard and soft skills, mentoring circles and networking. She has a good experience in managing projects at an international level, bringing together partners from various countries.
Female project was a 3 year project, funded by Erasmus+ funding program aimed at women entrepreneurs. GO4IT workshops were implemented, with special focus on Marketing, Finance, Social Media and Product Development. Participants also participated in Mentoring circles where they shared knowledge and focused on specific challenges in their business.

FREE project was a 3 year project, funded by Erasmus+ funding program aimed at women entrepreneurs in rural areas. 6 partners took part, from 5 countries. The project focused on implementing online training in various business subjects and soft skills training. Participants were also offered to participate in online Mentoring Circles where they shared knowledge and focused on their business challenges. Networks were set up in rural areas, who were led by trained volunteers.
The project was very successful, receiving a score of 89 points out of 100 possible. The quality of the outputs was good and has great potential for implementation on a larger scale. The content of the website is available and free of charge.

Mótmæli gegn tanngreiningum í Háskóla Íslands! @ Háskólatorg - Háskóli Íslands
Feb 3 @ 12:00 – 13:00

SHÍ og Stúdentahreyfing No Borders Iceland kalla til mótmæla gegn tanngreiningum mánudaginn 3. febrúar á Háskólatorgi!

Í rúmlega eitt og hálft ár hefur Stúdentaráð og No Borders Icelans andmælt aðkomu Háskóla Íslands að líkamsrannsóknum á fylgdarlausum hælisleitendum og börnum sem hingað koma í leit að betra lífi.

Afstaða SHÍ hefur hlotið stuðnings starfsfólks og doktorsnema við skólann samkvæmt undirskriftarlistum sem voru opinberir veturinn 2018. Þrátt fyrir háværar gagnrýnisraddir samdi Háskóli Íslands við Útlendingastofnun, í mars 2019, um framkvæmd aldursgreininga með tanngreiningum sem eru siðferðislega umdeildar og vísindalega ónákvæmar rannsóknir:
Samningurinn var til eins árs og fer því að líða að endurskoðun á stöðu HÍ í þessu máli. Háskólaráð mun fjalla um málið á fundi sínum í febrúar og efna SHÍ og No Borders til mótmæla gegn því að Háskóli Íslands framkvæmi þessar rannsóknir.

Stúdentaráð skoraði síðast á háskólaráð til að hætta aldursgreiningum á fylgdarlausum börnum þann 30. nóvember 2019.
Áskorunina má finna hér:

Landssamtök íslenskra stúdenta og European Student’s Union hafa tekið undir með afstöðu Stúdentaráðs í málinu og getur þú nú sýnt þinn stuðning í hádeginu þann 3. febrúar

For over a year and a half, the Student Council and No Borders Iceland have opposed tthe University of Iceland’s involvement in dental analysis on unaccompanied asylum seekers and children who come here in search for a better life.

The Student Council’s position has been supported by staff and doctoral students of UI as portrayed by signature lists that were made public during the winter of 2018. Despite heavy criticism, the University of Iceland made a deal with the Directorate of Immigration to perform analyzis with dental examination and x-rays that are morally controversial and scientifically inaccurate.
The agreement between UI and DI was for a period of one year. Therefore a review of the UI’s position in this matter is now in process. The University Council will discuss the matter at its February meeting. For that occasion SC and No Borders call for a joint meeting to protest the University of Iceland’s conduct of these studies.

The Student Council last challenged the University Council to end age diagnoses for unaccompanied children on November 30, 2019.
The challenge can be found here:

The Icelandic Student Union and the European Student’s Union have agreed with the Student Council’s position on the matter and YOU can now show your support at noon on February 3rd.

Soulflow Comedy | Women & Queer Open Mic Nights
Feb 3 @ 21:00 – Feb 4 @ 18:00

WHERE: Gaukurinn, Tryggvagata 22, 101 Reykjavík

ORGANISERS: Soulflow Comedy, Gaukurinn, Kimi Tayler- comedy, Kat McDougal

SOULFLOW COMEDY is proud to present weekly open-mic stand-up nights in English EVERY Monday at Gaukurinn.

we want to encourage more people to try stand-up & practice their craft in a friendly, supportive & safe environment. everyone is welcome to attend but for now, sign-ups will only to open to Women & Queer folks of all kinds!

send us a message on Facebook to sign-up or in person on the night!

ALSOOO!!! we have an improv audience participation game in our first half & the chance to win you & your table a BOTTLE OF BUBBLY!


HAPPY HOUR from 2-9 PM
not only that, but our scrumptious signature long drink OVARYACTION will be of super special SOULFLOW offer for only 1500kr!
be there for tits&giggles & queeromedy!


Monthly Cleaning Day
Feb 9 @ 15:00 – 18:00

Let’s clean the house!

Let’s get Andrými clean and cozy! We will need your lovely help to keep the space as nice as possible, so please come by even if it’s just for a short while! Bonus points if you bring a car, so we can bring things to sorpa!

Gerum Andrými hreint og kósý fyrir nýja árið!