Bergþórugata 20, 101, Reykjavik


Global preliminary meeting for building a broad confluence of bottom-up democratic structures to overcome the planetary ecological emergency
Sep 10 @ 10:00 – 19:00

Accessibility: Andrými is highly unaccessible for people with disabilities. The group organising offers that if there is anyone willing to join with specific disability they will do their best to work around the accessibility issue with personal assistance.

10:00 – 12:00 Process 3 *

14h-16h Contents 5 economy and democratic confederalism

How do you run a democratic confederalist economy?

how digital economy can be integrated in geography based democratic confederalist economy

collective models of economy and private market economy could convive in confederalist economy?

A moral economy from a libertarian municipalism perspective – the importance of building alternative economy, without which the movement will fail; the potentials and dangers of cooperatives; against traditional socialist ideas of the economy.

The false answer of ‘green capitalism’

economic disobedience in the context of dual power building

17 – 19h workshops 4 **

* Process meetings will be run as it was a long assembly distributed in different periods of 2 hours. We are adding topics to the general discusion and will control the times during the meetings. Introduction: The short process until this preliminary meeting what this space is aiming to become, how should be organized, ( delegation and decision taking methods ), who should be part of it, (can we all agree in the same vision?), how do we collaborate with other existing, initiatives/processes which share similiar visions?- whilst avoiding cooptation. goals and roadmap in one year. a main event for june/july 2020 ?

– The World Social Forum of Transformative Economies will be happening at the end of June of 2020 so we need to think strategically on whether and how we want to collaborate with them and take this into account when setting the date of the bigger meeting (would be happy to facilitate this discussion).

– perhaps our main event in 2020 could be distributed by continents, making possible to reduce travel impact a and expand the participation to much more people, more bottom up, in coherence with democratic confederalism

** Workshops meetings

A workshop is a small group meeting which could have different reasons:-

– to explain a specific knowledge or experience

– to discuss and develop a proposal to be presented later in plenary

– to discuss a topic with much more detail than in plenary.

– to train in specific habilities.

– …..

A workshop needs one person or collective responsible of it.

In general the workshops will be offline or online, any physical participant or online participant could propose one at least the day before, and invite others to join.

The agenda will be updated daily with the info about the workshops and how to access them.

Global preliminary meeting for building a broad confluence of bottom-up democratic structures to overcome the planetary ecological emergency
Sep 12 @ 10:00 – 19:00

Accessibility: Andrými is highly unaccessible for people with disabilities. The group organising offers that if there is anyone willing to join with specific disability they will do their best to work around the accessibility issue with personal assistance.

10 – 12 Process 5 *

14h-16h Contents 7 global issues and democratic confederalism

how to influence global institutions from bottom up democratic systems

how to make diplomacy without borders

line 9: development and human rights paradigm.

The need for internationalism.

Is there a need to create a dialogue between philosophical/spiritual/pschological discourses on the notion of wellbeing and justice articulated across time and space; How can eastern ad westen wisdom/indeginous and non indigious wisdom tradisions brught to bear on notions of democratic confederalism!

17 – 19h workshops 5 **

* Process meetings will be run as it was a long assembly distributed in different periods of 2 hours. We are adding topics to the general discusion and will control the times during the meetings. Introduction: The short process until this preliminary meeting what this space is aiming to become, how should be organized, ( delegation and decision taking methods ), who should be part of it, (can we all agree in the same vision?), how do we collaborate with other existing, initiatives/processes which share similiar visions?- whilst avoiding cooptation. goals and roadmap in one year. a main event for june/july 2020 ?

– The World Social Forum of Transformative Economies will be happening at the end of June of 2020 so we need to think strategically on whether and how we want to collaborate with them and take this into account when setting the date of the bigger meeting (would be happy to facilitate this discussion).

– perhaps our main event in 2020 could be distributed by continents, making possible to reduce travel impact a and expand the participation to much more people, more bottom up, in coherence with democratic confederalism

** Workshops meetings

A workshop is a small group meeting which could have different reasons:-

– to explain a specific knowledge or experience

– to discuss and develop a proposal to be presented later in plenary

– to discuss a topic with much more detail than in plenary.

– to train in specific habilities.

– …..

A workshop needs one person or collective responsible of it.

In general the workshops will be offline or online, any physical participant or online participant could propose one at least the day before, and invite others to join.

The agenda will be updated daily with the info about the workshops and how to access them.

Global preliminary meeting for building a broad confluence of bottom-up democratic structures to overcome the planetary ecological emergency
Sep 13 @ 10:00 – 13:00

Accessibility: Andrými is highly unaccessible for people with disabilities. The group organising offers that if there is anyone willing to join with specific disability they will do their best to work around the accessibility issue with personal assistance.

Friday 13 september morning

10-13 Process 6 and conclusions. *

* Process meetings will be run as it was a long assembly distributed in different periods of 2 hours. We are adding topics to the general discusion and will control the times during the meetings. Introduction: The short process until this preliminary meeting what this space is aiming to become, how should be organized, ( delegation and decision taking methods ), who should be part of it, (can we all agree in the same vision?), how do we collaborate with other existing, initiatives/processes which share similiar visions?- whilst avoiding cooptation. goals and roadmap in one year. a main event for june/july 2020 ?

– The World Social Forum of Transformative Economies will be happening at the end of June of 2020 so we need to think strategically on whether and how we want to collaborate with them and take this into account when setting the date of the bigger meeting (would be happy to facilitate this discussion).

– perhaps our main event in 2020 could be distributed by continents, making possible to reduce travel impact a and expand the participation to much more people, more bottom up, in coherence with democratic confederalism

Freelancer’s union / Stéttarfélag Frílansara – union building meeting
Sep 18 @ 19:00 – 21:00

Let’s talk name, logo, bylaws, how to sign up members and everything else we need to build the union!

Tölum saman um nafn, merki, lög, hverning við viljum skrá meðlimi og allt annað sem þarf að gerast til þess að byggja stéttarfélag!

Vegan Potluck / Vegan Pálínuboð
Sep 20 @ 18:30 – 21:30

The vegan society of Iceland is hosting a potluck for our friends from the vegan society in Finland and Estonia. Open for all interested in veganism.
Please respect that this is a safe space for vegans and bring only vegan food, beverages etc.

Declutter the house / Setjum Andrými í röð
Sep 21 @ 13:00 – 17:00

Andrými is full of broken and unused things. Let’s get together and sort them out, which to keep, which to throw and which we could give a away in a donation based garage sale to cover the rent.

Bring a car if you can, so we can bring things to sorpa!


IWW internal meeting
Sep 22 @ 13:00 – 14:00

Internal meeting of IWW working groups

Hreinsum Andrými! Monthly cleaning day
Sep 24 @ 16:00 – 19:00

Let’s get Andrými clean and cosy for winter! Gerum Andrými hreint og kósý fyrir veturinn!

New to Andrými? Intro Meeting!
Oct 6 @ 12:00 – 13:00

// English below //
Hefur þú heyrt um Andrými? Þessi kynning er fyrir forvitna, áhugasama og þá sem vilja taka þátt! Í hverjum mánuði er allsherjarfundur í Andrými þar sem við ræðum mikilvæg málefni og deilum því sem við erum að vinna í. Fyrir þá sem þekkja ekki rýmið getur fundurinn verið svolítið ruglingslegur. Þess vegna hvetjum við ykkur til þess að koma deginum áður og fræðast um Andrými; hver við erum, hvernig við vinnum og hvernig hægt er að taka virkan þátt. Svo er ykkur auðvitað velkomið að koma á allsherjarfundinn næsta dag.
Andrými er sjálfsskipulagt rými sem þýðir að það getur einungis starfað ef fólk kemur hlutum í verk með því að bjóða fram kunnáttu sína og nýtir áhugasvið sín. Komið þess vegna og skoðið, lærið um Andrými og komist að því hvernig þið viljið taka þátt.

Have you heard about Andrými? Are you curious, interested, or want to get more involved? This meeting is for YOU.
Each month, Andrými hosts an assembly where we discuss what we’re working on and some important topics. If you’re new to Andrými, it may be pretty confusing. So we encourage you to come one day earlier to learn about Andrými – who we are, how we work, and how you can get involved. Then feel free to join the assembly the next day.
Andrými is a self-organized space, meaning that it only works if people contribute their interests and skills to make things happen. So come see the space, learn about Andrými, and find a way to get involved.


Andrými er flutt í nýtt húsnæði á Bergþórugötu 20. Húsið er því miður ekki aðgengilegt fyrir hjólastóla í augnablikinu en það er mikið forgangsatriði hjá okkur að gera fyrstu hæð hússins aðgengilega sem fyrst. Við erum enn að bíða eftir samningi frá borginni sem myndi gera okkur kleift að gera breytingar á byggingunni. Teikningar af húsinu eru komnar til arkítekts sem er að vinna í teikningu af rampi og aðgengilegu klósetti svo við getum sent þær til Minjastofnunar í umsagnarskyldu og svo til borgarinnar.
Það er eitt þrep við hliðið að garðinum og svo fimm þrep sem leiða upp að aðalinngangi. Hvert þrep er 17sm hátt. Breidd dyra í húsinu er á milli 50sm (dyr að baðherberginu á efri hæð) og 80sm (aðaldyrnar). Dyrnar að fundarherberginu eru 75sm á breidd eins og flestar aðrar dyr í húsinu.
Baðherbergin eru einungis á efri hæð og í kjallara eins og er. Bæði baðherbergin eru kynlaus.
The building is currently not wheelchair accessible, unfortunately, but it is our top priority to make it so. An architect is already working on drawing a ramp and making an accessible bathroom in the space.
There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door), and the washrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building).
Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral

Rojava solidarity / Samstaðafundur fyrir Rojava
Oct 17 @ 20:00

This is a meeting to discuss setting up a solidarity group for Rojava in co-operation with members of the local Kurdish community.

Accessibility: It is as accessible as Andrými is; if people have specific needs, they can get in touch.

Andrymi’s accessibility: