Bergþórugata 20, 101, Reykjavik


IWW General Information Meeting: Introducing Radical Unionism // Almenn fundur Heimssambands Verkafólks á Íslandi: Kynning á róttækum verkalýðsfélagum
Mar 3 @ 14:00 – 16:00

Public meeting of the IWW Iceland: Introduction to radical unionism
The I. W. W. is the Industrial Workers of the World (sometimes called “the Wobblies”), a democratic, rank-and-file labor organization dedicated to building workers’ power on the job.
Are you interested in improving conditions in your workplace? Do you feel that you should have a say in important decisions concerning your life? Do you feel that democracy should not be limited to parliamentary elections every four years? Then please join us in IWW in a struggle for better lives and a better world!
Saturday March 3 we will have an open meeting in Andrými, an opportunity to get together and talk about situations in our lives and how we can together change things for the better. The meeting space is not currently wheel chair accessible. There is a children´s space if you would like to bring your children.
Almenn fundur Heimssambands Verkafólks á Íslandi: Kynning á róttækum verkalýðsfélagum
I.W.W. er skammstöfun fyrir alþjóðlega verkalýðsfélagið Industrial Workers of the World (meðlimir eru stundum kallaðir „Wobblies“), lýðræðislegt, almennt verkalýðsfélag staðráðið í valdeflingu verkafólks innan vinnustaða.

Opinn jóga tími // Open yoga session
Mar 7 @ 18:00 – 19:00

Fyrst og fremst hatha jóga en ýmsum stílum hennt inn. // Hatha yoga and also some other styles.
I don’t have any prior experience in teaching yoga to people with disabilities but I will do my best to help attendees to adjust poses that they otherwise could not do or point out poses/exercises that they can do instead.

International Women’s Day Celebration (women* only event)!!!
Mar 8 @ 18:30 – Mar 9 @ 01:00

***Íslenska fyrir neðan***
We are planning a women-trans-queer-only evening in Andrými the 8th March! We welcome all women; trans, intersex, and cis, as well as genderqueer and non-binary people who are significantly female-identified (women*). The event is open for this group only.
At 18:30 vegan dinner will be served (we welcome anyone who wants to come to andrými at 16:00 to help preparing the food!). We will celebrate the opening of a feminist section in the anarchist library (you are all welcome to bring books to donate) and will project photos of radical, powerful women from around the globe onto the walls of our communal space.
This communal space that is also a transnational (safer-)place for sharing and caring. There will be an open mic so please bring your poetry, instruments, stories and songs.
Later in the night DJ SunnaBen play so we can all bring our dance moves to the floor.
See you there!
Í Andrými fimmmtudaginn 8. mars verður haldinn kvöldfagnaður í tilefni alþjóðlegs baráttudags kvenna. Við bjóðum allar konur velkomnar: sís, trans, intersex sem og kynsegin fólk sem samsamar sig konum að einhverju marki. Viðburðurinn er einungis opinn þessum hóp.
Klukkan 18:30 verður vegan kvöldmatur í boði (Þau sem vilja hjálpa til við að elda geta komið í Andrými kl. 16:00!)
Við munum einnig setja upp og opna femíníska deild í anarkíska bókasafninu (ykkur er velkomið að koma með femínískar bækur og gefa til bókasafnsins svo sem flestir geti notið þeirra!) og hengja upp myndir af sterkum, róttækum konum víðsvegar að úr heiminum.
Það verður open mic, þannig komið með ljóðin ykkar, sögur, hljóðfæri og söngva.
Seinna um kvöldið mun DJ SunnaBen þeyta plötum og við getum gleymt okkur í trylltum dansi. Hlökkum til að sjá ykkur!

From the Greek streets
Mar 9 @ 19:00 – 23:00

From the Greek streets
Benefit night for anarchists in Greece.
This event is a benefit-event for anarchists arrested during the demonstration on the 6th of December 2017 in Greece.
Benefit dinner will be served followed by a short presentation and discussions about the 6th of December demonstrations and riots, the ongoing prisoners struggle in Greece and the meaning of revolutionary solidarity.
6 December 2008, 15 years old Alexis Grigoropoulos is shot point blank by cops in the neighborhood of Exarchia in Athens. The murder sparked a string of riots that spread like wildfire all over Greece and inspired solidarity actions and riots in more than 70 cities around the world. These events are now known as the Desember revolt. Every year on the 6th of December people take to the streets to commemorate the murder and the uprising and to continue the struggle against the oppressive mechnism of the State and capital. During this day we fight and defend our neighborhoods and spaces of resistance, our self-organized projects, the ground where we live, meet and organize to fight back. Nine years after the December revolt people still face the same murdeous institutions that want to control our lives according to their desire for profit and social control.
During times of economic and political destabilization, known by some as crisis – another word for the restructuring of society in favour of the capital and the state-, there were many that had hoped for and thought that a Syriza led left-wing government would save them. As was pointed out before and has now been confirmed, the government of Syriza has only continued the violent impositions of social policies that aims for the continoues flow of capital profit. With a “soft” approach to repression, always hiding themselfes behind the police institution, it has stepped up its efforts to flatten the resistance of thouse who are fighting by upgrading its legal arsenal (new prison and penal codes), detentions and violent beating of demonstrators. Hope will not save us, neither a leftist government, or any government for that matter. There is only our struggle and the relationships we build that can bring us closer to our goals.
Noting is over,everything continous.

skill sharing/ fill up your tax
Mar 12 @ 19:00 – 21:00

Do you want to fill out your tax report with the support of some other people? There is a meeting and skillsharing to fill out tax returns at 1900 in Andrými. All people with a kennitala need to fill this out before Tuesday 13th. Bring laptops!

