Bergþórugata 20, 101, Reykjavik


Undirbúningur fyrir Rojava mótmælin/ Preparation for the Rojava demonstration.
Oct 19 @ 12:00 – 17:00

Come over from 12 o’clock to make new signs, and banners for the demonstration in solidarity with Rojava.

Bring your ideas and materials 🙂


There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door).
The bathrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building). There is no bathroom on the ground floor.
Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral. The event takes place upstairs.

Monthly cleaning! / Mánaðarleg hreingerning!
Nov 24 @ 16:00 – 20:00

Let’s clean the house!

Let’s get Andrými clean and cozy! We will need your lovely help to keep the space as nice as possible, so please come by even if it’s just for a short while!

Sunday 24th 16:00-20:00 PM.

Gerum Andrými hreint og kósý fyrir veturinn!
Sunnudaginn 24 / kl. 16 til kl. 20

Monthly cleaning! / Mánaðarleg hreingerning!
Dec 5 @ 19:00 – 22:00

Let’s clean the house!

Let’s get Andrými clean and cozy! We will need your lovely help to keep the space as nice as possible, so please come by even if it’s just for a short while!

Thursday 5 december 19:00-22:00 PM.


Gerum Andrými hreint og kósý fyrir veturinn!
Fimmtudaginn 5 / kl. 19 til kl. 22


Anarchist library work session – Unnið í bókasafni anarkista
Dec 19 @ 19:00 – 22:00

Andspyrna’s makeover – tending to the anarchist library .

The anarchist library Andspyrna keeps growing with new books getting added almost every month. These are books that are rarely accessible elsewhere in Iceland so it is important to keep them in good shape for the rascals and rebels of today and tomorrow.

We will meet to first tidy up the library, tag any new additions, and then hopefully give some tender loving care to any books that might be slightly out of shape!

Feel free to bring snacks to share or your favourite playlist. Let’s spend a cosy evening together!



Andrými is at Bergþórugata 20.
(The entrance is by Vitastígur)

The building is currently not wheelchair accessible, unfortunately, but it is our top priority to make it so. An architect is already working on drawing a ramp and making an accessible bathroom in the space.
There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door). The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building).

The washrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement.
Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral. Pronoun tags/badges will be available.

The library is located in a small room on the ground floor.

Krossfest I – Upphitun fyrir Norðanpaunk . Concert fundarising
Jan 11 @ 19:00 – 22:00

Fyrstu upphitunartónleikar fyrir Norðanpaunk verða haldnir í Andrými laugardaginn 11 Janúar. Fram koma:


1000kr inn en engum verður vísað frá vegna fjárskorts.
Tónleikarnir hefjast uppúr 19 og munu klárast fyrir 22.
Eyrnatappar og heyrnahlífar í boði.

Monthly cleaning! / Mánaðarleg hreingerning!
Jan 14 @ 16:00 – 20:00

Let’s clean the house!

Let’s get Andrými clean and cozy! We will need your lovely help to keep the space as nice as possible, so please come by even if it’s just for a short while! Bonus points if you bring a car, so we can bring things to sorpa!

Gerum Andrými hreint og kósý fyrir nýja árið!


Crazy night party(Test)
Jan 24 @ 04:00 – 05:00
Fjáröflunartónleikar fyrir Andrými!
Feb 1 @ 18:00 – 22:30

Laugardaginn þann 1. febrúar verða fjáröflunartónleikar fyrir Andrými!
Fram koma:

Verð: 1000kr?
Engum vísað frá vegna fjárskorts!

Fundraiser concert for Andrými to pay the rent!



Suggested price 1000 kr, always sliding scale, everybody welcome even without $$$

Lunch and crafts – welcoming art space
Feb 2 @ 13:00 – 15:00

Lunch and crafts is a new cyclic meeting program destined for everyone who would be interested in spending time with people while fulfilling themselves artistically. We will be hanging out every other Sunday at lunch time in Andrymi’s cosy room. It’s an occasion not only to do some crafts, but also to make new friends. Every meeting we will be focusing on different genre of art. If you have a creative mind, but you prefer to express it in a company of people, join us and let’s create together!
This week: knitting, embroidery etc. everything concerning yarn, wool, embroidery floss
If you have some tools and materials (old clothes, tshirts, caps etc. are also available), bring them, if not – we will share. If you would like to pursue any other genre of art, you are welcome to do that.

During meetings we will not only eat lunch and create together, it is also a chance for you to shine. If you would like to sing, read poetry or make out this time even more pleasant, you are welcome to come and use the space as a place of a free expression.

The goal is to destine products of our common work for future fundraising helping the cause of keeping Andrými alive and healthy. (But if you would like to make something only for yourself, that’s ok too!)

The meeting will take place on Sunday from 13:00/15:00 (approximately)

The Andrými house has it limits regarding accessibility. We are willing to meet any requests about improving accessibility or assisting anyone that asks.
There is a step before the garden gate and then 5 steps leading to the main entrance, each 17 cm high, door widths in the building vary between 50 cm (upstairs washroom door) and 80 cm (entrance door).
The bathrooms are so far only on the upper floor and in the basement. The door to the meeting room is 75 cm wide (as most other doors in the building). There is no bathroom on the ground floor. The event takes place on the first floor.
Both washrooms in the building are gender neutral.

Monthly Cleaning Day
Feb 9 @ 15:00 – 18:00

Let’s clean the house!

Let’s get Andrými clean and cozy! We will need your lovely help to keep the space as nice as possible, so please come by even if it’s just for a short while! Bonus points if you bring a car, so we can bring things to sorpa!

Gerum Andrými hreint og kósý fyrir nýja árið!