Bergþórugata 20, 101, Reykjavik


International Women’s Day Celebration (women* only event)!!!
Mar 8 @ 18:30 – Mar 9 @ 01:00

***Íslenska fyrir neðan***
We are planning a women-trans-queer-only evening in Andrými the 8th March! We welcome all women; trans, intersex, and cis, as well as genderqueer and non-binary people who are significantly female-identified (women*). The event is open for this group only.
At 18:30 vegan dinner will be served (we welcome anyone who wants to come to andrými at 16:00 to help preparing the food!). We will celebrate the opening of a feminist section in the anarchist library (you are all welcome to bring books to donate) and will project photos of radical, powerful women from around the globe onto the walls of our communal space.
This communal space that is also a transnational (safer-)place for sharing and caring. There will be an open mic so please bring your poetry, instruments, stories and songs.
Later in the night DJ SunnaBen play so we can all bring our dance moves to the floor.
See you there!
Í Andrými fimmmtudaginn 8. mars verður haldinn kvöldfagnaður í tilefni alþjóðlegs baráttudags kvenna. Við bjóðum allar konur velkomnar: sís, trans, intersex sem og kynsegin fólk sem samsamar sig konum að einhverju marki. Viðburðurinn er einungis opinn þessum hóp.
Klukkan 18:30 verður vegan kvöldmatur í boði (Þau sem vilja hjálpa til við að elda geta komið í Andrými kl. 16:00!)
Við munum einnig setja upp og opna femíníska deild í anarkíska bókasafninu (ykkur er velkomið að koma með femínískar bækur og gefa til bókasafnsins svo sem flestir geti notið þeirra!) og hengja upp myndir af sterkum, róttækum konum víðsvegar að úr heiminum.
Það verður open mic, þannig komið með ljóðin ykkar, sögur, hljóðfæri og söngva.
Seinna um kvöldið mun DJ SunnaBen þeyta plötum og við getum gleymt okkur í trylltum dansi. Hlökkum til að sjá ykkur!

From the Greek streets
Mar 9 @ 19:00 – 23:00

From the Greek streets
Benefit night for anarchists in Greece.
This event is a benefit-event for anarchists arrested during the demonstration on the 6th of December 2017 in Greece.
Benefit dinner will be served followed by a short presentation and discussions about the 6th of December demonstrations and riots, the ongoing prisoners struggle in Greece and the meaning of revolutionary solidarity.
6 December 2008, 15 years old Alexis Grigoropoulos is shot point blank by cops in the neighborhood of Exarchia in Athens. The murder sparked a string of riots that spread like wildfire all over Greece and inspired solidarity actions and riots in more than 70 cities around the world. These events are now known as the Desember revolt. Every year on the 6th of December people take to the streets to commemorate the murder and the uprising and to continue the struggle against the oppressive mechnism of the State and capital. During this day we fight and defend our neighborhoods and spaces of resistance, our self-organized projects, the ground where we live, meet and organize to fight back. Nine years after the December revolt people still face the same murdeous institutions that want to control our lives according to their desire for profit and social control.
During times of economic and political destabilization, known by some as crisis – another word for the restructuring of society in favour of the capital and the state-, there were many that had hoped for and thought that a Syriza led left-wing government would save them. As was pointed out before and has now been confirmed, the government of Syriza has only continued the violent impositions of social policies that aims for the continoues flow of capital profit. With a “soft” approach to repression, always hiding themselfes behind the police institution, it has stepped up its efforts to flatten the resistance of thouse who are fighting by upgrading its legal arsenal (new prison and penal codes), detentions and violent beating of demonstrators. Hope will not save us, neither a leftist government, or any government for that matter. There is only our struggle and the relationships we build that can bring us closer to our goals.
Noting is over,everything continous.

Year gathering of Lithuanian community
Mar 17 @ 14:00 – 17:00

It will be preview all year round about what events organised, how these events touch everybody, Lithuanian impact in Icelandic society. Board members election and plans for 2018.

Closed event
Mar 22 @ 19:30 – 21:00
Stelpu munch
Mar 22 @ 20:00 – Mar 23 @ 10:00
Konuhópur Rauða krossins
Mar 23 @ 16:00 – 18:00

Konuhópur Rauða krossins er blandaður hópur flóttakvenna, íslenskra kvenna og kvenna af erlendum uppruna sem hittist síðasta föstudag í hverjum mánuði, kl. 16.00 – 18.00 með það að markmiði að kynnast, efla og styrkja tengslanet og deila sögum og samveru.
Í byrjun hvers misseris hittast konur og búa til dagskrá – í mars á að skoða handverk frá ólíkum löndum og læra hver af annarri. Að þessu sinni er samveran 23. mars (síðasti föstudagur mánaðarins er frídagur) í róttæka félagsrýminu Andrými. Einnig verður stutt kynning á því sem gerist í Andrými!
The woman group in the Red Cross is a mixed group of refugees, Icelandic women and women of foreign origin who meet every last Friday of the month, at 16:00 – 18:00 with the aim of getting to know each other, empowering each other and to strengthen the people network. It’s also a place to share stories and togetherness.
At the beginning of each semester some of the women meet and create a program – in March we will explore handcrafts from different countries and learn from each other. This time, the collaboration on March 23 and will be held in Andrými, where we’ll also get to learn about the different activities that take place there.

Family party to get Eugene home to his children
Mar 24 @ 14:00 – 17:00

Eugene Imotu was deported to Nigeria and separated from his children last June, his family received the residence permit in Iceland two months later. He is now however asked to pay about 1.14 million Icelandic krona to the State (cost of his custody and detention by 4 police officers) before his case can be presented back to the immigration Office. A first event (a concert) was organized in January to start raising the money, the 24th of March we will organize a second fundraising event, family friendly, to help Eugene come back to his children. Come to have a good time at Andrými, there will be food and activities for the children.
The detailed program will be presented later.
This event will be vegan friendly.

Closed event
Mar 29 @ 19:30 – 21:00
Shape of the "Other" to come // Czy "Inność" nadejdzie
Mar 31 @ 20:00 – 22:00

…but what do you mean by “the Other”? i’d hear it frequently after gigs and performances; “that surely was something e l s e”. oh, was it? that’s like one ideal casual commentary. it doesn’t even imply neither negativity nor positivity. and yet, when we contact with an object from which we differ, it’s hardly ever neutral. but not in an easy dichotomic way – it’s tricky to decode. which assumptions were quick, which were not rooted in our own preferences? one can easily fall for hatred or fetishization of the Other. capitalist society made us all dive unconsciously into the perils of individualism early at our lives, where we swirl around neglecting and embracing our unclear otherness.
it needs contemplation and critique. self-critique, perhaps? that’s what on our (?) minds.
the music this night will be provided by Kinga Kozłowska (aka Teenage Lightning), Szymon Keler and Miłosz Cirocki (aka Niemy Dotyk). we will be playing collage DJ sets about our understanding of the notion of the Other. the political frame is obvious – we’re all Poles, semi-proud leaders of immigration, with basic Icelandic skills, and we are asking ourselves, how do we perceive our otherness here? but the metaphorical sense remains open to interpretation, and that’s what we invite you to.

Sexual Assault Survivors Anonymous
Apr 3 @ 17:00 – 20:00

The group is for sexual assault and violence survivors to come together and share their thoughts, feelings, and stories in a completely anonymous setting free of judgment. We aim to give survivors a safe space where they can talk freely.
We will have a trigger warning discussion before every event for people with trauma.
The event is open for survivors of all genders & sexualities.