Opinn jóga tími // Open yoga session
Mar 15 @ 18:00 – 19:00

Fyrst og fremst hatha jóga en ýmsum stílum hennt inn. // Hatha yoga and also some other styles.
I don’t have any prior experience in teaching yoga to people with disabilities but I will do my best to help attendees to adjust poses that they otherwise could not do or point out poses/exercises that they can do instead.

Útbúðu skilti! Styðjum Afrin/Make your sign! Support Afrîn
Mar 17 @ 11:00 – 13:00

[is]Útbúðu skilti! Styðjum Afrin
Hiitumst upp úr kl 11, sötrum á kaffi og útbúum skilti fyrir mótmælin til stuðnings Afrin.
Ef þú átt efnvið sem hægt væri að nota þá endilega taka hann með.
[en]Make your sign! Support Afrîn
Meet up from 11 to share a coffee and create signs for the demonstration in support of Afrîn.
If you have any materials that could be used for that, please bring it.

Year gathering of Lithuanian community
Mar 17 @ 14:00 – 17:00

It will be preview all year round about what events organised, how these events touch everybody, Lithuanian impact in Icelandic society. Board members election and plans for 2018.

Anarchist movie night
Mar 17 @ 19:30 – 23:30
Anarkistar halda kvikmyndakvöld.
Kvöldmatur verður í kringum 19:30 og klukkan 20:00 verður sýnt stutt myndskeið um Rojava ásamt bíómynd sem verður tilkynnt síðar! Eftir á verður rými fyrir umræður og drykki.
Viðburðurinn er fjáröflun til stuðnings anarkistum sem voru handteknir í mótmælunum 6. desember 2017 í Grikklandi.
Rýmið er ekki enn aðgengilegt fyrir hjólastóla.
Anarchists host a movie night.
Dinner will be served around 19:30 and then at 20:00 we’ll screen a short video about Rojava and afterwards a movie (title will come in later).
Afterwards there will be time for chat and drinks.
This event is a benefit-event, hosted in Andrými, for anarchists arrested during the demonstration on the 6th of December 2017 in Greece.
The space is not yet accessible for wheelchairs.
fjölskyldumorgnar // family mornings
Mar 18 @ 11:00 – 13:00

–English below–
Við erum hópur fjölskyldna sem komum saman í Andrými þar sem við skipuleggjum vikulega viðburði á sunnudögum. Komið og takið þátt í að skipuleggja þann heim sem við viljum skapa fyrir fjölskyldurnar okkar, og hjálpið okkur við að láta framtíðarsýn verða að veruleika.
Ykkur er velkomið að koma með mat fyrir fjölskyldu ykkar, og einnig til að deila með öðrum ef þið viljið. Vinsamlegast látið vita ef einhver fjölskyldumeðlimur er með fæðuóþol eða þarfnast aðstoðar, t.d. vegna fötlunar eða öryggis, og við reynum að sjá til þess að allir geti verið öruggir og notið sín.
Við viljum skapa umhverfi sem er skemmtilegt, en um leið berjumst við gegn félagslegri kúgun og umberum hvorki mismunun né ofbeldi. Ætlunin er að viðburðirnir séu aðgengilegir öllum, óháð einstaklingsgetu.
Við bjóðum sérstaklega velkomna þá einstaklinga sem finnst þeir vera jaðarsettir, kúgaðir eða ekki eiga heima í öðrum fjölskyldusamkundum. Sem hluti af Andrými félagshreyfingunni, leggjum við áherslu á samstöðu með þeim sem eru kúgaðir, stuðning við náttúruna, baráttu gegn ofbeldi – þar með talið efnahagslegt ofbeldi – og hvetjum til þátttöku í sameiginlegri ákvarðanatöku.
Bergþórugata 20
We are a group of families who meet in Andrými where we organize weekly events on Sundays.
Please join us to relax, talk, create, plan, build, construct, deconstruct, and form the world we want for ourselves and our families. You are welcome to bring food for your family, and to share, if you would like. If someone in your family has special needs (accessibility, safety, allergies, etc.) we will try to make the space and activities safe and enjoyable for everybody! There is space to relax and some tea and coffee.
We are cultivating an environment for fun and reflection where we fight oppression and do not allow discrimination and violence. The space where we meet, and the activities we organize, are intended to be accessible to people of all different abilities, and we welcome people who may have felt marginalized or excluded from other family groups. As a part of the Andrými social cooperative, we adhere to the policies of solidarity with oppressed people, support of the natural world, fight against violence including economic violence, and encourage collective decision making.
Bergþórugata 20



The building is currently not wheelchair accessible, unfortunately, but it is our top priority to make it so. An architect is already working on drawing a ramp and making an accessible bathroom in the space.

There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door), and the washrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building).

Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral.