Bergþórugata 20, 101, Reykjavik


fjölskyldumorgnar // family mornings
Jun 3 @ 11:00 – 13:00

–English below–
Við erum hópur fjölskyldna sem komum saman í Andrými þar sem við skipuleggjum vikulega viðburði á sunnudögum. Komið og takið þátt í að skipuleggja þann heim sem við viljum skapa fyrir fjölskyldurnar okkar, og hjálpið okkur við að láta framtíðarsýn verða að veruleika.
Ykkur er velkomið að koma með mat fyrir fjölskyldu ykkar, og einnig til að deila með öðrum ef þið viljið. Vinsamlegast látið vita ef einhver fjölskyldumeðlimur er með fæðuóþol eða þarfnast aðstoðar, t.d. vegna fötlunar eða öryggis, og við reynum að sjá til þess að allir geti verið öruggir og notið sín.
Við viljum skapa umhverfi sem er skemmtilegt, en um leið berjumst við gegn félagslegri kúgun og umberum hvorki mismunun né ofbeldi. Ætlunin er að viðburðirnir séu aðgengilegir öllum, óháð einstaklingsgetu.
Við bjóðum sérstaklega velkomna þá einstaklinga sem finnst þeir vera jaðarsettir, kúgaðir eða ekki eiga heima í öðrum fjölskyldusamkundum. Sem hluti af Andrými félagshreyfingunni, leggjum við áherslu á samstöðu með þeim sem eru kúgaðir, stuðning við náttúruna, baráttu gegn ofbeldi – þar með talið efnahagslegt ofbeldi – og hvetjum til þátttöku í sameiginlegri ákvarðanatöku.
Bergþórugata 20
We are a group of families who meet in Andrými where we organize weekly events on Sundays.
Please join us to relax, talk, create, plan, build, construct, deconstruct, and form the world we want for ourselves and our families. You are welcome to bring food for your family, and to share, if you would like. If someone in your family has special needs (accessibility, safety, allergies, etc.) we will try to make the space and activities safe and enjoyable for everybody! There is space to relax and some tea and coffee.
We are cultivating an environment for fun and reflection where we fight oppression and do not allow discrimination and violence. The space where we meet, and the activities we organize, are intended to be accessible to people of all different abilities, and we welcome people who may have felt marginalized or excluded from other family groups. As a part of the Andrými social cooperative, we adhere to the policies of solidarity with oppressed people, support of the natural world, fight against violence including economic violence, and encourage collective decision making.
Bergþórugata 20



The building is currently not wheelchair accessible, unfortunately, but it is our top priority to make it so. An architect is already working on drawing a ramp and making an accessible bathroom in the space.

There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door), and the washrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building).

Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral.

fjölskyldumorgnar // family mornings
Jun 10 @ 11:00 – 13:00

–English below–
Við erum hópur fjölskyldna sem komum saman í Andrými þar sem við skipuleggjum vikulega viðburði á sunnudögum. Komið og takið þátt í að skipuleggja þann heim sem við viljum skapa fyrir fjölskyldurnar okkar, og hjálpið okkur við að láta framtíðarsýn verða að veruleika.
Ykkur er velkomið að koma með mat fyrir fjölskyldu ykkar, og einnig til að deila með öðrum ef þið viljið. Vinsamlegast látið vita ef einhver fjölskyldumeðlimur er með fæðuóþol eða þarfnast aðstoðar, t.d. vegna fötlunar eða öryggis, og við reynum að sjá til þess að allir geti verið öruggir og notið sín.
Við viljum skapa umhverfi sem er skemmtilegt, en um leið berjumst við gegn félagslegri kúgun og umberum hvorki mismunun né ofbeldi. Ætlunin er að viðburðirnir séu aðgengilegir öllum, óháð einstaklingsgetu.
Við bjóðum sérstaklega velkomna þá einstaklinga sem finnst þeir vera jaðarsettir, kúgaðir eða ekki eiga heima í öðrum fjölskyldusamkundum. Sem hluti af Andrými félagshreyfingunni, leggjum við áherslu á samstöðu með þeim sem eru kúgaðir, stuðning við náttúruna, baráttu gegn ofbeldi – þar með talið efnahagslegt ofbeldi – og hvetjum til þátttöku í sameiginlegri ákvarðanatöku.
Bergþórugata 20
We are a group of families who meet in Andrými where we organize weekly events on Sundays.
Please join us to relax, talk, create, plan, build, construct, deconstruct, and form the world we want for ourselves and our families. You are welcome to bring food for your family, and to share, if you would like. If someone in your family has special needs (accessibility, safety, allergies, etc.) we will try to make the space and activities safe and enjoyable for everybody! There is space to relax and some tea and coffee.
We are cultivating an environment for fun and reflection where we fight oppression and do not allow discrimination and violence. The space where we meet, and the activities we organize, are intended to be accessible to people of all different abilities, and we welcome people who may have felt marginalized or excluded from other family groups. As a part of the Andrými social cooperative, we adhere to the policies of solidarity with oppressed people, support of the natural world, fight against violence including economic violence, and encourage collective decision making.
Bergþórugata 20



The building is currently not wheelchair accessible, unfortunately, but it is our top priority to make it so. An architect is already working on drawing a ramp and making an accessible bathroom in the space.

There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door), and the washrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building).

Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral.

fjölskyldumorgnar // family mornings
Jun 24 @ 11:00 – 13:00

–English below–
Við erum hópur fjölskyldna sem komum saman í Andrými þar sem við skipuleggjum vikulega viðburði á sunnudögum. Komið og takið þátt í að skipuleggja þann heim sem við viljum skapa fyrir fjölskyldurnar okkar, og hjálpið okkur við að láta framtíðarsýn verða að veruleika.
Ykkur er velkomið að koma með mat fyrir fjölskyldu ykkar, og einnig til að deila með öðrum ef þið viljið. Vinsamlegast látið vita ef einhver fjölskyldumeðlimur er með fæðuóþol eða þarfnast aðstoðar, t.d. vegna fötlunar eða öryggis, og við reynum að sjá til þess að allir geti verið öruggir og notið sín.
Við viljum skapa umhverfi sem er skemmtilegt, en um leið berjumst við gegn félagslegri kúgun og umberum hvorki mismunun né ofbeldi. Ætlunin er að viðburðirnir séu aðgengilegir öllum, óháð einstaklingsgetu.
Við bjóðum sérstaklega velkomna þá einstaklinga sem finnst þeir vera jaðarsettir, kúgaðir eða ekki eiga heima í öðrum fjölskyldusamkundum. Sem hluti af Andrými félagshreyfingunni, leggjum við áherslu á samstöðu með þeim sem eru kúgaðir, stuðning við náttúruna, baráttu gegn ofbeldi – þar með talið efnahagslegt ofbeldi – og hvetjum til þátttöku í sameiginlegri ákvarðanatöku.
Bergþórugata 20
We are a group of families who meet in Andrými where we organize weekly events on Sundays.
Please join us to relax, talk, create, plan, build, construct, deconstruct, and form the world we want for ourselves and our families. You are welcome to bring food for your family, and to share, if you would like. If someone in your family has special needs (accessibility, safety, allergies, etc.) we will try to make the space and activities safe and enjoyable for everybody! There is space to relax and some tea and coffee.
We are cultivating an environment for fun and reflection where we fight oppression and do not allow discrimination and violence. The space where we meet, and the activities we organize, are intended to be accessible to people of all different abilities, and we welcome people who may have felt marginalized or excluded from other family groups. As a part of the Andrými social cooperative, we adhere to the policies of solidarity with oppressed people, support of the natural world, fight against violence including economic violence, and encourage collective decision making.
Bergþórugata 20



The building is currently not wheelchair accessible, unfortunately, but it is our top priority to make it so. An architect is already working on drawing a ramp and making an accessible bathroom in the space.

There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door), and the washrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building).

Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral.

Skiptimarkaður – Toys And Children’s Clothes Swap
Jun 24 @ 11:00 – 16:00

(English below) Við vitum að börnin okkar hætta aldrei að stækka, en föt, leikföng og bækur vaxa ekki með þeim. Þess vegna erum við að skipuleggja þennan skiptimarkaður fyrir barnaföt og leikföng. Hugmyndin er sú að þú leggir til þá hluti sem börnin þín þurfa ekki lengur og þú getur í staðinn tekið með þér heim það sem þú og börnin þín getið nýtt ykkur.
Reglurnar eru einfaldar:
1. Átt þú bækur, skó, föt, leikföng eða eitthvað annað sem börnin þín þurfa ekki lengur? Vinsamlegast komdu með það/þessa hluti, helst flokkaða eftir stærð.
2. Fannst þú eitthvað sem þú vilt fyrir börnin þín? Þú ert velkomin að taka það heim!
3. Eigðu góðar stundir með góðum félagsskap!
Með því að mæta með föt eða leikföng til skiptanna tryggjum við að gömlu hlutirnir þínir komi til nýrra eigenda, annaðhvort hjá öðrum gestum eða Rauða Krossinum. Við athugum ekki eða teljum það sem þú tekur með, þér er frjálst að koma með eins mikið eða lítið og þú vilt.
Upplýsingar um aðgengi er að finna á

We know our children never stop growing but clothes, toys and books don’t grow with them. That’s why we organise this swap event for children’s clothes and toys. The idea is that you bring the stuff that your kids don’t need anymore and you can take home the things you and your children like and can make use of.
The rules are simple:
1. Do you have books, shoes, clothes, toys or anything else that your children don’t need anymore? Please, bring them, ideally organised by size.
2. Do you find something you like for your kids? Feel free to take it!
3. Spend some quality time with good friends and like-minded people, and above all have fun!
By attending this event you will make sure that your old items find new owners, either other swappers or the Red Cross. We don’t check or count what you bring, just take what you like.
You can find info about accessibility on

fjölskyldumorgnar // family mornings
Sep 9 @ 11:00 – 13:00

–English below–
Við erum hópur fjölskyldna sem komum saman í Andrými þar sem við skipuleggjum vikulega viðburði á sunnudögum. Komið og takið þátt í að skipuleggja þann heim sem við viljum skapa fyrir fjölskyldurnar okkar, og hjálpið okkur við að láta framtíðarsýn verða að veruleika.
Ykkur er velkomið að koma með mat fyrir fjölskyldu ykkar, og einnig til að deila með öðrum ef þið viljið. Vinsamlegast látið vita ef einhver fjölskyldumeðlimur er með fæðuóþol eða þarfnast aðstoðar, t.d. vegna fötlunar eða öryggis, og við reynum að sjá til þess að allir geti verið öruggir og notið sín.
Við viljum skapa umhverfi sem er skemmtilegt, en um leið berjumst við gegn félagslegri kúgun og umberum hvorki mismunun né ofbeldi. Ætlunin er að viðburðirnir séu aðgengilegir öllum, óháð einstaklingsgetu.
Við bjóðum sérstaklega velkomna þá einstaklinga sem finnst þeir vera jaðarsettir, kúgaðir eða ekki eiga heima í öðrum fjölskyldusamkundum. Sem hluti af Andrými félagshreyfingunni, leggjum við áherslu á samstöðu með þeim sem eru kúgaðir, stuðning við náttúruna, baráttu gegn ofbeldi – þar með talið efnahagslegt ofbeldi – og hvetjum til þátttöku í sameiginlegri ákvarðanatöku.
Bergþórugata 20
We are a group of families who meet in Andrými where we organize weekly events on Sundays.
Please join us to relax, talk, create, plan, build, construct, deconstruct, and form the world we want for ourselves and our families. You are welcome to bring food for your family, and to share, if you would like. If someone in your family has special needs (accessibility, safety, allergies, etc.) we will try to make the space and activities safe and enjoyable for everybody! There is space to relax and some tea and coffee.
We are cultivating an environment for fun and reflection where we fight oppression and do not allow discrimination and violence. The space where we meet, and the activities we organize, are intended to be accessible to people of all different abilities, and we welcome people who may have felt marginalized or excluded from other family groups. As a part of the Andrými social cooperative, we adhere to the policies of solidarity with oppressed people, support of the natural world, fight against violence including economic violence, and encourage collective decision making.
Bergþórugata 20



The building is currently not wheelchair accessible, unfortunately, but it is our top priority to make it so. An architect is already working on drawing a ramp and making an accessible bathroom in the space.

There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door), and the washrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building).

Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral.

IWW Ísland open meeting
Sep 9 @ 13:00 – 14:00

Event organised by IWW Ísland.

Are you interested in improving conditions in your workplace? Do you feel that you should have a say in important decisions concerning your life? Do you feel that democracy should not be limited to elections? Then please join us in IWW in a struggle for better lives and a better world!

We will have an open meeting in Andrými, an opportunity to get together and talk about situations in our lives and how we can together change things for the better.

The building is currently not wheelchair accessible, unfortunately, but it is our top priority to make it so. An architect is already working on drawing a ramp and making an accessible bathroom in the space.

There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door), and the washrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building).
Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral.

The space is child-friendly with both indoor and outdoor play areas. We would like to provide child care so it is easier for caregivers to participate in the meeting- get in touch if you need, or can provide, child care during the meeting.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

IWW Reykjavík

Folk Dancing / Danse folk
Sep 9 @ 16:00 – 18:00

An independently organised event.

I will be teaching some dancing that are usually danced during bal folk (scottish, mazurka,…), without gender roles.


The event will be adapted to people with different physical abilities. It is easier of access for people who are not hearing
impaired (dancing to music). The building is currently not wheelchair accessible, unfortunately, but it is our top priority to make it so. An architect is already working on drawing a ramp and making an accessible bathroom in the space.

There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door), and the washrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building).
Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral.

Viðgerðadagur / Repair Workshop
Sep 11 @ 14:00 – 18:00

An independently organised event.


Við ætlum að laga biluð tæki eins og hátalara, snúrur, kannski ferðatölvur.
Ég get ekki lofað neinu, en við getum reynt að laga og læra um rafmagn; hvernig það virkar, hvað er örrugt og hvað ekki.

Komið með biluð tæki og við skulum sjá hvað við getum gert.
Munið þó að það eru til sérstakir tímar til að laga hjól á öðrum dögum!

Ef þú ert með mjög sérstaka hluti, vinsamlegast hafðu samband við mig fyrst: 783 7719 /

Mikilvægt er að allt sem þið komið með sé tekið heim aftur því það er ekki mögulegt fyrir okkur að henda gömlum tækjum..
sjáumst á þriðjudaginn.

DISCLAIMER: Ég er ekki lærður rafvirki. Ég er með hæfileika á ákveðnum sviðum og reynslu í að laga dót og er til í að deila vitneskju minni. Allar viðgerðar eru þó á þinni eigin ábyrgð! Ekki trúa fólki sem eignar sér vitneskju!

This workshop aims to repair and or learn about repairing the things we use everyday as well to learn about electricity and its safety.

Bring your electronic devices, audio devices, cables, household devices, maybe even computers and we will see, whether we can fix them together.
There is no garuantee, but we can try to find the problem and repair it and learn more about how devices actually work.
We will have all needed tools, just bring the ill things around. If you
have something twice, bring the broken as well as the working one, this can help a lot for troubleshooting.

Please know that there are dedicated workshops for bike repairing at a differnt time and if you have something very specific, please concider getting in touch beforehand: / 783 7719

Please be aware, that all brought devices must be taken home afterwards, since we can not offer to dump/recycle them properly!

DISCLAMER: I am not an educated electrician, I have some skills and experience in repairing things and am willing to share what i know, but all repairments will be done at your own risk! Don’t believe people, who claim knowledge!

closed event
Sep 11 @ 17:30 – 19:30
Screening: The Chicago Conspiracy
Sep 11 @ 20:00

An independently organised event.

11th of September 1973, a military coup took place in Chile resulting in a
dictatorship under Augusto Pinochet. The dictatorship has fallen but its
legacy is still present.

We commemorate this day and the struggle now taking place in Chile by
showing the documentary The Chicago Conspiracy. Before the film there will
be an intervention from comrades in Chile.

The Chicago Conspiracy is about today. We began this documentary with the
death of a dictator, but we continue with the legacy of a dictatorship.

The Chicago Conspiracy is about the Day of the Youth Combatant. On this
day, two young brothers and militants of the MIR, Rafael and Eduardo
Vergara, were gunned down by police as they walked through the politically
active community Villa Francia. March 29 is not only about the Vergara
brothers—it is a day to remember all youth combatants who have died under
the dictatorship and current democratic regime.

The Chicago Conspiracy is about the students who fight a dictatorship-era
educational law put into place on the last day of military rule. Over
700,000 students went on strike in 2006 to protest the privatized
educational system. Police brutally repressed student marches and

The Chicago Conspiracy is about the neighborhoods lining the outskirts of
Santiago. They were originally land occupations, and later became centers
of armed resistance against the military dictatorship. A number of them,
such as la Victoria and Villa Francia, continue as areas of
confrontational discontent to this day.

The Chicago Conspiracy is about the Mapuche conflict. The Mapuche people
valiantly resisted Spanish occupation, and continue to resist the Chilean
state and the multinational corporations who strip Mapuche territory for
forestry plantations, mines, dams and farming plantations. The government
has utilized the dictatorship-era anti-terrorism law to jail Mapuche
community members in struggle. Two young weichafes (Mapuche warriors),
Alex Lemún and Matías Catrileo, were recently killed by Chilean police—one
in 2002, the other in 2008.

With a combative remembrance
The social war continues!



We have just moved to a new location at Bergþórugata 20. The building is currently not wheelchair accessible, unfortunately, but it is our top priority to make it so. An architect is already working on drawing a ramp and making an accessible bathroom in the space.

There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door), and the washrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building).

Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral.